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Day28 select语句的使用


select distinct stuId from result;--相同的学号只取一次

select score,distinct stuId from result;--distinct只能在开头,不能在中间

select distinct stuId from result order by stuId desc;--会把学生编号降序排列

select r.*,@a:=@a+1 from result r,(select @a:=0) s;--嵌套语句增加行键
--s是(select @a:=0)这个临时表的表别名

select * from result where score between 80 and 90 and score not in (80,90);

select * from result where not (score<80 or score>90);
--(score<80 or score>90)表示小于80,大于90.not表示取反,结果就是取介于80-90之间的值

select * from result where stuId not in (select stuId from student);

select * from subject where ClassHour is not null;

select * from result where stuId not in (select stuId from student);

select stuId  as '学生ID', score '成绩' from result where stuId in
 (select stuId from student where address like '%学院');
 select stuName '学生姓名', score '成绩' from result r
 join student s on r.stuId=s.stuId
 where address like '%学院';
 select GradeName , stuName from student
 join grade on student.gradeId =grade.gradeId
 where GradeName='大一'
 select a.stuName 警官幼儿园, b.stuName 警官托儿所
 from student a join student b
 where a.address='警官幼儿园' and b.address='警官托儿所';
 select r.stuId, stuName '学生姓名',score '成绩' from result r
 join student s on r.stuId=s.stuId;
 select r.stuId , stuName '学生姓名',score '成绩' from result r 
 right join student s on r.stuId=s.stuId;
 select r.stuId , stuName '学生姓名',score '成绩' from result r 
 right join student s on r.stuId=s.stuId;
 insert into category values (1,"软件开发",0),(2,"美术设计",0),(3,"数据库基础",0),
 select a.categoryName ,b.categoryName from category a
 join category b on a.categoryId=b.pid;

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/yuanlaishidahuaa/article/details/121515833