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3GPP TS 23502-h20 中英文对照 | 5G VN group data


个人在学习5G标准3GPP TS 23502-h20过程中,也发现google的机器翻译实在晦涩难懂,所以个人在借助百度翻译(中国人更懂中文)的同时,人工对每句话进行了校对。

在自己学习的同时,也将翻译内容分享给给广大网友。由于个人能力有限,翻译不到位的地方还请各位网友们指正。 5G VN group data

The 5G VN group data is described in Table

5G VN组数据如表4.15.6.3b-1所示。

Table Description of 5G VN group data

DNNDNN for the 5G VN group
S-NSSAIS-NSSAI for the 5G VN group
PDU Session TypePDU Session Types allowed for 5G VN group
Application descriptorThere may be multiple instances of this information; this information may be used to build URSP sent to 5G VN group members (NOTE 1)
Information related with secondary authentication / authorizationThis may indicate:- the need for secondary authentication/authorization (as defined in clause 5.6 of TS 23.501 [2]);- the need for SMF to request the UE IP address from the DN-AAA server.If at least one of secondary authentication/authorization or DN-AAA UE IP address allocation is needed, the AF may provide DN-AAA server addressing information.
NOTE 1: As described in TS 23.503 [20], the PCF may be configured with a mapping from Application Descriptor to other information required to construct the URSP rules, e.g. IP filters and SSC mode.

The information described in Table corresponds to 5G VN group data that an AF may provide together with External Group ID.

表4.15.6.3b-1中描述的信息对应于AF可与External Group ID一起提供的5G VN组数据。

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/guolianggsta/article/details/121844087