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文献学习——Minimal unsatisfiable core extraction for SMT


Minimal unsatisfiable core extraction for SMT

O. Guthmann, O. Strichman and A. Trostanetski, "Minimal unsatisfiable core extraction for SMT," 2016 Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD), 2016, pp. 57-64, doi: 10.1109/FMCAD.2016.7886661.

DOI: 10.1109/FMCAD.2016.7886661




Finding a minimal (i.e., irreducible) unsatisfiable core (MUC), and high-level minimal unsatisfiable core (also known as group MUC, or GMUC), are well-studied problems in the domain of propositional satisfiability.



In contrast, in the domain of SMT, no solver in the public domain produces a minimal or group-minimal core.



Several SMT solvers, like Z3, produce a core but do not attempt to minimize it. 译文:一些SMT求解器(如Z3)会产生一个核心,但不会试图将其最小化。

The SMT solver MATHSAT has an option to try to make the core smaller, but does not guarantee minimality. 译文:SMT求解器MATHSAT有一个选项可以尝试使核心更小,但不能保证最小化。


In this article we present a method and tool, HSMTMUC, for finding MUC and GMUC for SMT solvers. 译文:在本文中,我们提出了一种方法和工具,HSMTMUC,为SMT求解器寻找MUC和GMUC。

The method is based on the well-known deletion-based MUC extraction that is used in most propositional MUC extractors, together with several new optimizations such as theory-rotation, and an adaptive activation strategy based on measurements, during execution, of the time consumed by various components, combined with exponential smoothing. 译文:该方法基于众所周知的基于删除的MUC提取,这是在大多数命题MUC提取器中使用的,加上一些新的优化,如理论旋转,和自适应激活策略,基于测量,在执行过程中,各种组件所消耗的时间,结合指数平滑。


We implemented HSMT-MUC on top of Z3 and MATHSAT, and evaluated its performance with hundreds of SMT-LIB benchmarks. 译文:我们在Z3和MATHSAT上实现了HSMT-MUC,并使用数百个SMT-LIB基准测试来评估其性能。



来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/yuweng1689/p/15571683.html