首页 > 其他分享> > Fabric v2.3测试网络 - 创建通道 返回结果分析

Fabric v2.3测试网络 - 创建通道 返回结果分析



[root@localhost test-network]# ./network.sh createChannel



[root@localhost test-network]# ./network.sh createChannel
Creating channel 'mychannel'.
If network is not up, starting nodes with CLI timeout of '5' tries and CLI delay of '3' seconds and using database 'leveldb' 
Generating channel genesis block 'mychannel.block'
# 命令:生成创世区块mychannel.block文件
+ configtxgen -profile TwoOrgsApplicationGenesis -outputBlock ./channel-artifacts/mychannel.block -channelID mychannel
2021-11-01 01:05:10.404 CST [common.tools.configtxgen] main -> INFO 001 Loading configuration
2021-11-01 01:05:10.409 CST [common.tools.configtxgen.localconfig] completeInitialization -> INFO 002 orderer type: etcdraft
2021-11-01 01:05:10.409 CST [common.tools.configtxgen.localconfig] completeInitialization -> INFO 003 Orderer.EtcdRaft.Options unset, setting to tick_interval:"500ms" election_tick:10 heartbeat_tick:1 max_inflight_blocks:5 snapshot_interval_size:16777216 
2021-11-01 01:05:10.409 CST [common.tools.configtxgen.localconfig] Load -> INFO 004 Loaded configuration: /home/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/scripts/fabric-samples/test-network/configtx/configtx.yaml
2021-11-01 01:05:10.411 CST [common.tools.configtxgen] doOutputBlock -> INFO 005 Generating genesis block
2021-11-01 01:05:10.411 CST [common.tools.configtxgen] doOutputBlock -> INFO 006 Creating application channel genesis block
2021-11-01 01:05:10.411 CST [common.tools.configtxgen] doOutputBlock -> INFO 007 Writing genesis block
+ res=0
Creating channel mychannel
Using organization 1
# 命令:创建通道mychannel
+ osnadmin channel join --channelID mychannel --config-block ./channel-artifacts/mychannel.block -o localhost:7053 --ca-file /home/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/scripts/fabric-samples/test-network/organizations/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer.example.com/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.example.com-cert.pem --client-cert /home/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/scripts/fabric-samples/test-network/organizations/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer.example.com/tls/server.crt --client-key /home/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/scripts/fabric-samples/test-network/organizations/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer.example.com/tls/server.key
+ res=0
Status: 201
	"name": "mychannel",
	"url": "/participation/v1/channels/mychannel",
	"consensusRelation": "consenter",
	"status": "active",
	"height": 1

Channel 'mychannel' created
Joining org1 peer to the channel...
Using organization 1
# 命令:将peer节点(组织1)加入到通道中
+ peer channel join -b ./channel-artifacts/mychannel.block
+ res=0
2021-11-01 01:05:16.526 CST [channelCmd] InitCmdFactory -> INFO 001 Endorser and orderer connections initialized
2021-11-01 01:05:16.541 CST [channelCmd] executeJoin -> INFO 002 Successfully submitted proposal to join channel
Joining org2 peer to the channel...
Using organization 2
# 命令:将peer节点(组织2)加入到通道中
+ peer channel join -b ./channel-artifacts/mychannel.block
+ res=0
2021-11-01 01:05:19.581 CST [channelCmd] InitCmdFactory -> INFO 001 Endorser and orderer connections initialized
2021-11-01 01:05:19.594 CST [channelCmd] executeJoin -> INFO 002 Successfully submitted proposal to join channel
Setting anchor peer for org1...
Using organization 1
Fetching channel config for channel mychannel
Using organization 1
Fetching the most recent configuration block for the channel
# 命令:获取最新的通道配置区块
+ peer channel fetch config config_block.pb -o orderer.example.com:7050 --ordererTLSHostnameOverride orderer.example.com -c mychannel --tls --cafile /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/organizations/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer.example.com/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.example.com-cert.pem
2021-10-31 17:05:19.756 UTC [channelCmd] InitCmdFactory -> INFO 001 Endorser and orderer connections initialized
2021-10-31 17:05:19.757 UTC [cli.common] readBlock -> INFO 002 Received block: 0
2021-10-31 17:05:19.757 UTC [channelCmd] fetch -> INFO 003 Retrieving last config block: 0
2021-10-31 17:05:19.758 UTC [cli.common] readBlock -> INFO 004 Received block: 0
# 以上返回的是通道创世区块block 0

# 将区块从protobuf格式转为json格式,并且生成一个隔离的json文件Org1MSPconfig.json
Decoding config block to JSON and isolating config to Org1MSPconfig.json
# 命令:将区块从protobuf格式转为json格式,方便读写
+ jq '.data.data[0].payload.data.config'
+ configtxlator proto_decode --input config_block.pb --type common.Block

# 生成org1锚节点,并将org1锚节点加入到通道配置文件
Generating anchor peer update transaction for Org1 on channel mychannel
# 命令:将org1锚节点加入到通道配置文件
+ jq '.channel_group.groups.Application.groups.Org1MSP.values += {"AnchorPeers":{"mod_policy": "Admins","value":{"anchor_peers": [{"host": "peer0.org1.example.com","port": 7051}]},"version": "0"}}' Org1MSPconfig.json
# 命令:原来的和修改过的配置文件由json格式转换到protobuf格式
+ configtxlator proto_encode --input Org1MSPconfig.json --type common.Config
+ configtxlator proto_encode --input Org1MSPmodified_config.json --type common.Config
# 命令:核算原来的和修改过的配置文件有什么不同
+ configtxlator compute_update --channel_id mychannel --original original_config.pb --updated modified_config.pb
+ configtxlator proto_decode --input config_update.pb --type common.ConfigUpdate
+ jq .
++ cat config_update.json
+ echo '{"payload":{"header":{"channel_header":{"channel_id":"mychannel", "type":2}},"data":{"config_update":{' '"channel_id":' '"mychannel",' '"isolated_data":' '{},' '"read_set":' '{' '"groups":' '{' '"Application":' '{' '"groups":' '{' '"Org1MSP":' '{' '"groups":' '{},' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policies":' '{' '"Admins":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policy":' null, '"version":' '"0"' '},' '"Endorsement":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policy":' null, '"version":' '"0"' '},' '"Readers":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policy":' null, '"version":' '"0"' '},' '"Writers":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policy":' null, '"version":' '"0"' '}' '},' '"values":' '{' '"MSP":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"value":' null, '"version":' '"0"' '}' '},' '"version":' '"0"' '}' '},' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policies":' '{},' '"values":' '{},' '"version":' '"0"' '}' '},' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policies":' '{},' '"values":' '{},' '"version":' '"0"' '},' '"write_set":' '{' '"groups":' '{' '"Application":' '{' '"groups":' '{' '"Org1MSP":' '{' '"groups":' '{},' '"mod_policy":' '"Admins",' '"policies":' '{' '"Admins":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policy":' null, '"version":' '"0"' '},' '"Endorsement":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policy":' null, '"version":' '"0"' '},' '"Readers":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policy":' null, '"version":' '"0"' '},' '"Writers":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policy":' null, '"version":' '"0"' '}' '},' '"values":' '{' '"AnchorPeers":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"Admins",' '"value":' '{' '"anchor_peers":' '[' '{' '"host":' '"peer0.org1.example.com",' '"port":' 7051 '}' ']' '},' '"version":' '"0"' '},' '"MSP":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"value":' null, '"version":' '"0"' '}' '},' '"version":' '"1"' '}' '},' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policies":' '{},' '"values":' '{},' '"version":' '"0"' '}' '},' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policies":' '{},' '"values":' '{},' '"version":' '"0"' '}' '}}}}'
+ configtxlator proto_encode --input config_update_in_envelope.json --type common.Envelope
2021-10-31 17:05:19.934 UTC [channelCmd] InitCmdFactory -> INFO 001 Endorser and orderer connections initialized
2021-10-31 17:05:19.943 UTC [channelCmd] update -> INFO 002 Successfully submitted channel update
Anchor peer set for org 'Org1MSP' on channel 'mychannel'

# 设置org2锚节点与设置org1锚节点步骤相同
Setting anchor peer for org2...
Using organization 2
Fetching channel config for channel mychannel
Using organization 2
Fetching the most recent configuration block for the channel
+ peer channel fetch config config_block.pb -o orderer.example.com:7050 --ordererTLSHostnameOverride orderer.example.com -c mychannel --tls --cafile /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/organizations/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer.example.com/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.example.com-cert.pem
2021-10-31 17:05:20.193 UTC [channelCmd] InitCmdFactory -> INFO 001 Endorser and orderer connections initialized
2021-10-31 17:05:20.195 UTC [cli.common] readBlock -> INFO 002 Received block: 1
2021-10-31 17:05:20.195 UTC [channelCmd] fetch -> INFO 003 Retrieving last config block: 1
2021-10-31 17:05:20.196 UTC [cli.common] readBlock -> INFO 004 Received block: 1
Decoding config block to JSON and isolating config to Org2MSPconfig.json
+ configtxlator proto_decode --input config_block.pb --type common.Block
+ jq '.data.data[0].payload.data.config'
Generating anchor peer update transaction for Org2 on channel mychannel
+ jq '.channel_group.groups.Application.groups.Org2MSP.values += {"AnchorPeers":{"mod_policy": "Admins","value":{"anchor_peers": [{"host": "peer0.org2.example.com","port": 9051}]},"version": "0"}}' Org2MSPconfig.json
+ configtxlator proto_encode --input Org2MSPconfig.json --type common.Config
+ configtxlator proto_encode --input Org2MSPmodified_config.json --type common.Config
+ configtxlator compute_update --channel_id mychannel --original original_config.pb --updated modified_config.pb
+ configtxlator proto_decode --input config_update.pb --type common.ConfigUpdate
+ jq .
++ cat config_update.json
+ echo '{"payload":{"header":{"channel_header":{"channel_id":"mychannel", "type":2}},"data":{"config_update":{' '"channel_id":' '"mychannel",' '"isolated_data":' '{},' '"read_set":' '{' '"groups":' '{' '"Application":' '{' '"groups":' '{' '"Org2MSP":' '{' '"groups":' '{},' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policies":' '{' '"Admins":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policy":' null, '"version":' '"0"' '},' '"Endorsement":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policy":' null, '"version":' '"0"' '},' '"Readers":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policy":' null, '"version":' '"0"' '},' '"Writers":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policy":' null, '"version":' '"0"' '}' '},' '"values":' '{' '"MSP":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"value":' null, '"version":' '"0"' '}' '},' '"version":' '"0"' '}' '},' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policies":' '{},' '"values":' '{},' '"version":' '"0"' '}' '},' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policies":' '{},' '"values":' '{},' '"version":' '"0"' '},' '"write_set":' '{' '"groups":' '{' '"Application":' '{' '"groups":' '{' '"Org2MSP":' '{' '"groups":' '{},' '"mod_policy":' '"Admins",' '"policies":' '{' '"Admins":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policy":' null, '"version":' '"0"' '},' '"Endorsement":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policy":' null, '"version":' '"0"' '},' '"Readers":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policy":' null, '"version":' '"0"' '},' '"Writers":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policy":' null, '"version":' '"0"' '}' '},' '"values":' '{' '"AnchorPeers":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"Admins",' '"value":' '{' '"anchor_peers":' '[' '{' '"host":' '"peer0.org2.example.com",' '"port":' 9051 '}' ']' '},' '"version":' '"0"' '},' '"MSP":' '{' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"value":' null, '"version":' '"0"' '}' '},' '"version":' '"1"' '}' '},' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policies":' '{},' '"values":' '{},' '"version":' '"0"' '}' '},' '"mod_policy":' '"",' '"policies":' '{},' '"values":' '{},' '"version":' '"0"' '}' '}}}}'
+ configtxlator proto_encode --input config_update_in_envelope.json --type common.Envelope
2021-10-31 17:05:20.399 UTC [channelCmd] InitCmdFactory -> INFO 001 Endorser and orderer connections initialized
2021-10-31 17:05:20.411 UTC [channelCmd] update -> INFO 002 Successfully submitted channel update
Anchor peer set for org 'Org2MSP' on channel 'mychannel'
Channel 'mychannel' joined




来源: https://blog.csdn.net/ling1998/article/details/121073038