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GNU Chess棋力很强,值得学习: As of 2 September 2017 GNU Chess 5.60 is rated at 2813 Elo points (when using one CPU) on CCRL's 40-moves-in-40-minutes list. For comparison, the strongest chess engine in the list using one CPU, Strelka 5.5, has an Elo rating of 3108 (the 295 ELO point difference indicates that Strelka 5.5 would beat GNU Chess 5.60 in about 85% of games). On the same list, Fritz 8 is rated at only 2701, and that program in the 2004 Man vs Machine World Team Championship beat grandmasters Sergey Karjakin, Veselin Topalov and reached a draw with Ruslan Ponomariov. The IQ6 test suite (a collection of chess problems from Livshits's book Test Your Chess IQ) indicates that on a single core of an Intel Core 2 Duo CPU GNU Chess performs at the senior master/weak international master strength of 2500+ on the Elo rating system.

我正在把engine目录下所有的.h和.cpp合并成一个gnuchess.cpp(像SQLite那样). VC下建个console工程,一个.cpp丢进去,就可以下棋和跟踪代码了。输入h4e5来走子。最大的源文件eval.cpp 1917行,空行很多。全部源文件应该不超过1万行,甚至4~5000行。通过看C程序提高国际象棋水平(如何评价局面),也是种烦恼呢。:-)


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/funwithwords/p/15706780.html