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casual dress 便服      evening dress晚礼服


my coat and my umbrella please.=give me my coat and my umbrella

(show me your) Ticket,please.     passort护照

sorry = i'm sorry(为自己所犯过错道歉,对他人有所伤害)

what can i do for you ,sir?

this is not my umbrella.

suit 一套衣服    a man's/woman's suit

nice to meet you /nice to see you (meet表示第一次见到)

what make(牌子)is this car?

what nationality are you? =where are you from.=where do you come from ?

what colour is it?   it is what colour.

make n.牌子,类型,型号,样式

keyboard operator


too(肯定句)和either(否定句),也   *****,too/either

is Sophie Italian,too?      what's your job?     what do you do?

how have you been?你一向可好?

how is life?生活如何?      how are things?情况怎么样?  how is work?工作怎么样?

what is Tom  like?tom 看上去怎么样?   he is very fat 。

look  面向,朝向(look on) 看瞧观望look at 

catch :接住拦住catch!  逮住捕获 catch a thief  染上catch a cold/i have catch a bad cold.

suit skirt  dress suit blouse 

same    :   the same 同一的,相同的

custom  n,风俗习惯;custom海关,征收关税的程序。






所有格形容词  my    your  his her its our    their

所有格代词     mine yours his hers   ours  theirs

this is my car.     this car is mine.


num :one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty

twenty-one   twenty-two thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety     a hundred   ahundred and one   thousand   

a fine view/a fine teacher/he is a man with fine manners.

what colour's yours shirt?= what coulor is yours shirt?

keep off the grass!请勿践踏草地!   help yourself. 请自己动手。


come and see this goldfish.  go and buy yourself a new pair of shoes.  wait and see.


blue 蓝色的蔚蓝的;沮丧的忧郁的。




country:German French English Italian Japanese Chinese Korean  Swedish 

job: 职业 工作活计(the whole job takes about 40 minutes.)职责(it's your job to be on time准时是你应该做到的事)

nurse:护士 v照料照看all ter time goes into nursing her child.  v 养护培养 nurse a young tree      /  nurse an author of promise

fat thin tall short dirty clean hot cold young old busy lazy thin fine

colour:blue white grey red orange black white green brown yellow


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/qj696/p/15778198.html