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@2021SC@SDUSC PALISADE全同态加密开源 @1 下载和安装


Files · master · PALISADE / PALISADE Development · GitLab


resposity本体也非常的巨大 但是其中真正的源代码据估计在9MB以内

原因很简单 其中的417M都是.git的内容 这意味着这个算法库经过了


对于安装和跑demo README提供了可资参考的步骤

Build Instructions

We use CMake to build PALISADE. The high-level (platform-independent) procedure for building PALISADE is as follows (for OS-specific instructions, see the section "Detailed information about building PALISADE" at the bottom of this page):

  1. Install system prerequisites (if not already installed), including a C++ compiler with OMP support, cmake, make, and autoconf.
  2. Clone the PALISADE repo to your local machine.
  3. Create a directory where the binaries will be built. The typical choice is a subfolder "build". In this case, the commands are:

mkdir buildcd buildcmake ..

Note that CMake will check for any system dependencies that are needed for the build process. If the CMake build does not complete successfully, please review the error CMake shows at the end. If the error does not go away (even though you installed the dependency), try running "make clean" to clear the CMake cache.

  1. If you want to use any external libraries, such as NTL/GMP or tcmalloc, install these libraries.
  2. Build PALISADE by running the following command (this will take few minutes; using the -j make command-line flag is suggested to speed up the build)


If you want to build only library files or some other subset of PALISADE, please review the last paragraph of this page.

After the "make" completes, you should see the PALISADE library files in the lib folder, binaries of demos in bin/demo, binaries of benchmarks in bib/benchmark, and binaries for unit tests in the unittest folder.

  1. Install PALISADE to a system directory (if desired or for production purposes)

make install

You would probably need to run sudo make install unless you are specifying some other install location. You can change the install location by running cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/your/path ... The header files are placed in the "include/palisade" folder of the specified path, and the binaries of the library are copied directly to the "lib" folder. For example, if no installation path is provided in Ubuntu (and many other Unix-based OSes), the header and library binary files will be placed in "/usr/local/include/palisade" and "/usr/local/lib", respectively.


Instructions for building PALISADE in Windows · Wiki · PALISADE / PALISADE Development · GitLab


根据它的步骤 我们先clone一下 这一步我已经做了

其实接下来的主要步骤应该是关于编译的事情 其它的一些配置在win/linux/mac下可能会有所不同

我的机器是window的 这里做一个说明


1. 安装系统先决条件(如果尚未安装),包括带有 OMP 支持、cmake、制作和自动会议的C++编译器。

2. 将 PALISADE 回购克隆到您本地的机器上。





来源: https://blog.csdn.net/a3167459/article/details/120496381