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气“疯”了!| 经济学人全球早读精选


文 / 王不留(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)




First Europe, then the world: the natural-gas shortage




Economists usually worry about the price of oil in the context of rising inflation. Not anymore. Now the soaring price of natural gas is the bigger problem, particularly in Europe, where it has increased by almost 500% in the past year, and by 4.5% in the past week alone.


Low reserves, sluggish exports from Norway and Russia and high prices in Asia, which drew away cargoes of liquified natural gas, are mainly to blame. Gas-guzzling factories, such as fertiliser plants, are being mothballed, triggering shortages of important products such as carbon dioxide, which is used in food production and transport. If this winter is particularly cold, electricity and gas outages are possible.


Gas prices are unlikely to come down any time soon. Gas is still cheaper in America than in Asia and Europe, but American firms are unable to export much more because of limited port capacity. Even so, prices there have already risen to their highest levels since 2014.


First Europe, then the world: the natural-gas shortage




Economists usually worry about the price of oil in the context of rising inflation. Not anymore. Now the soaring price of natural gas is the bigger problem, particularly in Europe, where it has increased by almost 500% in the past year, and by 4.5% in the past week alone.




Economists 经济学家 ;  经济专家 ;  economist的复数 

worry about 担心 ;  担忧 ;  发愁 ;  为…发愁 ;  替…担忧 

in the context of 在……情况下;在…的背景下;在…背景下

rising 上升 ;  升起 ;  攀升 ;  提高 ;  达到较高水平 ;  起床 ;  起立 ;  站起来 ;  起义 ;  叛乱 ;  rise的现在分词 

inflation 通货膨胀 ;  通胀率 ;  充气 

Not anymore  不再;再也不了;不再害怕;再也不能了;不再是了

soaring price 【财】物价飞涨 

in the past 在过去


Low reserves, sluggish exports from Norway and Russia and high prices in Asia, which drew away cargoes of liquified natural gas, are mainly to blame. Gas-guzzling factories, such as fertiliser plants, are being mothballed, triggering shortages of important products such as carbon dioxide, which is used in food production and transport. If this winter is particularly cold, electricity and gas outages are possible.












sluggish 行动迟缓的 ;  缓慢的 ;  迟缓的 ;  懒洋洋的 

drew away 离开

such as 例如 ;  像 ;  象…这样 ;  诸如…之类 

fertiliser 肥料 

mothballed 封存 ;  搁置不用 ;  mothball的过去分词和过去式 

triggering 发动 ;  引起 ;  触发 ;  开动 ;  起动 ;  trigger的现在分词 

carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 

outages 停电期间 ;  outage的复数


Gas prices are unlikely to come down any time soon. Gas is still cheaper in America than in Asia and Europe, but American firms are unable to export much more because of limited port capacity. Even so, prices there have already risen to their highest levels since 2014.




unlikely 不大可能发生的 ;  非心目中的 ;  非想象的 ;  难以相信的 ;  不能信服的 

come down 下降,降低 ;  落下 ;  降落 

any time 在任何时候 ;  随便什么时候 

cheaper 低价地 ;  廉价地 ;  便宜地 ;  花钱少的 ;  便宜的 ;  廉价的 ;  收费低廉的 ;  价低质劣的 ;  cheap的比较级 

much more 更 ;  何况 

port capacity 港口吞吐量


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/jianzhanbiji/p/15464121.html