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3GPP TS 23502-h20 中英文对照 | ECS Address Configuration Information Parameters


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AF provided ECS Address Configuration Information that an AF may provide to the 5GC is described in Table The AF may associate ECS Address Configuration Information with a group of UE or with any UE.

表4.15.6.3d-1中描述了AF可向5GC提供的AF提供的ECS Address Configuration Information。AF可以将ECS Address Configuration Information与一组UE或任何UE相关联。

The AF-provided ECS Address Configuration Information may include DNN and/or S-NSSAI to be associated with the ECS Address Configuration Information. If it is not included in the AF-provided ECS Address Configuration Information, this may be determined by the NEF based on the AF Identifier.

AF提供的ECS Address Confguration Information可以包括要与ECS Address Configuration Information关联的DNN和/或S-NSSAI。如果未包括在AF提供的ECS Address Configuration Information中,则这可由NEF基于AF Identifier来确定。

Multiple AF may configure 5GC with AF provided ECS Address Configuration Information.

多个AF可以使用AF提供的ECS Address Configuration Information配置5GC。

The Subscription provided ECS Address Configuration Information that a SMF may receive is described in Table

SMF可能收到的Subscription提供的ECS Address Configuration Information如表4.15.6.3d-2所示。

ECS Address Configuration Information is provided to SMF as Session Management Subscription data. The ECS Address Configuration Information is associated with a DNN and S-NSSAI included in the message from UDM.

ECS Address Configuration Information作为Session Management Subscription数据提供给SMF。ECS Address Configuration Information与UDM消息中包含的DNN和S-NSSAI关联。

The SMF is not to assumed to understand the internal structure of ECS Address Configuration Information.

不假设SMF了解ECS Address Configuration Information的内部结构。

Table Description of AF provided ECS Address Configuration Information provided by the AF

ECS Address Configuration InformationConsists of:- one or more FQDN(s) and/or IP Address(es) of Edge Configuration Server(s);- an ECS Provider ID. The identifier of the Edge Configuration Server (ECS) Provider (such as Edge Computing Service Provider);- Spatial Validity Condition per Edge Configuration Server, which may correspond to one of following alternatives:- a geographical area;- a Presence Reporting Area;- a list of TA(s);- a list of countries (list of MCC); where ECS Address Configuration Information is applicable.
TargetThis may correspond to one of:- a group of UE identified by an external group Id;- any UE.

Table Description of Subscription provided ECS Address Configuration Information (as sent to the SMF)

ECS Address Configuration InformationAs defined in Table The SMF is not to assumed to understand the internal structure of ECS Address Configuration Information.The Spatial Validity Condition is as defined in Table but without the possibility of a geographical area and the possibility of a list of MCC.

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/guolianggsta/article/details/121844469