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Word Embedding和Word2Vec

Word2Vec是用来产生Word Embedding的一组技术、模型。

词嵌入(Word embedding)是自然语言处理(NLP)中语言模型与表征学习技术的统称。概念上而言,它是指把一个维数为所有词的数量的高维空间(one-hot-encoding)嵌入到一个维数低得多的连续向量空间中,每个单词或词组被映射为实数域上的向量。—— From Wiki

如下图所示,Word Embedding可以体现单词间的similarity。可以将word embedding看成word的feature。

但是对于同一个word而言,它可能有多种意思,比如下面的4个bank是4个不同的word token,但它们有着一样的word type。其中前两个token表示银行,后两个token表示岸边。在过去的word embedding中,每个word type有一个embedding,但这并不合理,因为它不能很好地处理一词多义的情况。

现在的contextualized word embedding可以保证每个word token都有它自己的embedding,且word tokens的embedding和它的上下文是有关的。

Word2vec is a technique for natural language processing published in 2013. The word2vec algorithm uses a neural network model to learn word associations from a large corpus of text. Once trained, such a model can detect synonymous words or suggest additional words for a partial sentence. As the name implies, word2vec represents each distinct word with a particular list of numbers called a vector. The vectors are chosen carefully such that a simple mathematical function (the cosine similarity between the vectors) indicates the level of semantic similarity between the words represented by those vectors.
Word2vec is a group of related models that are used to produce word embeddings. These models are shallow, two-layer neural networks that are trained to reconstruct linguistic contexts of words.
Word2vec can utilize either of two model architectures to produce a distributed representation of words: continuous bag-of-words (CBOW) or continuous skip-gram. ——Frrom wikipedia


1 NLP-progress
2 GitHub-NLP-progress

Many important downstream tasks such as Question Answering and Natural Language Inference are based on understanding the relationship between two sentences, which is not directly captured by language modelling. (Language Modelling主要捕捉的是word token之间的关系)


BERT是Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformer的缩写,它的主要结构就是Transformer中的Encoder,每个word token经过BERT都可以得到一个contextualized embedding。BERT的训练主要分成两个部分:首先是pre-training过程,这是一个无监督的过程,可以利用大量无标注的语料进行pre-traininig;然后是根据特定downstream task的fine-tuning过程。
BERT在pre-training阶段主要进行了两个任务,它们分别是MLM(Masked Language Modelling)和NSP(Next Sentence Prediction)。


We use a gelu acti- vation (Hendrycks and Gimpel, 2016) rather than the standard relu, following OpenAI GPT. The training loss is the sum of the mean masked LM likelihood and the mean next sentence prediction likelihood. (1. 使用gelu激活函数;2. 同时进行MLM和NSP任务)

Longer sequences are disproportionately expensive because attention is quadratic to the sequence length. To speed up pretraing in our experiments, we pre-train the model with sequence length of 128 for 90% of the steps. Then, we train the rest 10% of the steps of sequence of 512 to learn the positional embeddings. (1. 不同于Transfomer中的position embedding, BERT的position embedding是学习得到的;2. 使用更长的序列学习position embedding)


GPT是Generative Pre-trained Transformer的缩写。和BERT相同的是,GPT也是采用无监督pre-training+针对特定下游任务进行fine-tuning的训练策略。和BERT不同的是,GPT是unidirectional,而不是bidirectional。BERT是google出品的,GPT系列是OpenAI出品的。

  1. OpenAI GPT-1:《Improving Language Understanding with Unsupervised Learning》
  2. OpenAI GPT-2:《Better Language Models and Their Implications》


  1. OpenAI GPT-3:《GPT-3 Powers the Next Generation of Apps》
  2. 《GPT-3模型为何难以复现?这也许是分布式AI框架的最优设计》


ELMo是Embeddings from Language Models的缩写,我们用BERT论文中的一张图来说明这三个模型的区别和联系。

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/TaipKang/p/15506129.html