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My mother-in-law left us an unexpected and priceless gift. After she died, my husband and his sister were going through the contents of her house when they discovered every letter that we had written her during our 46-year marriage. She also kept all the letters that my mother had written to her over the years.
During the pandemic (大流行), I’ve had time to go through these letters. I read of our early married life, our struggle to have children and, especially, the progress of our three children from birth to adulthood. I began writing all these details for my children, and now they have details about when they were small. I discovered much that I had forgotten.
To read the letters written by my mother to my husband’s mother is a gift. I wish that I had saved my mother’s letters to me, but now I have these letters that tell me things about my own mother that I never knew. I see that Mom and Mamma shared their great love for us, their children, and for our children, their grandchildren。


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/gaokao/p/15757256.html