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4.7 Data transfer Objects 数据传输对象


Data transfer Objects 数据传输对象

A DTO is a simple object that is used to transfer state (data) between the Application and Presentation Layers. So,Application Service methods gets and returns DTOs.


Common DTO Principles & Best Practices DTO一般原则和最佳实践

Input DTOs (those are passed to the Application Service methods) have different natures than Output DTOs (those are returned from the Application Service methods). So, they will be treated differently.


Input DTO Best Practices 输入DTO最佳实践

Do not Define Unused Properties for Input DTOs 不要为输入DTO定义无用的属性

Define only the properties needed for the use case! Otherwise,it will be confusing for the clients to use the Application Service method. You can surely define optional properties, but they should effect how the use case is working, when the client provides them.

只定义用例所需的属性! 否则,客户端在使用应用服务方法时就会感到困惑。你当然可以定义可选的属性,但当客户端提供这些属性时,它们可能会影响用例的工作方式。

This rule seems unnecessary first. Who would define unused parameters (input DTO properties) for a method? But it happens, especially when you try to reuse input DTOs.


Do not Re-Use Input DTOs 不要重复使用输入DTO

Define a specialized input DTO for each use case (Application Service method). Otherwise, some properties are not used in some cases and this violates the rule defined above: Do not Define Unused Properties for Input DTOs.


Sometimes, it seems appealing to reuse the same DTO class for two use cases, because they are almost same. Even if they are same now, they will probably become different by the time and you will come to the same problem. Code duplication is a better practice than coupling use cases.


Another way of reusing input DTOs is inheriting DTOs from each other. While this can be useful in some rare cases, most of the time it brings you to the same point.


Example: User Application Service 示例:用户应用服务


IUserAppService uses UserDto as the input DTO in all methods (use cases). UserDto is defined below:



For this example; 就这个例子而言:

A true implementation can be like that: 真正的实现可以是这样的:


With the given input DTO classes: 用到的输入DTO类:


This is more maintainable approach although more code is written.


Exceptional Case: There can be some exceptions for this rule: If you always want to develop two methods in parallel, they may share the same input DTO (by inheritance or direct reuse). For example, if you have a reporting page that has some filters and you have multiple Application Service methods (like screen report, excel report and csv report methods) use the same filters but returns different results, you may want to reuse the same filter input DTO to couple these use cases. Because, in this example, whenever you change a filter, you have to make the necessary changes in all the methods to have a consistent reporting system.


Input DTO Validation Logic 输入DTO校验逻辑

Example: Using Data Annotation Attributes 示例:使用数据注解属性


ABP Framework automatically validates input DTOs, throws AbpValidationException and returns HTTP Status 400 to the client in case of an invalid input.


Some developers think it is better to separate the validation rules and DTO classes. We think the declarative (Data Annotation) approach is practical and useful and doesn't cause any design problem. However, ABP also supports FluentValidation integration if you prefer the other approach.

一些开发者认为将验证规则和DTO类分开更好。我们认为声明式(Data Annotation)的方法是实用的的和有用的,不会引起任何设计问题。然而,如果你喜欢其他的方法,ABP也支持FluentValidation集成。

See the Validation document for all validation options.


Output DTO Best Practices 输出DTO的最佳实践

The main goals of these suggestions are;

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/tjubuntu/p/15674766.html