最近看了一篇在IoT网络中,利用IRS去集成AirComp(Over-the-air computation 空中计算)和EB(energy beamforming 能量波束形成)技术解决Fast wireless data aggregation(WDA 快速无线数据聚合)和efficient battery recharging(高效的给电池充电)两大问题的论文:
一、背景(background)--related words:
(3)在无线传感器网络中,利用模拟AirComp实现robust estimations of computing functions
(4)a unform-forcing transceiver design to achieve reliable Air Comp
(5)exploited AirComp to achieve efficient multimodal sensing and multiple functions computation
(6)latency reduction in IoT networks without relying on the channel state information(CSI)
(7)AirComp matches well with the model aggregation process in federated learning,so leveraged AirComp to accelerate the convergence rate of federated learning over wireless networks.
以上都是对analog AirComp(模拟 AirComp)的研究,接下来还有对digital AirComp(数字 AirComp)的研究。
(1)one-bit digital AirComp scheme to facilitate communication-efficient federated learning in wideband wireless networks
(2)a digital AirComp scheme to achieve the reliable computation of nomographic functions
标签:learning,论文,federated,想法,networks,achieve,computation,梳理,AirComp 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/z-qhhh/p/15368789.html