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  1 //SuperGridControl控件初始化
  2         private void ResetLayout(SuperGridControl SGC)
  3         {
  4             GridPanel panel = SGC.PrimaryGrid;
  5             GridColumnCollection columns = panel.Columns;
  7             for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; i++)
  8             {
  9                 GridColumn col = columns[i];
 11                 col.Visible = false;
 12                 col.DisplayIndex = -1;
 14                 col.HeaderStyles.Default.Image = null;
 15                 col.HeaderStyles.Default.Background = null;
 16                 col.HeaderStyles.MouseOver.Background = null;
 17                 col.CellStyles.Default.Background = null;
 18             }
 19             panel.ColumnHeader.GroupHeaders.Clear();
 20             panel.ClearAll();
 21             //SGC.PrimaryGrid.ColumnHeaderClickBehavior = ColumnHeaderClickBehavior.None;//表头点击没效果
 22         }
 23         private GridColumn CreatNewCol(string name, string headertxt, int cwidth,int ctp)
 24         {
 25             GridColumn gc = new GridColumn();
 26             gc.Name = name;
 27             gc.HeaderText = headertxt;
 28             //gc.ReadOnly = true;
 29             gc.Width = cwidth;
 30             //gc.CellMergeMode = CellMergeMode.Vertical;
 31             //gc.AllowSelection = false;
 32             //gc.AllowEdit = false;
 33             //ctp:(0默认,1check框,2:下拉框)
 34             if (ctp==1)
 35             {
 36                 gc.EditorType = typeof(DevComponents.DotNetBar.SuperGrid.GridCheckBoxXEditControl);//列的类型
 37             } 
 38             else if(ctp==2)
 39             {
 40                 gc.EditorType = typeof(DevComponents.DotNetBar.SuperGrid.GridComboBoxExEditControl);//列的类型
 41             }
 42             return gc;
 43         }
 44         //创建一个 3行  n列的表格头
 45         private void testsgc(SuperGridControl SGC)
 46         {
 47             //先建好列
 48             GridPanel panel = SGC.PrimaryGrid; panel.MinRowHeight = 20;
 49             panel.Columns.Add(CreatNewCol("cs", "列0", 80,0));
 50             panel.Columns.Add(CreatNewCol("jz1", "列1", 80, 0));
 51             panel.Columns.Add(CreatNewCol("jz2", "列2", 80, 0));
 52             panel.Columns.Add(CreatNewCol("jz3", "列3", 80, 0));
 53             panel.Columns.Add(CreatNewCol("jz4", "列4", 80, 0));
 54             panel.Columns.Add(CreatNewCol("jz5", "列5", 80, 0));
 56             panel.Columns.Add(CreatNewCol("ds1", "列1", 80, 0));
 57             panel.Columns.Add(CreatNewCol("ds2", "列2", 80, 0));
 58             panel.Columns.Add(CreatNewCol("ds3", "列3", 80, 0));
 59             panel.Columns.Add(CreatNewCol("ds4", "列4", 80, 0));
 61             panel.Columns.Add(CreatNewCol("dx1", "列1", 80, 0));
 62             panel.Columns.Add(CreatNewCol("dx2", "列2", 80, 0));
 63             panel.Columns.Add(CreatNewCol("dx3", "列3", 80, 0));
 65             panel.Columns.Add(CreatNewCol("hmjr", "列1", 80, 0));
 66             panel.Columns.Add(CreatNewCol("hmujr", "列2", 80, 0));
 67             panel.Columns.Add(CreatNewCol("hm", "列3", 80, 0));
 68             GridColumnCollection columns = panel.Columns;
 69             // ColumnGroupHeader cgh = GetIlAdditionalInfoHeader(columns);
 70             //设置列头合并
 71             ColumnGroupHeader c1 = GetAdContactHeader(columns, "jz1", "jz5", "组1");//
 72             ColumnGroupHeader c2 = GetAdContactHeader(columns, "ds1", "dx3", "组2");
 73             ColumnGroupHeader c3 = GetAdContactHeader(columns, "ds1", "ds4", "组3");
 74             ColumnGroupHeader c4 = GetAdContactHeader(columns, "dx1", "dx3", "组4");
 75             c2.GroupHeaders.Add(c3); c2.GroupHeaders.Add(c4);
 77             panel.ColumnHeader.GroupHeaders.Add(c1);
 78             panel.ColumnHeader.GroupHeaders.Add(c2);
 79         }
 80         //横的合并表头
 81         private ColumnGroupHeader GetAdContactHeader(GridColumnCollection columns, string str1, string str2, string title)
 82         {
 83             ColumnGroupHeader cgh = new ColumnGroupHeader();
 85             cgh.MinRowHeight = 16;
 87             cgh.Name = "titlename";
 88             cgh.HeaderText = title;
 89             cgh.AllowSelection = false;
 92             // Set the start and end Display Index which the
 93             // group header is associated with.
 95             cgh.StartDisplayIndex = columns.GetDisplayIndex(columns[str1]);
 96             cgh.EndDisplayIndex = columns.GetDisplayIndex(columns[str2]);
 98             return (cgh);
 99         }
100         private ColumnGroupHeader GetAdContactHeader(int stc, int endc, string title)
101         {
102             ColumnGroupHeader cgh = new ColumnGroupHeader();
103             cgh.MinRowHeight = 16;
104             cgh.Name = "titlename";
105             cgh.HeaderText = title;
106             cgh.AllowSelection = false;
107             cgh.StartDisplayIndex = stc;
108             cgh.EndDisplayIndex = endc;
109             return (cgh);
110         }
111         private void addrows(SuperGridControl SGC)
112         {
113             for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
114             {
115                 GridRow Dfr = SGC.PrimaryGrid.NewRow();
116                 Dfr[0].Value = i;
117                 Dfr[1].Value = i;
118                 Dfr[2].Value = i;
119                 SGC.PrimaryGrid.Rows.Add(Dfr);
120             }
121         }
122         //获取R行C列的单元格数据
123         private string GetGridVal(SuperGridControl SGC, int r, int c)
124         {
125             string txt = "";
126             // 获取某一行的信息
127             GridRow DG = GetGridRowIfGroup(SGC, r);// SGC.PrimaryGrid.Rows[r] as GridRow;
128             //设置某一单元的背景颜色
129             // DG[c].CellStyles.Default.Background.Color1 = Color.Red;
130             //获取某一单元格的值
131             object obj = DG[c].Value;
132             obj = obj == null ? "" : obj;
133             txt = obj.ToString();
134             return txt;
135         }
136         //判断checkbox的值,打勾了为1
137         private int GetGridVal_CK(SuperGridControl SGC, int r, int c)
138         {
139             // 获取某一行的信息
140             GridRow DG = GetGridRowIfGroup(SGC, r);// SGC.PrimaryGrid.Rows[r] as GridRow;
141             //设置某一单元的背景颜色
142             // DG[c].CellStyles.Default.Background.Color1 = Color.Red;
143             //获取某一单元格的值
144             object obj = DG[c].Value;
145             if (obj==null)
146             {
147                 return 0;
148             }
149             string strobj=obj.ToString().ToUpper();
150             if (strobj == "1" || strobj=="TRUE")
151             {
152                 return 1;
153             }
154             return 0;
155         }
156         private string GetGridVal(SuperGridControl SGC, int r, string cname)
157         {
158             string txt = "";
159             // 获取某一行的信息
160             GridRow DG = GetGridRowIfGroup(SGC, r);// SGC.PrimaryGrid.Rows[r] as GridRow;
161             //设置某一单元的背景颜色
162             // DG[c].CellStyles.Default.Background.Color1 = Color.Red;
163             //获取某一单元格的值
164             object obj = DG[cname].Value;
165             obj = obj == null ? "" : obj;
166             txt = obj.ToString();
167             return txt;
168         }
169         private int GetGridVal_CK(SuperGridControl SGC, int r, string cname)
170         {
171             //string txt = "";
172             // 获取某一行的信息
173             GridRow DG = GetGridRowIfGroup(SGC, r);// SGC.PrimaryGrid.Rows[r] as GridRow;
174             //设置某一单元的背景颜色
175             // DG[c].CellStyles.Default.Background.Color1 = Color.Red;
176             //获取某一单元格的值
177             object obj = DG[cname].Value;
178             if (obj == null)
179             {
180                 return 0;
181             }
182             string strobj = obj.ToString().ToUpper();
183             if (strobj == "1" || strobj == "TRUE")
184             {
185                 return 1;
186             }
187             return 0;
188         }
189         //设置R行C列的单元格数据
190         private void SetGridVal(SuperGridControl SGC, int r, int c, string val)
191         {
192             GridRow DG = GetGridRowIfGroup(SGC, r);// SGC.PrimaryGrid.Rows[r] as GridRow;
193             DG[c].Value = val;
194         }
195         private void SetGridVal(SuperGridControl SGC, int r, string cname, string val)
196         {
197             GridRow DG = GetGridRowIfGroup(SGC, r);// SGC.PrimaryGrid.Rows[r] as GridRow;
198             DG[cname].Value = val;
199         }
201         /// <summary>获取某列值为x所在行的另一列数据
202         /// 
203         /// </summary>
204         /// <param name="SGC"></param>
205         /// <param name="cname">要求的列</param>
206         /// <param name="cothername">已知数据的列</param>
207         /// <param name="cotherval">已知的数据</param>
208         /// <returns></returns>
209         private string GetValByOtherColData(SuperGridControl SGC,string cname,string cothername,string cotherval)
210         {
211             string res="";
212             int rs=SGC.PrimaryGrid.Rows.Count;
213             if (rs<1)
214             {
215                 return res;
216             }
217             for (int i = 0; i < rs;i++ )
218             {
219                 string val = GetGridVal(SGC, i, cothername);
220                 if (val == cotherval)
221                 {
222                     res = GetGridVal(SGC, i, cname);
223                 }
224             }
225              return res;
226         }
227         private int GetRowByOtherColData(SuperGridControl SGC, string cname, string cothername, string cotherval)
228         {
229             int res = -1;
230             int rs = SGC.PrimaryGrid.Rows.Count;
231             if (rs < 1)
232             {
233                 return res;
234             }
235             for (int i = 0; i < rs; i++)
236             {
237                 string val = GetGridVal(SGC, i, cothername);
238                 if (val == cotherval)
239                 {
240                     res = i;
241                     break;
242                 }
243             }
244             return res;
245         }
246         //根据行号获取GridRow对象(考虑到分组对行数据的影响)
247         private GridRow GetGridRowIfGroup(SuperGridControl SGC, int r)
248         {
249             GridPanel gp = SGC.PrimaryGrid;
250             int startindex = 0;
251             foreach (GridElement item in gp.Rows)
252             {
253                 if (item is GridGroup)
254                 {
255                     GridGroup gg = item as GridGroup;
256                     foreach (GridElement item1 in gg.Rows)
257                     {
258                         if (item1 is GridRow)
259                         {
260                             if (startindex==r)
261                             {
262                                 return (GridRow)item1;
263                             }
264                             startindex++;
265                         }
266                     }
267                 }
268                 else if(item is GridRow)
269                 {
270                     if (startindex == r)
271                     {
272                         return (GridRow)item;
273                     }
274                     startindex++;
275                 }
276             }
277             return null;
278         }
279         //获取所有行(因分组了会导致Rows获取的是分组的数)
280         private int GetGridRowIfGroup(SuperGridControl SGC)
281         {
282             GridPanel gp = SGC.PrimaryGrid;
283             int startindex = 0;
284             foreach (GridElement item in gp.Rows)
285             {
286                 if (item is GridGroup)
287                 {
288                     GridGroup gg = item as GridGroup;
289                     foreach (GridElement item1 in gg.Rows)
290                     {
291                         if (item1 is GridRow)
292                         {
293                             startindex++;
294                         }
295                     }
296                 }
297                 else if (item is GridRow)
298                 {
299                     startindex++;
300                 }
301             }
302             return startindex;
303         }


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/happyqiang/p/10418237.html