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arXiv journal 2021.1216


Aspects of BFKL physics at HERA

Abstract: Aspects of small x physics at HERA are discussed in honor of the work of Lev Lipatov, who influenced and motivated a whole generation of physicists to investigate this
new region of phase space. The introduction of transverse momentum dependent parton
densities is one of the essential aspects of small x and BFKL physics, and its extension to
all flavors with application to various processes marks a new milestone.

I still want to know sth about BFKL physics

The Infrared Structure of Perturbative Gauge Theories

Abstract: Infrared divergences in the perturbative expansion of gauge theory amplitudes and cross sections have been a focus of theoretical investigations for almost a century. New insights still continue to emerge, as higher perturbative orders are explored, and high-precision phenomenological applications demand an ever more refined understanding. This review aims to provide a pedagogical overview of the subject. We briefly cover some of the early historical results, we provide some simple examples of low-order applications in the context of perturbative QCD, and discuss the necessary tools to extend these results to all pertur- bative orders. Finally, we describe recent developments concerning the calculation of soft anomalous dimensions in multi-particle scattering amplitudes at high orders, and we pro- vide a brief introduction to the very active field of infrared subtraction for the calculation
of differential distributions at colliders.

This is long (but should be nice) review on IR physics.

Global analysis of electroweak data in the Standard Model

Abstract: We perform a global fit of electroweak data within the Standard Model, using state-of-the art experimental and theoretical results, including a determination of the electromagnetic coupling at the electroweak scale based on recent lattice calculations. In addition to the posteriors for all parameters and observables obtained from the global fit, we present indirect determinations for all parameters and predictions for all observables. Furthermore, we present full predictions, obtained using only the experimental information on Standard Model parameters, and a fully indirect determination of Standard Model parameters using only experimental information on electroweak data. Finally, we discuss in detail the compatibility of experimental data with the Standard Model and find a global p-value of 0.5.

Let’s learn some progress in SM EW global fit

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/Machine_yan/article/details/121970370