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[paper reading][work in progress] Inductive logic programming at 30: a new introduction
- Oct 2020
- work in progress
- https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.07912
- A review of inductive logic programming (ILP), which is a form of machine learning dating back to the 1990s.
5 ILP systems
- Noise and Predicate Invention? ILASP, \(\partial\)ILP, Apperception.
5.4 Predicate Invention
predicate invention is attractive because it is a most natural form of automated discovery.
- example
. invented predicate:parent(A, B)
.- game playing, connect four
, higher-order,map(A, B, droplasts1)
5.4.2 Inverse Resolution
- early work
5.4.3 Placeholders
- prescripted,
as a declaration - Inductive Learning of Answer Set Programs (ILASP): The European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (or Journées Européennes sur la Logique en Intelligence Artificielle - JELIA) 2014
- or generates all: computationally expensive
- Learning explanatory rules from noisy data (\(\partial\)ILP): JAIR 2018
- Making sense of sensory input (Apperception): AI 2021
5.4.4 Metarules
- meta-interpretive learning, metarules (higher-order clause) to drive PI
- chain metarule,
f(A,B):- tail(A,C),tail(C,B).
- unfold
- remember: no noise
5.4.5 Lifelong learning
- single-task vs. lifelong
- continually learning, dependent, easy to difficult
- reusable
- Bias reformulation for one-shot function induction: ECAI 2014
- extends to handle thousands of tasks
- Forgetting to learn logic programs (Forgetgol): AAAI 2020
- no noise
- self-supervised, Playgol, plays by randomly sampling
- Playgol: Learning programs through play: IJCAI 2019
5.4.6 (Unsupervised) Compression
- previous: measured by whether it can help solve a given task.
- does not help to solve immediately but useful
- criterion: compression
- Auto-encoding, encoder, decoder
- Program refactoring, remove redundancies
- Theory refinement: revision (correctness), compression (minimally affected), restructuring (optimize its execution or readability)
5.4.7 Connection to Representation Learning
- coincide, improving performance by changing the representation of a problem
- tabular, representing structured even relational data in such tabular form
- a few: start from the core
- Clustering-based relational unsupervised representation learning with an explicit distributed representation: IJCAI 2017
- Learning relational representations with auto-encoding logic programs: IJCAI 2019
- Lifted relational neural networks: Efficient learning of latent relational structures: JAIR 2018
- others: a propositional tabular form
- \(\partial\)ILP, neural theorem provers, short datalog programs
标签:ILP,work,5.4,Learning,introduction,30,learning,logic,relational 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/minor-second/p/15496964.html