首页 > 其他分享> > Clickhouse-copier数据复制-迁移案例








先观察一下 ClickHouse 在文件系统上的目录结构(配置文件 /ect/clickhouse-server/config.xml 里面配置的 ),为了便于查看,只保留了 data 和 metadata 目录。


  1. 在源集群的硬盘上打包好对应数据库或表的 data 和 metadata 数据
  2. 拷贝到目标集群对应的目录
  3. 重启 clickhouse-server

方案二:使用 remote 表函数

ClickHouse 除了查询常规的表,还能使用表函数来构建一些特殊的「表」,其中 remote 函数 可用于查询另一个 ClickHouse 的表。


  1. 在源集群的 system.tables 表查询出数据库、表、DDL、分区、表引擎等信息
  2. 在目标集群上,运行 DDL 创建表,然后运行上述迁移语句复制数据
  3. 遍历所有表,执行 2






该配置文件由日志级别信息和源端集群zk的配置信息两部分组成。 此配置文件用于clickhouse-copier启动。

        <node index="1">
        <node index="2">
        <node index="3">



        <!-- 源集群配置信息 -->
        	  <!-- 分片1 -->
                		<!-- 副本1 -->
                    <!-- 副本2 -->
            <!-- 分片2 -->
        <!-- 目标集群配置信息 -->
        	<!-- 分片1 -->
            		<!-- 副本1 -->
                <!-- 副本2 -->
          <!-- 分片2 -->
          <!-- 分片3 -->
     <!-- copier最大进程数 -->
    <!-- 同步表信息 -->
         <!-- table_test_job为自定义分类标签,仅用来区分不同的表同步任务 -->
            <!-- pull信息,源表位置 -->
            <!-- push信息,目标表位置 -->
            <!-- 目的表的engine信息,目标集群没有表的情况下,会根据此engine配置创建表 -->
            <engine>            ENGINE=ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{shard}/库名/表名', '{replica}')
            PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(time)
            ORDER BY (device_guid, point_code, time, device_type)
            SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192
            <!-- 用于向目标集群插入数据的分片键,插入到目标的指定分片中 -->
            <!-- 查询源数据时可以添加的过滤条件 -->
                <where_condition> CounterID != 0 </where_condition>
            <!-- 指定同步的具体分区,若无此参数,则默认同步全部分区,partition值为system.part对应表的partition column -->



./zkCli.sh -server localhost:12181 create /clickhouse/copier_task
./zkCli.sh -server localhost:12181 create /clickhouse/copier_task/task
# 创建任务信息
./zkCli.sh -server localhost:12181 create /clickhouse/copier_task/task/description "`cat task.xml`"
# 查看任务信息
./zkCli.sh -server localhost:12181 get /clickhouse/copier_task/task/description
# 更新任务信息
./zkCli.sh -server localhost:12181 set /clickhouse/copier_task/task/description "`cat task.xml`"


有疑问的可以clickhouse-copier --help



clickhouse-copier --config zookeeper.xml --task-path /clickhouse/copier_task/task --base-dir ./logs & 



  1. 首先任务先要生成read_shard_n的文件路径,用于读取每个shard上的指定表的数据,任务日志如下:
2021.12.23 19:47:44.967318 [ 2676812 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Will copy 2 partitions from shard N2 (having a replica, pull table ck_default.point_data_local of cluster src_manyun_ch_cluster
2021.12.23 19:50:24.851663 [ 2676811 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: There are 2 destination partitions in shard N1 (having a replica, pull table ck_default.point_data_local of cluster src_manyun_ch_cluster
  1. 然后是按照表的partition_key和orderby的所有字段的cityHash64取余10的结果作为条件将数据进行拆分,任务日志如下:
2021.12.23 19:50:24.855281 [ 2676811 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Checking shard N1 (having a replica, pull table ck_default.point_data_local of cluster src_manyun_ch_cluster for partition 202110 piece 0 existence, executing query: SELECT 1 FROM _local.`.read_shard_0.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local` WHERE (toYYYYMM(time) = (202110 AS partition_key)) AND (cityHash64(`device_guid`, `point_code`, `time`, `device_type`) % 10 = 0 ) LIMIT 1

3. 对应这10个piece,在目的端会有10个表与之对应,表名为test_copy_piece_n(n为0,1,2,…,9),任务日志如下:

2021.12.23 19:50:43.641097 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> StorageDistributed (.read_shard_0.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local): Auto-increment is 0
2021.12.23 19:50:43.641393 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> StorageDistributed (.split.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local): Auto-increment is 0
2021.12.23 19:50:43.641728 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> StorageDistributed (.split.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_0): Auto-increment is 0
2021.12.23 19:50:43.641986 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> StorageDistributed (.split.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_1): Auto-increment is 0
2021.12.23 19:50:43.642230 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> StorageDistributed (.split.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_2): Auto-increment is 0
2021.12.23 19:50:43.642467 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> StorageDistributed (.split.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_3): Auto-increment is 0
2021.12.23 19:50:43.642702 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> StorageDistributed (.split.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_4): Auto-increment is 0
2021.12.23 19:50:43.642936 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> StorageDistributed (.split.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_5): Auto-increment is 0
2021.12.23 19:50:43.643168 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> StorageDistributed (.split.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_6): Auto-increment is 0
2021.12.23 19:50:43.643398 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> StorageDistributed (.split.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_7): Auto-increment is 0
2021.12.23 19:50:43.643619 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> StorageDistributed (.split.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_8): Auto-increment is 0
2021.12.23 19:50:43.643857 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> StorageDistributed (.split.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_9): Auto-increment is 0
2021.12.23 19:50:43.648644 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Processing /clickhouse/copier_task/task/tables/des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local/202112/piece_0/shards/1

并且可以通过下面日志可以看出,clickhouse_copier也是用的insert into … select的方式进行数据迁移的。

2021.12.23 19:50:45.481535 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Executing INSERT query: INSERT INTO _local.`.split.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_0` VALUES 
2021.12.23 20:01:08.933373 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Executing INSERT query: INSERT INTO _local.`.split.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_1` VALUES 
2021.12.23 20:11:34.144447 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Executing INSERT query: INSERT INTO _local.`.split.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_2` VALUES 
2021.12.23 20:22:05.581291 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Executing INSERT query: INSERT INTO _local.`.split.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_3` VALUES 
2021.12.23 20:32:42.431329 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Executing INSERT query: INSERT INTO _local.`.split.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_4` VALUES 
2021.12.23 20:43:09.202856 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Executing INSERT query: INSERT INTO _local.`.split.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_5` VALUES 
2021.12.23 20:53:40.903325 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Executing INSERT query: INSERT INTO _local.`.split.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_6` VALUES 
2021.12.23 21:04:11.449778 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Executing INSERT query: INSERT INTO _local.`.split.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_7` VALUES 
2021.12.23 21:14:42.446846 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Executing INSERT query: INSERT INTO _local.`.split.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_8` VALUES 
2021.12.23 21:25:12.636855 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Executing INSERT query: INSERT INTO _local.`.split.des_manyun_ch_cluster.ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_9` VALUES 

  1. 在任务完成后,会将test_copy_piece_n表中的数据attach到test_copy中,任务日志如下:
2021.12.23 21:35:42.672750 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Trying to move partition 202109 piece 0 to original table
2021.12.23 21:35:54.482164 [ 2676807 ] {} <Information> ClusterCopier: Number of nodes that executed ALTER query successfully : 6
2021.12.23 21:35:54.482228 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Trying to move partition 202109 piece 1 to original table
2021.12.23 21:36:06.144835 [ 2676807 ] {} <Information> ClusterCopier: Number of nodes that executed ALTER query successfully : 6
2021.12.23 21:36:06.144906 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Trying to move partition 202109 piece 2 to original table
2021.12.23 21:36:18.104823 [ 2676807 ] {} <Information> ClusterCopier: Number of nodes that executed ALTER query successfully : 6
2021.12.23 21:36:18.104898 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Trying to move partition 202109 piece 3 to original table
2021.12.23 21:36:30.188603 [ 2676807 ] {} <Information> ClusterCopier: Number of nodes that executed ALTER query successfully : 6
2021.12.23 21:36:30.188673 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Trying to move partition 202109 piece 4 to original table
2021.12.23 21:36:42.229121 [ 2676807 ] {} <Information> ClusterCopier: Number of nodes that executed ALTER query successfully : 6
2021.12.23 21:36:42.229197 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Trying to move partition 202109 piece 5 to original table
2021.12.23 21:36:55.973762 [ 2676807 ] {} <Information> ClusterCopier: Number of nodes that executed ALTER query successfully : 6
2021.12.23 21:36:55.973846 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Trying to move partition 202109 piece 6 to original table
2021.12.23 21:36:55.973902 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Executing ALTER query:  ALTER TABLE ck_default.point_data_test_local ATTACH PARTITION 202109 FROM ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_6
2021.12.23 21:37:12.261403 [ 2676807 ] {} <Information> ClusterCopier: Number of nodes that executed ALTER query successfully : 6
2021.12.23 21:37:12.261475 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Trying to move partition 202109 piece 7 to original table
2021.12.23 21:37:12.261500 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Executing ALTER query:  ALTER TABLE ck_default.point_data_test_local ATTACH PARTITION 202109 FROM ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_7
2021.12.23 21:37:27.623009 [ 2676807 ] {} <Information> ClusterCopier: Number of nodes that executed ALTER query successfully : 6
2021.12.23 21:37:27.623069 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Trying to move partition 202109 piece 8 to original table
2021.12.23 21:37:27.623087 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Executing ALTER query:  ALTER TABLE ck_default.point_data_test_local ATTACH PARTITION 202109 FROM ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_8
2021.12.23 21:37:40.992927 [ 2676807 ] {} <Information> ClusterCopier: Number of nodes that executed ALTER query successfully : 6
2021.12.23 21:37:40.992987 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Trying to move partition 202109 piece 9 to original table
2021.12.23 21:37:40.993029 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Executing ALTER query:  ALTER TABLE ck_default.point_data_test_local ATTACH PARTITION 202109 FROM ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_9
2021.12.23 21:37:55.531416 [ 2676807 ] {} <Information> ClusterCopier: Number of nodes that executed ALTER query successfully : 6
2021.12.23 21:37:55.536704 [ 2676807 ] {} <Information> ClusterCopier: It took 6297.173648588 seconds to copy partition 202109: 377.38 GB uncompressed bytes, 4.39 billion rows and 5356530 source blocks are copied
  1. 最后会将中间过程生成的test_copy_piece_n表都删除掉,任务日志如下:

2021.12.23 21:37:55.536783 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Removing helping tables
2021.12.23 21:37:55.536796 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Removing helping tables piece 0
2021.12.23 21:37:55.536835 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Execute distributed DROP TABLE: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_0
2021.12.23 21:37:55.538885 [ 2676807 ] {} <Information> ClusterCopier: DROP TABLE query was successfully executed on 6 nodes.
2021.12.23 21:37:55.538944 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Removing helping tables piece 1
2021.12.23 21:37:55.538961 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Execute distributed DROP TABLE: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_1
2021.12.23 21:37:55.540567 [ 2676807 ] {} <Information> ClusterCopier: DROP TABLE query was successfully executed on 6 nodes.
2021.12.23 21:37:55.540596 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Removing helping tables piece 2
2021.12.23 21:37:55.540626 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Execute distributed DROP TABLE: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_2
2021.12.23 21:37:55.542177 [ 2676807 ] {} <Information> ClusterCopier: DROP TABLE query was successfully executed on 6 nodes.
2021.12.23 21:37:55.542206 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Removing helping tables piece 3
2021.12.23 21:37:55.542220 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Execute distributed DROP TABLE: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_3
2021.12.23 21:37:55.543788 [ 2676807 ] {} <Information> ClusterCopier: DROP TABLE query was successfully executed on 6 nodes.
2021.12.23 21:37:55.543831 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Removing helping tables piece 4
2021.12.23 21:37:55.543847 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Execute distributed DROP TABLE: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_4
2021.12.23 21:37:55.545196 [ 2676807 ] {} <Information> ClusterCopier: DROP TABLE query was successfully executed on 6 nodes.
2021.12.23 21:37:55.545225 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Removing helping tables piece 5
2021.12.23 21:37:55.545253 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Execute distributed DROP TABLE: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_5
2021.12.23 21:37:55.546966 [ 2676807 ] {} <Information> ClusterCopier: DROP TABLE query was successfully executed on 6 nodes.
2021.12.23 21:37:55.546997 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Removing helping tables piece 6
2021.12.23 21:37:55.547013 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Execute distributed DROP TABLE: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_6
2021.12.23 21:37:55.548483 [ 2676807 ] {} <Information> ClusterCopier: DROP TABLE query was successfully executed on 6 nodes.
2021.12.23 21:37:55.548532 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Removing helping tables piece 7
2021.12.23 21:37:55.548549 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Execute distributed DROP TABLE: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_7
2021.12.23 21:37:55.550149 [ 2676807 ] {} <Information> ClusterCopier: DROP TABLE query was successfully executed on 6 nodes.
2021.12.23 21:37:55.550182 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Removing helping tables piece 8
2021.12.23 21:37:55.550213 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Execute distributed DROP TABLE: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_8
2021.12.23 21:37:55.551712 [ 2676807 ] {} <Information> ClusterCopier: DROP TABLE query was successfully executed on 6 nodes.
2021.12.23 21:37:55.551741 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Removing helping tables piece 9
2021.12.23 21:37:55.551769 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> ClusterCopier: Execute distributed DROP TABLE: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ck_default.point_data_test_local_piece_9
2021.12.23 21:37:55.581328 [ 2676807 ] {} <Information> ClusterCopier: DROP TABLE query was successfully executed on 6 nodes.
2021.12.23 21:37:55.581638 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage (for query): 2.25 GiB.
2021.12.23 21:37:55.581696 [ 2676807 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage (for query): 2.25 GiB.




[zk: localhost:12181(CONNECTED) 7] ls /clickhouse/copier_task/task/tables 


[zk: localhost:12181(CONNECTED) 7] ls /clickhouse/copier_task/task/task_active_workers


[zk: localhost:12181(CONNECTED) 11] get /clickhouse/copier_task/task/task_active_workers_version

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/wayne_primes/article/details/122216450