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▉ 书面表达

  1. 覆盖所有内容要点
  2. 应用较复杂语法结构和较高级词汇
  3. 有效地使用语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑
  4. 大概6 ~ 8 句,分为目的,主要要点(分点叙述),结尾。注意适当多分段
  5. 四个重点:倒装句,强调句,从句,过渡词

▉ 首先

|First of all|First and foremost(最重要的)|In the first place|To begin with
|Above all(首先,尤其是)

▉ 此外

|In addition (to sth)|Additionally|What's more|On top of (that)|Besides
|Moreover|More than that(不仅如此,更重要的是)|Furthermore
|Apart from(除...之外)|Plus(conj,而且)|By the way(顺便说一句)

▉ 更糟糕的是|What's worse|To make matters worse|Worse still

▉ 同时|Meanwhile|Meantime|At the same time

▉ 总结

|Last but not least(最后但同样重要的是)|In a word|(All) in all
|In general(总的来说)|In conclusion|In brief|In the end|In short
|Taking the above into account/consideration(综上所述)
|By and large(总的来说)|To sum up|draw the conclusion that...(得出结论)
|boil down to(归结为)

▉ 重要

|Most importantly|What matters is...|As ... is significant(因为...意义重大)
|It is of great significance to do
|attach(认为...重要,重视) great importance to n./doing...
|play an increasingly important role|play a crucial(至关重要的) part in
|It is equally important to do
|It is a must for us to have a good command of the English language
|... is what matters, and ... is of secondary importance
|recognize the importance of|It is of vital(至关重要的) importance to do

▉ 强调,关注

|great emphasis should be laid on (doing) ...
|place great emphasis(n.强调,动词为emphasize) on...
|It is good news that greater emphasis has been placed on ... than ever before
|close attention should be paid to...
|gradual attention should be paid to the preservation(保护) and inheritance(继承) of...
|... should be strengthened at the same time|more than(不仅仅是,非常)
|concentrate on your study

▉ 意识

|raise one’s awareness of
|enhance(增强)/cultivate(培养) our awareness of responsibility and enrich our spiritual life

▉ 影响

|set a good example to|have a positive effect on

▉ 有利

|benefit (a lot) from|benefit us in return|be of great benefit to our society
|be beneficial for sth/to sb|reduce the drawbacks to the minimum
|be advantageous (to sth)

▉ 好处

|have a better understanding of|broaden our horizons(开阔眼界)
|Associating our study with practice can assist us in getting a better command(掌握) of our knowledge
|obtain/gain/acquire valuable experience and insight/observation(洞察力)
|enhance(增强)/cultivate(培养) our awareness of responsibility and enrich our spiritual life
|enhance/deepen one’s understanding of...|get refreshed(提神,恢复精力)
|keep me in good shape and give me strength to live my life to the fullest(尽情生活)
|undoubtedly guarantee(保证) your activity a success

▉ 缺点

|be low in(缺乏)

▉ 我的观点

|As far as I am concerned(就我而言,据我所知)
|to be honest/frank/serious/precise(确切地说)/fair(公平地说)

▉ 建议

|Here are some tips for one to take full advantage of his or her time
|Why not do...|It's a must for us to do...|Sounds fantastic, does't it?
|Supposing(假设) you..., it's not a bad idea to do
|I strongly recommend that you should...|It is strongly suggested/advised that
|be supposed/expected to do(应该)
|It is (high) time that we did/should do[虚拟语气,should不可省略](现在某人该做某事了。含有该事早该去做而未做,现在去做似乎都为时已晚的意思。)
|It is about time (for sb) to do...|... is an effective approach
|Participating in social practice is a must.
|One had better get organized(有条理) to be free of the mess
|Legal protection system is an indispensable(不可或缺的) approach
|As a senior high student, one must bear in mind(牢记,放在心上) that time is of great significance
|arrange the time appropriately
|take it easy(放轻松)|take your time(不着急,慢慢来)
|Following in the footsteps of others blindly will merely(只) mess up your work
|Don't overdo it."All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy".

▉ 据说

|It is said that|It is known to all that|It is no secret that(众所周知)
|As is known to all|As we may see on TV or in the newspaper
|It seems/appears that(似乎)

▉ 努力

|spare some time to do
|in a practical way

▉ 事实上|In fact|The truth is that...|As a matter of fact

▉ 人际交往

|share the same interest with |have a heart-to-heart talk with
|Having a close friend to share my happiness and sorrow(悲伤) is what I cherish most
|show respect for and put up with(容忍) each other
|be reluctant/unwilling to say goodbye to our beloved(亲爱的) roommates
|enjoy the precious time we spend together|have a great sense of humor
|Participating in social practice is a must
|walk out of the campus to experience ... personally
|call him back as soon as you come back|pay a visit to
|bring happiness and companionship(陪伴,友谊,交谊) to the elderly
|So absorbed(全神贯注) are we in doing ... that we ...
|I can give meaning to my life by simply doing something together with those I treasure|take care of them whole-heartedly

▉ 演讲

|Thank you for your listening|That's all for my speaking
|give lectures of...|be honored to do
|Today, please allow me to deliver a brief speech on ...

▉ 信的开头

|I'm glad to receive your email/last letter where you said/informing that...
|Having heard the[不可以用冠词a] good news that...
|Knowing that you're a lover of...
|How's everything going?|How are you doing?

▉ 信的结尾

|May you be healthy and blessed
|Looking forward to your coming/reply
|Hope my advice will be helpful and I wish you a happy life in your new school
|I hope the information above will do you a favor
|If you're willing to come to join us, please let me know at your earliest convenience.

▉ 背景

|With the development of science and technology
|With the economic development and the improvement of people's living standards, my home has taken on a brand-new look
|In recent years|at home and abroad
|be confronted with(面临)|Faced with/Facing ...
|become a heated topic(热门话题)|become a hit(热点)
|at that moment|at the moment/right now/at present|at any time(随时)
|reflect the reality of|regardless of|ignore/neglect
|Under this circumstance(条件,环境,境况)|In that case
|there is a tendency(趋势) that...|tend to do(倾向于做)
|(be) based on|give a platform to

▉ 原因

|for the reason that|for the sake(理由) of...|That's why ...
|Owing to|due to|The followings are my reasons (why I...)|my reasons are as follows|arise from(起因于)|result from the public's awareness of
|There are several reasons accounting for(解释,说明)...
|In response to the severe situation

▉ 结果

|As a result (of...)|Consequently/Hence/Therefore(因此)|in consequence (of)
|thus (doing)(因此,从而,这样)|result in(导致)
|contribute/lead to|only to do[出人意料的结果]
|which means...(意味着,也就是说)

▉ 感激

|I'd appreciate it if ...|extend/express my sincere/genuine gratitude|
|Words fail to convey(传达) my appreciation for your sacrifice
|Thank you very much for your invitation, and I'd like to accept it
|I would appreciate it if you can provide some advice on the plan
|I would appreciate it if you take my suggestions into consideration/account

▉ 致歉

|Sorry for the possible inconvenience I may cause
|I'm sorry to inform you that I fail to do so, for I'm engaged in preparing myself for the approaching examination. I strongly recommend my friend Mary, the most suitable choice to take my place next week. Sorry again for any inconvenience caused by my absence

▉ 对比

|In the same way(同样)|on the contrary(相反地)|Compared with/to...
|Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past ten years
|With the economic development and the improvement of people's living standards, my home has taken on a brand-new look

▉ 伴随|Together with...

▉ 同样

▉ 不同

▉ 次数|for the first time

▉ 毕竟|After all

▉ 然而,尽管

|For better or for worse(不管是好是坏,不管结果如何)

▉ 喜欢

|be fond of|show a keen interest in|be keen on
|appeal to sb(对…有吸引力)

▉ 赞同|in favor of(赞同,支持)

▉ 各种

|a (wide) variety of|different kinds of|a wide range of

▉ 列举

|take ... for example/for instance/as an example|For instance|such as
|including|so on(等等)|range from ... to ...(从...到...的范围)
|some ... ,others ..., still others ...|It refers to (doing) sth

▉ 计划

|as scheduled|to be held(将举行)|periodically(定期地)
|be scheduled to do
|Ten "Do's" have been worked out for the students to follow clearly ans easily, including : [可换行]"..."


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/Randolph68706/p/15546291.html