Angular4 自制华容道拼图(可以升级难度、关卡、更换图片)
前端工程师新手一枚,之前一直做些小设计,以及静态页面的编写工作。刚刚接触 Angular 没有多久,四个月前对于 js 也只是会写 alert 之流,现在进步算是很大,下面是自制的华容道拼图(可以升级难度、关卡、更换图片,查看完整大图),希望大神临幸,千万别拍砖。
第三关: 四列/15块儿
<div class="gigContent"> <div class="paddingv10 borderb bg-white"> <span class="paddingr30">Section: {{colomnData.barrier}}</span> <span class="paddingr30">Step: {{step}}</span> <button (click)="resetFn()" class="flexWidth">Reset</button> <button (click)="changePicFn()" class="flexWidth">Change Picture</button> <button (click)="ifViewPic = true" class="flexWidth">View big picture</button> </div> <ul class="gigItem" [ngStyle]="getColumnWidth()"> <li *ngFor="let puzzle of puzzles; let i = index" (click)="moveBoxFn(i)" [ngClass]="{'empty': puzzle == '', 'full': puzzle != ''}" [ngStyle]="getPicPosition(puzzle)"> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="mask" *ngIf="ifViewPic"> <img src="../../assets/images/pic{{imgRandom}}.jpg" style="width: 500px;" /> <br/> <button (click)="ifViewPic = false" class="flexWidth">Close</button> </div>
.mainContent { width: 1000px; box-sizing: border-box; } .gigContent { width: 100%; min-height: 500px; text-align: center; } .gigContent .gigItem{ margin: 20px auto 0; } .gigContent .gigItem li { list-style-type: none; width: 100px; height: 100px; float: left; line-height: 100px; text-align: center; color: #dedede; font-size: 26px; font-weight: bolder; box-sizing: border-box; border: solid 1px #dedede; } .gigContent .gigItem li.full { background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: orange; } .gigContent .gigItem li.empty { background-image: none!important; border: none; } .gigContent .gigItem li.full:hover { cursor: pointer; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #fff; } .gigContent .gigItem:before, .gigContent .gigItem:after { content: ''; display: block; clear: both; } .mask { font-size: 26px; color: orange; font-weight: bolder; text-align: center; padding-top: 100px; }
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { Router } from '@angular/router'; @Component ({ templateUrl: './gigsaw.component.html', styleUrls: ['./gigsaw.component.css'] }) export class GigsawComponent implements OnInit { private puzzles: Array<any>; // 随机生成的乱序数组 private positionArr: Array<any>; // 每点击一块儿,会生成其上下左右位置的数组 private emptyBox: any; // 空白小块儿 private boxMovable: boolean = false; // 图片是否可以移动 private isSuccessful: boolean = false; // 是否过关 private step: number = 0; // 移动步数 private colomnData: any = { barrier: 3, colomNum: 4, totalNum: 15 }; // 关卡数、列数、小块儿总数 private imgRandom: number; // 随机选择图片 private ifViewPic: boolean = false; // 是否查看大图 constructor(private router: Router){} ngOnInit(){ this.resetFn(); this.changePicFn(); } resetFn(){ let puzzlesRandom = []; // 根据关卡数,生成相应的数组 for(let i = 1; i <= this.colomnData.totalNum; i++){ puzzlesRandom.push(i); } // 将数组打乱 this.puzzles = puzzlesRandom.sort(() => { return Math.random() - 0.5; }); // 将空白块儿加入 this.puzzles.push(''); this.step = 0; } changePicFn(){ this.imgRandom = Math.round( Math.random() * 4 + 1); } checkMovableFn(index: number){ // 查看所点击图片是否可以移动 // 获取所点击图片位置以及上下左右坐标 this.positionArr = [ { name: 'curNum', value: this.puzzles[index], position: index }, { name: 'topNum', value: this.puzzles[index - this.colomnData.colomNum], position: index - this.colomnData.colomNum }, { name: 'btmNum', value: this.puzzles[index + this.colomnData.colomNum], position: index + this.colomnData.colomNum }, { name: 'lftNum', value: this.puzzles[index - 1], position: index - 1 }, { name: 'ritNum', value: this.puzzles[index + 1], position: index + 1 } ] // 如果所点击的图片不是空白块儿,将value为空的一项赋值给emptyBox if(this.puzzles[index] != ''){ this.emptyBox = this.positionArr.filter(function (k, v) { return k.value == '' })[0]; // 如果emptyBox有值,则表示周围有空白块,可以移动 if(this.emptyBox != undefined){ this.boxMovable = true; } } } moveBoxFn(index: number){ // 移动小块儿,将被点击小块儿的值赋值给空白块儿,将被点击小块儿设置为空 this.boxMovable = false; this.checkMovableFn(index); if(this.boxMovable) { this.puzzles[this.emptyBox.position] = this.puzzles[index]; this.puzzles[index] = ''; this.step++; } setTimeout(() => { this.isSuccessfulFn(); }, 100); } isSuccessfulFn(){ for(let i = 1; i <= this.colomnData.totalNum; i++) { if(this.puzzles[i-1] != i) { this.isSuccessful = false; return; } } this.isSuccessful = true; if(this.isSuccessful){ let temConfirm = confirm('Conguratulations! You win! \n Would you like to go to next section?') if(temConfirm){ this.getNextSectionFn(); } else { this.router.navigate(['/home']); } } } getNextSectionFn(){ // 进入下一关 this.colomnData.barrier = this.colomnData.barrier + 1; this.colomnData.colomNum = (this.colomnData.barrier + 1) ; this.colomnData.totalNum = this.colomnData.colomNum * this.colomnData.colomNum - 1; if(this.colomnData.barrier >= 6) { alert('Congaratulations! You pass all the sections!') this.router.navigate(['/home']); } this.resetFn(); this.changePicFn(); } getColumnWidth(){ // 根据列数设置外层盒子的宽度 return { width: this.colomnData.colomNum * 100 + 'px' }; } getPicPosition(index: number){ // 根据列数调整背景图片的位置!!! 好难 let posX, posY; for(let n = 0; n < this.colomnData.colomNum; n++) { if (index == this.colomnData.colomNum*n) { posX = '100%'; } else if (index == this.colomnData.colomNum * n + 1){ posX = '0%'; } else if (index == this.colomnData.colomNum * n + 2) { posX = 100/(this.colomnData.colomNum - 1) + '%'; } else if (index == this.colomnData.colomNum * n + 3) { posX = 100/(this.colomnData.colomNum - 1) * 2 + '%'; } else if (index == this.colomnData.colomNum * n + 4) { posX = 100/(this.colomnData.colomNum - 1) * 3 + '%'; } else if (index == this.colomnData.colomNum * n + 5) { posX = 100/(this.colomnData.colomNum - 1) * 4 + '%'; } } if (index <= this.colomnData.colomNum) { posY = '0%'; } else if (index > this.colomnData.colomNum && index <= this.colomnData.colomNum * 2){ posY = 100/(this.colomnData.colomNum - 1) + '%'; } else if (index > this.colomnData.colomNum * 2 && index <= this.colomnData.colomNum * 3) { posY = 100/(this.colomnData.colomNum - 1) * 2 + '%'; } else if (index > this.colomnData.colomNum * 3 && index <= this.colomnData.colomNum * 4) { posY = 100/(this.colomnData.colomNum - 1) * 3 + '%'; } else if (index > this.colomnData.colomNum * 4 && index <= this.colomnData.colomNum * 5) { posY = 100/(this.colomnData.colomNum - 1) * 4 + '%'; } else if (index > this.colomnData.colomNum * (this.colomnData.colomNum - 1) && index < this.colomnData.colomNum * this.colomnData.colomNum ){ posY = '100%'; } return { backgroundPositionX: posX, backgroundPositionY: posY, backgroundSize: this.colomnData.colomNum * 100 + 'px', backgroundImage: 'url(\"../../assets/images/pic' + this.imgRandom + '.jpg\")' }; } }
标签:index,拼图,华容道,colomNum,private,puzzles,Angular4,块儿,colomnData 来源: