Beyond the Deep Metric Learning 论文笔记
Beyond the Deep Metric Learning: Enhance the Cross-Modal Matching with Adversarial Discriminative Domain Regularization
Since Ladv introduced above identically construct labeling functions in hypothesis class space instead of real category labels, it is essential to constrain the searching process of fp in order for them to estimate the discriminative class spaces. In other words, assuming we have a matching pair (Ip, Sp) and an exclusive matching pair (Iq, Sq), the class labeling space in the domain p and q may not be fully disjoint during the training. The triplet loss indeed provides some discriminative learning signals to feature generators, but only at the feature level. At the domain level, the fp and fq might still send confusing learning signals, and it may fail to capture the discriminative information between the distribution of samples.
标签:PFAN,discriminative,训练,Metric,论文,Deep,辨别,Learning,class 来源: