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interllectual techology right知识产权
biologically observable$12生物学观察
mimicto copy the way sb speaks, moves, behaves, etc., especially in order to make other people laugh模仿
chatbotto talk in a friendly informal way to sb闲聊,闲谈
domestic robot家用机器人
jump the gun偷跑
psychologista scientist who studies and is trained in psychology心理学家
personathe aspects of a person’s character that they show to other people, especially when their real character is different伪装,假象, 人格面具
non sequitura statement that does not seem to follow what has just been said in any natural or logical way不合逻辑的推论,未根据前提的推理
parseto divide a sentence into parts and describe the grammar of each word or part对句子的语法分析,做语法的解析
swampan area of ground that is very wet or covered with water and in which plants, trees, etc. are growing沼泽;浸没,吞没;疲于应对
swamp sb with sth用某物淹没某人;下载慢
susceptibilitythe state of being very likely to be influenced, harmed or affected by sth;
a person’s feelings which are likely to be easily hurt

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_40552152/article/details/121157489