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Ticket/Booking System - System Design


CREATED 2021/11/09 19:40

Functional Requirements



Search Service

Ticket Transaction Service

Payment Service



Search a movie

zip code (converted to geo hash)


Book a ticket

1 Show the map and availability of all the seats in a specific theatre of a cinema

2 Reserve an available seat

3 User has to make the payment in 15 minutes window

4 If success, the booking is completed. Otherwise, the reserved seat is given back to be available again.


DB Schema

Movies (movieId, name, startDate)

Cinema (cinemaId, name, zipcode, address, cinemaHalls)

CinemaHall (cinemaHallId, id, cinemaId)

Events (movieId, name, theatre, cinema, startTime)

Tickets (ticketId, eventId, row, column, price, status)

Transaction (ticketId, userId, status)

Users (userId, name, phone, email, membership)

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/wangby511/p/15543866.html