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An access/slip road is a short road giving access to an expressway.

What is an access road? Let's see some examples.
1. The state approved plans for managing the road and lands in July 2018, but have run into obstacles keeping the access road open to vehicles. The plans call for having multiple parking areas on Gulf Brook Road and Boreas Road, which connects to the Gulf Brook Road at the Four Corners.

2. The access road at the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport shows wear and tear and is due for paving in 2022.

3. Fire apparatus access roads are defined as a road that provides fire apparatus access from a fire station to a facility, building, subdivision or portion thereof.

4. The new road will provide a second point of access to South Ripley Schools. Currently, the only way to access the junior/high school and elementary school is Benham Road. Moorhead adds that the new access road will help reduce congestion during morning drop off and afternoon pickup, and during large events such as graduation or athletic sectionals.

5. Port Access Road. When completed, the SC Port Access Road will connect Interstate 26 to the South Carolina Ports Authority's Hugh K. Leatherman Sr. Terminal in North Charleston, SC. Scheduled to be finished prior to the opening of the new terminal, the SC Port Access Road will provide two inbound and two outbound lanes for port related traffic.

In British English, a slip road is a short road connecting a motorway, etc, to another road.

出口是exit, as "Rachel, you missed the exit." egress,e打头,ess结尾。

在美剧《生活大爆炸》里,Sheldon拿出一张软盘(floppy disk). 盘片是涂了磁粉的塑料片。disk分成若干个同心圆环(磁道, track),每个磁道又分成若个扇区(sector),每个扇区512个byte (a biteful of bits,一嘴二进制位,8个)。想access某个sector,得把磁头移到相应的track,再等着sector转到磁头下,这不是随机(random)访问。按剧情,Sheldon 2011年时26岁,小时候用5"(英寸)软盘是合理的。后来有了3"软盘,只是外壳变硬了。硬盘其实比软盘发明的早,壳体是密封的,里面有多张盘片,转速有4200, 5400, 7200, 10000 rpm(revolutions per minute)等。但也不是随机访问。你可以打开WPS Office,新建个表格,直接access第7行第8列的单元的内容,而不必一行一行来,这就可以叫做random access. Random-access memory (RAM /ræm/) is a form of computer memory that can be read and changed in any order. A random-access memory device allows data items to be read or written in almost the same amount of time irrespective of the physical location of data inside the memory. In contrast, with other direct-access data storage media such as hard disks, CD-RWs, DVD-RWs and the older magnetic tapes and drum memory, the time required to read and write data items varies significantly depending on their physical locations on the recording medium, due to mechanical limitations such as media rotation speeds and arm (磁头臂) movement.

Penny摔烂过个80GB的iPod,这80GB是块微型硬盘,iPod的内存可能有512MB. 硬盘厂商认为1000算1k,而Windows认为1024算1k,依次类推: kilo, million, giga (billion), tera (trillion),都是1000或1024倍的关系。bullion也是词。后来有了闪存(Flash),电路搭的,没有机械部件,轻、快、抗震。某手机8GB内存,128GB闪存,过去有些人/商家把它叫做128GB内存,technically wrong.

1946年的ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) 只有20个word的内存,每个word应该不会超过36个二进制位(bit)。用电子管/真空管(vacuum tube)搭的,重约30吨,耗电200千瓦。注意ton和tonne不一样。

"An Wang (王安) was a Chinese-American computer engineer and inventor, who did formidable work in the field of magnetic core memory."

"Past and Future Developments in Memory Design, The Humble Origins": The (ENIAC's) basic unit of memory was a flip-flop. A positive-edge triggered flip-flop triggers on the positive-going (0-to-1) edge of its clock input. A negative-edge triggered flip-flop triggers on the negative-going (1-to-0) edge of its clock input and is a perfectly valid thing to do, though rarely is it done.

[thefreedictionary] Flip-flop (electronics): called a trigger circuit by IBM; Schmitt trigger: an electronic circuit.

六级/考研单词: expressway, obstacle, multiple, gulf, pave, apparatus, portion, elementary, athlete, terminal, motorway, flop, random, revolve, compute, data, irrespective, physics, medium, rotate, penny, million, billion, trillion, electron, numerical, vacuum, formidable, humble, trigger, valid, seldom

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/funwithwords/p/15576819.html