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XT.COM关于Coinzilla AMA直播回顾



本期做客直播间的嘉宾是来自Coinzilla营销主管Bogdan Cretu。错过直播的小伙伴一起跟着xt君来回顾一下此次直播主题AMA吧!

(Q:XT.COM  A:Bogdan Cretu)


Hi, everyone! Welcome to the XT AMA Channel. XT is honored to invite Coinzilla today. Let me give a brief introduction to XT first. 

 大家好,欢迎来到XT AMA频道!今天,我们邀请到Coinzilla项目的嘉宾做客我们的AMA。首先,请允许我简单地介绍一下XT。

XT.com is the world's first real-time social trading platform with 0% leverage interest. The XT ecosystem has over 6 million global users with a daily transaction volume of close to $5 billion. The platform has real-time indicators and tools that bring the best trading atmosphere for all users. 

XT.com是世界首个杠杆率为0%的实时社交化数字资产交易所。XT生态系统拥有超过600万来自全球各地的用户,日交易额近50亿美元。 XT交易平台有实时指标和工具,可以给所有用户带来最佳的交易氛围。

XT Group governs the XT Exchange, XT Capital, XT Labs, XT Academy, XT PooL, and among additional institutions, which comprehensively lay out the industrial chain of digital asset ecology. 

 XT Group 管理XT Exchange、XT Capital、XT Labs、XT Academy、XT PooL 等机构,全面布局数字资产生态产业链。

XT exchange's innovative social model empowers the blockchain industry through newly developed social trading avenues, which were once not possible. XT has achieved this through a combined effort with our partners, like Btok and Tapatalk. 


Today, our guest is Bogdan Cretu. Let's talk to him to learn about Coinzilla. 

Hello Bogdan, thank you for joining us for the XT and Coinzilla AMA! 

今天,我们邀请到了来自Coinzilla的嘉宾Bogdan Cretu。让我们跟随嘉宾的步伐,深入了解Coinzilla吧。



Hi everyone, and thank you XT for having us on your AMA. I’m Bogdan Cretu, Head of Marketing at Coinzilla. 

大家好,感谢 XT的邀请。我是Coinzilla的营销主管Bogdan Cretu。


We would love to learn about Coinzilla. What is it? What are the advantages? 



Coinzilla is an advertising network that we launched in 2016. Our platform helps connect entrepreneurs in need of awareness for their businesses with massive crypto publications that can help them generate that awareness. 

At the moment, we have two primary products: Coinzilla Display and Coinzilla Marketplace. Our display platform helps our clients deliver advertising campaigns on our publisher’s websites. In contrast, our marketplace assists them in distributing content such as press releases, organic articles, or sponsored articles.  

Coinzilla 是我们在2016 年推出的广告网络。这个平台把想了解业务的企业家们和大量加密发行物联系起来,帮助他们形成认知。

目前,我们有两个主要产品:Coinzilla Display 和 Conzilla Marketplace。我们的展示平台(Coinzilla Display)帮助我们的客户在我们发布商的网站上投放广告活动。我们的市场(Conzilla Marketplace)帮助他们发布新闻稿或赞助文章等。


Can you give our community a brief introduction behind the inspiration to build Coinzilla?  



When we launched Coinzilla, we had two huge yet not very specific goals: to help advertisers promote their crypto projects and help publishers monetize their websites.  

Back in 2016, the crypto advertising market was severely underdeveloped. Most publishers had no way to monetize their websites efficiently. At the same time, advertisers were unable to deliver successful campaigns and generate awareness for their projects. 

Our mission was to change that. 

So ever since, our whole activity revolved around that, and we worked closely with thousands of customers to develop diverse solutions for their projects’ needs.  

当我们推出 Coinzilla 时,我们有两个目标:帮助广告商推广他们的加密项目,帮助发布商们的网站获利。

在2016 年,加密广告市场严重不发达。大多数发布商无法有效地通过他们的网站获利。同时,广告商也无法提供成功的广告活动并提高项目的知名度。




XT.com: How Coinzilla differentiates itself from other networks according to the features and traits that assure the success of any marketing campaign? What makes Coinzilla stand out and What are your competitive strategies? 

Coinzilla有什么样的功能和特征,能将自己与其他网络做出差异化?能确保营销活动成功? 是什么让 Coinzilla 脱颖而出?您的竞争策略是什么?


Coinzilla is more than just a simple ad network. Our clients come with various requests and needs, and we try to give them the best possible solution, even if we don't provide those specific features at that moment.  

Our dedicated sales department offers real-time support, helping advertisers optimize their campaigns. At the same time, Coinzilla’s publisher network includes several high-profile websites that work exclusively with us, giving advertisers even more tools to promote their projects. 

Last but not least, we also help our clients with their creatives, having an experienced Digital Design team ready to create banners and ads in a variety of formats. 

Conzilla 不仅是一个简单的广告网络。我们的客户提出了各种要求和需求,哪怕我们当时不提供这些特定功能,我们也会竭尽全力为他们提供最佳的解决方案。

我们专门的销售部门提供实时支持,帮助广告商优化他们的活动。Coinzilla 的发布商网络包括几个与我们独家合作的知名网站,可以为广告商提供更多工具来宣传他们的项目。



Can you introduce Coinzilla Global Partners and Why did these companies choose to partner with Coinzilla? 

您能否介绍一下Conzilla 全球合作伙伴以及他们为什么选择与 Coinzilla 合作吗?


Our partners include numerous crypto publications and websites such as Etherscan, CoinGecko, WhatToMine, and PooCoin, as well as top crypto advertisers like Nexo, KuCoin, 1xBit, and ByBit. 

Most companies choose to partner with us because of our excellent real-time support, which can help them quickly reach their digital advertising goals and efficiently monetize their websites. 

The complete solutions that we offer through our platform serve as an excellent way for publishers and advertisers to reach their business goals and sustain their company effortlessly. 

我们的合作伙伴包括很多加密发行物和网站,例如 Etherscan、CoinGecko、WhatToMine和PooCoin,以及顶级加密广告商,例如 Nexo、KuCoin、1xBit和ByBit。




In the Crypto industry, what do you think of the current state? What are the next exciting things we can expect to see from Coinzilla? 

您认为加密行业的现状如何?我们可以期待 Coinzilla 有哪些令人兴奋的事?


While the crypto industry hasn’t reached a state of maturity, it is definitely heading there. More and more companies are adopting blockchain technology and integrating it into their day-to-day activities. Institutional investors are also joining the crypto game, especially with the Bitcoin ETF that just hit the New York Stock Exchange last month.  

In the long term, this may lead to larger trading volumes than we are used to seeing now, helping cryptocurrencies gain even more popularity. 

At Coinzilla, we are constantly trying to provide the best solutions for our partners, which is why we are continuously improving our platform and working closely with our clients to understand their pain points better. 

虽然加密行业还没有成熟,但它肯定会朝着那个方向发展。 越来越多的公司在采用区块链技术并将其整合到他们的日常工作中。 机构投资者也加入了加密游戏,尤其是上个月刚刚在纽约证券交易所上市的比特币ETF。




What problem is Coinzilla looking to solve on the future of cryptocurrencies to promote the continuously-expanding crypto niche?  

Conzilla 希望解决什么问题来促进不断扩大的未来加密市场?


The main issue that our platform solves is the limitation imposed on crypto companies when it comes to digital advertising. Crypto projects are not yet accepted on numerous advertising networks, making it difficult for businesses in this industry to monetize their website or to reach their target audiences. 

我们平台解决的主要问题是加密公司在数字广告方面的限制。 许多广告网络尚未接受加密项目,这使得加密企业难以通过其网站获利或接触目标客户。


Can you explain what Coinzilla hopes to bring more new services or products in this current moment and the years ahead? What will the services or products be? 

您能否解释一下 Conzilla 希望在当下和未来几年带来更多怎样的新服务或产品?会有哪些服务或产品?


We’re constantly working on developing our platform and improving the features that we are currently providing. However, I can’t fully disclose yet what we’re working on at the moment. 

When it comes to new services our products, we always take into consideration the needs and pain points of our customers. So instead of creating products that we think will work, we instead focus on understanding our partners so that we can develop products that we know will help them.  




What is Coinzilla plan for the remainder of 2021 and into 2022?

Coinzilla 2021 年剩下的时间和 2022 年的计划是什么 ?


We plan to focus on continuing to make life easier for both our advertisers and publishers. We’re working on several updates to our platform, which will be released during 2022, but that’s all I’m allowed to say for the moment. 

我们计划继续关注如何让我们的广告客户和发布商的工作更轻松。我们正在对平台进行多项更新,这些更新将在 2022 年发布,目前我只能说这些。


Anything else do you want to share with our community? 



First of all, I want to thank you again for the opportunity of being featured in your AMA. I hope the community found it interesting, and we’re looking forward to the Q&A section. 

We at Coinzilla are looking forward to seeing how the crypto industry will develop in the future, and we’re thankful that we are a part of this massive technological and financial movement. 


我们 Coinzilla 期待看到加密行业在未来的发展,很感激我们是这场大规模技术和金融运动中的一份子。


Thank you, Bogdan , for taking the time to do this AMA with us today. It has been great learning more about Coinzilla and the team behind it! 




来源: https://blog.csdn.net/XT_Exchange/article/details/121383938