[paper reading][IJCAI 2020] Turning 30: New Ideas in Inductive Logic Programming
- IJCAI 2020
- https://www.ijcai.org/proceedings/2020/0673.pdf
- A short survey on ILP.
- recursive, generalize, learning BK, ASP, NN, future directions
3 Learning Background Knowledge
- facts and rules
- theory of light to understand images
- higher-order,
map/3, filter/3, fold/4
, programming puzzles. - feature engineering
3.1 Predicate Invention
- complex search
- metarule, higher-order
- \(CUR^2LED\), different similarities for different tasks
- ALPs (encode-decode)
3.2 Lifelong Learning
标签:Predicate,Turning,Background,30,Programming,2020,Learning,Lifelong,IJCAI 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/minor-second/p/15497009.html