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印度的高考工厂 | 经济学人早报精选


文 / 王不留(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)




Selection guaranteed? Kota factory




Every year over 150,000 teenagers flock to Kota, “India’s coaching capital”. The city, in the northern state of Rajasthan, is crowded with billboards of frowning professors peddling their classes much like Bollywood stars endorse soaps. Hoardings show smiling freckle-faced teenagers proud of their top marks. Some of these coaches boast of “building beautiful minds”, but heap on the pressure by reminding readers that “it’s registration time”. Most pupils aim to ace the mind-bogglingly difficult entrance tests necessary to get into the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology. Though few crack the exams, many crack under the pressure.


“Kota Factory”, a web-series on Netflix, highlights the travails of aspiring boys and girls as they go through the wringer. The programme’s second season was released on Netflix on Friday. In revealing the brutality of the process, “Kota Factory” is a refreshing take on how not to mint geniuses.


Selection guaranteed? Kota factory








在高中选择了科学方向(相当于中国的理科)的学生,如果有志于进工程学院,那就需要参加单独的入学考试,鼎鼎大名的印度理工学院(IITs),就是印度最顶尖的工程学院,学生必须要通过JEE (Joint Entrance Examination) 考试才有望进入IIT。


如果有志于做医生,那就需要参加 NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) 考试。




印度西北部拉贾斯坦邦的小镇科塔,因为聚集了大量JEE和NEET补习班,被称为“补习之都”。科塔起源于1985年,当时工程师VK Bansal连同他毕业于IIT的伙伴Maheshwari,开始尝试不同的教学模式,在科塔为IIT考生教授数学和物理。




Every year over 150,000 teenagers flock to Kota, “India’s coaching capital”. The city, in the northern state of Rajasthan, is crowded with billboards of frowning professors peddling their classes much like Bollywood stars endorse soaps. Hoardings show smiling freckle-faced teenagers proud of their top marks. Some of these coaches boast of “building beautiful minds”, but heap on the pressure by reminding readers that “it’s registration time”. Most pupils aim to ace the mind-bogglingly difficult entrance tests necessary to get into the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology. Though few crack the exams, many crack under the pressure.




flock to 成群结队地走向…… 

proud of 骄傲 ;  自豪的 ;  为…而自豪 

boast of 夸耀,吹嘘 

heap on 在…上堆积 ;  对大加 

aim to 旨在 

get into 进入 ;  成功涉足 ;  考入 ;  使行为异常 ;  使着魔


“Kota Factory”, a web-series on Netflix, highlights the travails of aspiring boys and girls as they go through the wringer. The programme’s second season was released on Netflix on Friday. In revealing the brutality of the process, “Kota Factory” is a refreshing take on how not to mint geniuses.




Netflix 网飞 ;  网飞公司 ;  奈飞 

travails 艰苦劳动 ;  煎熬 ;  艰辛 ;  痛苦 ;  travail的复数 

go through 经过 ;  经历,经受 ;  翻阅 ;  翻找 ;  整理 ;  通读 ;  彻查 ;  走 ;  例行做 ;  被通过 ;  被批准 

wringer 勒索者;绞拧机;绞扭的人;令人心力交困的事 

brutality 残暴 ;  野蛮行径 

take on 承担,接受 ;  呈现,显出 ;  上,装,补充 ;  雇用 ;  录用 ;  与较量 ;  接受…的挑战 ;  擅自决定 ;  自作主张 

geniuses 天才 ;  天资 ;  天赋 ;  天才人物 ;  才能,本领 ;  geniu








这些涌入科塔的学生大多以印度顶尖工程和医学院为目标。以一个希望考入印度理工 IIT 的考生举例,他一天的日常将会全面围绕学习展开:5-6小时的辅导课程+超过10小时的自习+6小时的睡眠+不到两小时的时间用来吃饭和休息以便更好地学习。这所印度顶尖工程类院校的录取率不到1%,录取之难更甚于 MIT。








今天的经济学人全英文早报请看 ->> “The Economist Espresso 20210927” 。




来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/jianzhanbiji/p/15405017.html