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论文写作 18: 审稿意见回复要直截了当


稿件投到期刊, 如果编辑让你修改, 多半就有戏了. 在修改论文的同时, 需要准备一个 point-to-point 的回复. 几点注意事项:

  1. 思想上务必要端正态度, 编辑和审稿人花大量时间义务审稿不是想为难你, 而是来帮助你改进论文质量.
  2. 问题应该直接回答, 而不要顾左右而言他.
  3. 回复不要太长, 正文中进行相应的修改才是重点. 审稿人更关注你正文修改得如何, 毕竟它才是呈现给读者的内容.
  4. 正文中修改部分应用蓝色字标出.

The paper clearly states what it will do. Giving a reasonable estimation to the number of labels in cost-sensitive active learning is indeed important. The idea is new.
Response: We thank the reviewer for the kind words.

审稿人会对你的论文进行一个总结, 你直接这样回复表示感谢即可.

  1. Why is determining the number of labels in cost-sensitive active learning
    an important issue?
    Response: In cost-sensitive active learning, a higher number of queried labels leads to higher teacher costs, but may also reduce the misclassification cost. Hence, the number of labels determines the trade-off between the teacher and misclassification costs. We have added some text to explain this in the second paragraph of the introduction.
    问题通常有编号, 如果审稿人没给编号, 你自己也给一个. 这里直接回答问题, 同时指出在论文中哪里进行了修改.

  2. Why is the optimization objective of cost-sensitive active learning to minimize the sum of the teacher cost and the misclassification cost?
    Response: Cost-sensitive learning usually aims to minimize the total cost. Because we consider teacher and misclassification costs in this paper, the optimization objective is to minimize their sum. We have added some explanations to clarify this in Section 3.1.

  3. Page 7, “Min et al. [23] considered the classification expectation and divided the entire data into three regions.” Do you use a similar method of three regions in this paper?
    Response: In paper [23] (now [28]), Region I contains instances for which the expected misclassification cost is lower than the teacher cost, Region II contains instances to be labeled by the oracle, and Region III contains the
    remaining instances. In this paper, we use a similar method that consists of three regions. Region I contains instances labeled by the oracle, Region II contains instances classified by the active learner, and Region III contains the remaining instances.

  4. In Figure 1, “Round 1” may be better than “Step 1.”
    Response: We accept the reviewer’s suggestion.
    这个回复就很短, 甚至可以写成 “Suggestion accepted.”

  5. The English writing should be polished, especially in the experimental part.
    Response: We thank the reviewer for this important suggestion. We have consulted Edanz Editing to address the language issues.
    有钱任性, 就可以找专业编辑修改语言. 一篇论文需要 3000-5000 RMB, 而且现在的科研经费不能报销 (曾经可以).

  6. Experiments: I missed a discussion of the results. A discussion of the results is needed.
    Response: Thank you for bringing this important issue to our attention. We have added Section 6.5 to discuss the advantages and limitations of ALSE.
    为了一个审稿意见, 我们会增加一个小节甚至新的对比算法. 本文算法的优势和劣势都要讨论, 这才是科研的态度.

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/minfanphd/article/details/121986124