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大学英语精读第三版(第一册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——9B - Fresh Air Will Kill You(新鲜空气会让你送命)


Unit 9B - Fresh Air Will Kill You

Fresh Air Will Kill You

Smog, which was once the big attraction of Los Angeles, can now be found all over the country from Butte, Montana, to New York City, and people are getting so used to polluted air that it's very difficult for them to breathe anything else.

I was lecturing recently, and one of my stops was Flagstaff, Arizona, which is about 7,000 miles above sea level.

As soon as I got out of the plane, I smelled something peculiar.

"What's that smell?" I asked the man who met me at the plane.

"I don't smell anything," he replied.

"There's a definite odor that I'm not familiar with," I said.

"Oh, you must be talking about the fresh air. A lot of people come out here who have never smelled fresh air before."

"What's it supposed to do?" I asked suspiciously.

"Nothing. You just breathe it like any other kind of air. It's supposed to be good for your lungs."

"I've heard that story before," I said. "How come if it's air, my eyes aren't watering?"

"Your eyes don't water with fresh air. That's the advantage of it. Saves you a lot in paper tissues."

I looked around and everything appeared crystal clear. It was a strange sensation and made me feel very uncomfortable.

My host, sensing this, tried to be reassuring. "Please don't worry about it. Tests have proved that you can breathe fresh air day and night without its doing any harm to the body."

"You're just saying that because you don't want me to leave," I said. "Nobody who has lived in a major city can stand fresh air for a very long time. He has no tolerance for it."

"Well, if the fresh air bothers you, why don't you put a handkerchief over your nose and breathe through your mouth?"

"Okay, I'll try it. If I'd known I was coming to a place that had nothing but fresh air, I would have brought a surgical mask."

We drove in silence. About fifteen minutes later he asked, "How do you feel now?"

"Okay, I guess, but I sure miss sneezing."

"We don't sneeze too much here," the man admitted. "Do they sneeze a lot where you come from?"

"All the time. There are some days when that's all you do."

"Do you enjoy it?"

"Not necessarily, but if you don't sneeze, you'll die. Let me ask you something. How come there's no air pollution around here?"

"Flagstaff can't seem to attract industry. I guess we're really behind the times. The only smoke we get is when the Indians start signaling each other. But the wind seems to blow it away." The fresh air was making me feel dizzy "Isn't there a diesel bus around here that I could breathe into for a couple of hours?"

"Not at this time of day. I might be able to find a truck for you."

We found a truck driver, and slipped him a five-dollar bill, and he let me put my head near his exhaust pipe for a half hour. I was immediately revived and able to give my speech.

Nobody was as happy to leave Flagstaff as I was. My next stop was Los Angeles, and when I got off the plane, I took one big deep breath of the smog-filled air, my eyes started to water, I began to sneeze, and I felt like a new man again.





























Key Words:

tolerance        ['tɔlərəns]

n. 忍耐力,宽容,容忍,公差

crystal     ['kristl]   

n. 水晶,晶体

adj. 晶体的,透明的

uncomfortable      [ʌn'kʌmftəbl] 

adj. 不舒服的,不自在的

odor       ['əudə]   

n. 气味,名声,气息

reassuring     [,ri:ə'ʃuəriŋ]    

adj. 可靠的;安心的;鼓气的 v. 使放心(reassure)

plane      [plein]    

adj. 平的,与飞机有关的

n. 飞机,水平

advantage     [əd'vɑ:ntidʒ]  

n. 优势,有利条件

vt. 有利于

definite   ['definit] 

adj. 明确的,确切的,有把握的

sensation       [sen'seiʃən]   

n. 感觉,感知力,激动,轰动

sneeze    [sni:z]     

n. 喷嚏

vi. 打喷嚏

silence    ['sailəns] 

n. 沉默,寂静

vt. 使安静,使沉默

pollution        [pə'lu:ʃən]      

n. 污染,污染物

mask      [mɑ:sk]  

n. 面具,面罩,伪装

v. 戴面具,掩饰,遮

minutes  ['minits] 

n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

exhaust   [ig'zɔ:st] 

v. 耗尽,使衰竭,使筋疲力尽

n. 排气装置

plane      [plein]    

adj. 平的,与飞机有关的


  1. 大学英语精读(第三版) 第一册:Unit09B Fresh Air Will Kill You(1)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语

大学英语精读(第三版) 第一册:Unit09B Fresh Air Will Kill You(2)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/hpdlzu80100/article/details/120388958