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What is a Value Change Dump (VCD) file?


Verilog is a Hardware Description Language (HDL) used to model digital logic. The values of signals can be written out to a Value Change Dump (VCD) file while simulating logic circuits. The syntax of the VCD *text file* is described in the documentation of the IEEE standard for Verilog, e.g. IEEE Std 1364-2005 starting on page 325.

<Header> := <meta-data> <variable declarations>. An example of <meta-data>:

    Mon Dec 20 00:14:23 2021
    Icarus Verilog

<timescale> := <number> [s, ms, us, ns, ps, or fs]

An example of variable declarations (within a hierarchical scope):

$scope module test_encoder $end
  $var wire 2 ! out [1:0] $end
  $var reg 1 " enable $end
  $var reg 8 # in [7:0] $end
$scope module testee $end
  $var wire 1 " enable $end
  $var wire 8 $ in [7:0] $end
  $var reg 2 % out [1:0] $end
$upscope $end
$upscope $end

<scope-line> := $scope <type> <name> $end

<variable-line> := $var <type> <n_bits> <id> <name/reference> [width] $end
In the above example, ! " # are ids, out, enable, in are names or references. If the variable had a width, it would then be followed by something like [MSB:LSB] (Most/Least Significant Bit).

The header section is ended by an $enddefinitions line. Then comes a $dumpvars ... $end section, e.g.

bx % 

which means: %(out) has an initial value x bits, "(enable) has an initial value 0 (one bit).

<data-section> := lines+ // >=1 lines
<lines> := <time-line> <value-change-lines> // For example:

b1 !
b1 %
b10 #

A time line starts with a # and a value that specifies the time units. time_unit * time_scale = time.

A b prefix precedes all of the bits for multibit values. When a VCD file is written by you, you can omit some bits: the value is left-extended as an unsigned.

We've seen BNF like: <Header> := <meta-data> <variable declarations>. We could write a parser in python using ply (lex and yacc), but why bother when there are at least two modules? Verilog_vcd and vcdvcd.

This is the verilog file:

module encoder(out, in, enable);
output[1:0]    out;
reg[1:0]       out;
input[7:0]     in;
input          enable;
always @ (enable or in) begin
if(enable) begin
    if(in == 1) begin out = 0; end
    if(in == 2) begin out = 1; end
    if(in == 4) begin out = 2; end
    if(in == 8) begin out = 3; end
end endmodule

module test_encoder();
reg         enable;
wire[1:0]   out;
reg[7:0]    in;
initial begin
    $dumpvars(0, test_encoder);
    $monitor("%t %b %b %b", $time, enable, in, out);
    enable = 0;
    #5 enable = 1;
    #1 in = 1;
    #1 in = 2;
    #1 in = 4;
    #1 in = 8;
    #10 $finish;
encoder testee(out, in, enable);

Verilog $dumpvars and $dumpfile and (referencedesigner.com)   Verilog Display Tasks (chipverify.com)   Icarus Verilog的使用 - 博客园

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/funwithwords/p/15709386.html