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The fundamentals of millimeter wave radar sensors——毫米波雷达传感器基本原理




Millimeter wave (mmWave) is a special class of radar technology that uses shortwavelength electromagnetic waves. Radar systems transmit electromagnetic wave signals that objects in their path then reflect. By capturing the reflected signal, a radar system can determine the range, velocity and angle of the objects.


mmWave radars transmit signals with a wavelength that is in the millimeter range. This is considered a short wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum and is one of the advantages of this technology. Indeed, the size of system components such as the antennas required to process mmWave signals is small. Another advantage of short wavelengths is the high accuracy. An mmWave system operating at 76–81 GHz (with a corresponding wavelength of about 4 mm), will have the ability to detect movements that are as small as a fraction of a millimeter.

毫米波雷达发射信号的波长在毫米范围内。毫米波是电磁波谱中的短波长,波长短是这项技术的优点之一。事实上,处理毫米波信号所需的天线等系统组件的尺寸很小。短波长的另一个优点是高精度。一个运行在76-81 GHz(相应波长约4毫米)的毫米波系统,可以探测到精确到一毫米的运动。

A complete mmWave radar system includes transmit (TX) and receive (RX) radio frequency (RF) components; analog components such as clocking; and digital components such as analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), microcontrollers (MCUs) and digital signal processors (DSPs). Traditionally, these systems were implemented with discrete components, which increased power consumption and overall system cost. System design is challenging due the complexity and high frequencies.


Texas Instruments (TI) has solved these challenges and designed complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS)-based mmWave radar devices that integrate TXRF and RX-RF analog components such as clocking, and digital components such as the ADC, MCU and hardware accelerator. Some families in TI’s mmWave sensor portfolio integrate a DSP for additional signal-processing capabilities.


TI devices implement a special class of mmWave technology called frequencymodulated continuous wave (FMCW). As the name implies, FMCW radars transmit a frequency-modulated signal continuously in order to measure range as well as angle and velocity. This differs from traditional pulsed-radar systems, which transmit short pulses periodically.



The fundamental concept in radar systems is the transmission of an electromagnetic signal that objects reflect in its path. In the signal used in FMCW radars, the frequency increases linearly with time. This type of signal is also called a chirp.


Figure 1 shows a representation of a chirp signal, with magnitude (amplitude) as a function of time.



Figure 2 shows the same chirp signal, with frequency as a function of time. The chirp is characterized by a start frequency (fc), bandwidth (B) and duration (Tc). The slope of the chirp (S) captures the rate of change of frequency. In the example provided in Figure 2, fc = 77 GHz, B = 4 GHz, Tc = 40 µs and S = 100 MHz/µs.

图2显示了单个调频脉冲信号,频率是时间的函数。脉冲信号的特征是一个起始频率(fc)、带宽(B)和持续时间(Tc)。脉冲信号的斜率(S)包含了频率的变化率。以图2为例,fc = 77 GHz, B = 4 GHz, Tc = 40µs, s = 100 MHz/µs。

An FMCW radar system transmits a chirp signal and captures the signals reflected by objects in its path. Figure 3 represents a simplified block diagram of the main RF components of an FMCW radar. The radar operates as follows: 


• A synthesizer (synth) generates a chirp.


• The chirp is transmitted by a transmit antenna (TX ant).


• The reflection of the chirp by an object generates a reflected chirp captured by the receive antenna (RX ant).


• A “mixer” combines the RX and TX signals to produce an intermediate frequency (IF) signal.


A frequency mixer is an electronic component that combines two signals to create a new signal with a new frequency.


For two sinusoidal inputs x1 and x2 (Equations 1 and 2):



The output xout has an instantaneous frequency equal to the difference of the instantaneous frequencies of the two input sinusoids. The phase of the output xout is equal to the difference of the phases of the two input signals (Equation 3):



The operation of the frequency mixer can also be understood graphically by looking at TX and RX chirp frequency representation as a function of time.


The upper diagram in Figure 4 on the following page shows TX and RX chirps as a function of time for a single object detected. Notice that the RX chirp is a time-delay version of the TX chirp.


The time delay (t) can be mathematically derived as Equation 4:


where d is the distance to the detected object and c is the speed of light.


To obtain the frequency representation as a function of time of the IF signal at the output of the frequency mixer, subtract the two lines presented in the upper section of Figure 4. The distance between the two lines is fixed, which means that the IF signal consists of a tone with a constant frequency. Figure 4 shows that this frequency is St. The IF signal is valid only in the time interval where both the TX chirp and the RX chirp overlap (i.e., the interval between the vertical dotted lines in Figure 4).


The mixer output signal as a magnitude function of time is a sine wave, since it has a constant frequency. The initial phase of the IF signal (F0) is the difference between the phase of the TX chirp and the phase of the RX chirp at the time instant corresponding to the start of the IF signal (i.e., the time instant represented by the left vertical dotted line in Figure 4). (Equation 5):


Mathematically, it can be further derived into Equation 6:



 In summary,for an object at a distance d from the radar, the IF signal will be a sine wave (Equation 7), then:


The assumption so far is that the radar has detected only one object. Let’s analyze a case when there are several objects detected. Figure 5 shows three different RX chirps received from different objects. Each chirp is delayed by a different amount of time proportional to the distance to that object. The different RX chirps translate to multiple IF tones, each with a constant frequency.


This IF signal consisting of multiple tones must be processed using a Fourier transform in order to separate the different tones. Fourier transform processing will result in a frequency spectrum that has separate peaks for the different tones each peak denoting the presence of an object at a specific distance.



**在这篇介绍性白皮书中,我们忽略了中频信号的频率对物体速度的依赖。在快速fmcw雷达中,这通常是一个很小的影响,一旦多普勒- fft处理后,进一步可以很容易地校对。


Range resolution Range resolution is the ability to distinguish between two or more objects. When two objects move closer, at some point, a radar system will no longer be able to distinguish them as separate objects. Fourier transform theory states that you can increase the resolution by increasing the length of the IF signal.


To increase the length of the IF signal, the bandwidth must also be increased proportionally. An increased-length IF signal results in an IF spectrum with two separate peaks.


Fourier transform theory also states that an observation window (T) can resolve frequency components that are separated by more than 1/THz. This means that two IF signal tones can be resolved in frequency as long as the frequency difference satisfies the relationship given in Equation 8:

傅里叶变换理论还指出,观测窗(T)可以分辨分离大于1/T Hz的频率分量。这意味着两个中频信号音调在频率上可以分解,只要频率差满足式8的关系:




因此,具有GHz脉冲带宽的FMCW雷达将具有厘米量级的距离分辨率(例如,啁啾带宽为4 GHz转换为3.75 cm的距离分辨率)。


 In this section, let’s use phasor notation (distance, angle) for a complex number.



In order to measure velocity, an FMCW radar transmits two chirps separated by Tc. Each reflected chirp is processed through FFT to detect the range of the object (range-FFT). The range-FFT corresponding to each chirp will have peaks in the same location, but with a different phase. The measured phase difference corresponds to a motion in the object of vTc.



 The phase difference is derived from Equation 6 as Equation 10:


You can derive the velocity using Equation 11:


Since the velocity measurement is based on a phase difference, there will be ambiguity. The measurement is unambiguous only if.




Using Equation 11 above, one can mathematically derive



Equation 12 provides the maximum relative speed (vmax) measured by two chirps spaced Tc apart. Higher vmax requires shorter transmission times between chirps




The two-chirp velocity measurement method does not work if multiple moving objects with different velocities are at the time of measurement, both at the same distance from the radar. Since these objects are at the same distance, they will generate reflective chirps with identical IF frequencies. As a consequence, the range-FFT will result in single peak, which represents the combined signal from all of these equi-range objects. A simple phase comparison technique will not work.

如果测量时多个不同速度的运动物体距离雷达的距离相同,则双脉冲测速方法不适用。由于这些物体距离相同,它们会产生具有相同中频频率的反射脉冲。因此,距离- fft将产生单峰,代表来自所有这些等距离目标的合并信号。简单的相位比较技术是行不通的。

In this case, in order to measure the speed, the radar system must transmit more than two chirps. It transmits a set of N equally spaced chirps. This set of chirps is called a chirp frame. Figure 7 shows the frequency as a function of time for a chirp frame.



The processing technique is described below using the example of two objects equidistant from the radar but with different velocities v1 and v2.


Range-FFT processes the reflected set of chirps, resulting in a set of N identically located peaks, but each with a different phase incorporating the phase contributions from both these objects (the individual phase contributions from each of these objects being represented by the red and blue phasors in Figure 8).


 A second FFT, called Doppler-FFT, is performed on the N phasors to resolve the two objects, as shown in Figure 9.


w1 and w2 correspond to the phase difference between consecutive chirps for the respective objects (Equation 13): 



The theory of discrete Fourier transforms teaches us that two discrete frequencies, w1 and w2, can be resolved if Dw = w2 – w1 > 2p/N radians/sample. Since Dw is also defined by the following equation (Equation 10), one can mathematically derive the velocity resolution (vres) if the frame period Tf = NTc (Equation 14):



The velocity resolution of the radar is inversely proportional to the frame time (Tf ).



 An FMCW radar system can estimate the angle of a reflected signal with the horizontal plane, as shown in Figure 10. This angle is also called the angle of arrival (AoA).

Angular estimation is based on the observation that a small change in the distance of an object results in a phase change in the peak of the range-FFT or Doppler-FFT. This result is used to perform angular estimation, using at least two RX antennas as shown in Figure 11. The differential distance from the object to each of the antennas results in a phase change in the FFT peak. The phase change enables you to estimate the AoA.







 As a result, the estimation accuracy depends on AoA and is more accurate when has a small value. as shown in Figure 12.










As you can see, an FMCW sensor is able to determine the range, velocity and angle of nearby objects by using a combination of RF, analog and digital electronic components.


 Figure 14 is a block diagram of the different components.


TI has brought innovation to the field of FMCW sensing by integrating a DSP, MCU and the TX RF, RX RF, analog and digital components into a RFCMOS single chip.

 TI公司在FMCW传感领域进行了创新,将DSP、MCU和TX RF、RX RF、模拟和数字元件集成到RFCMOS单片机中。





来源: https://blog.csdn.net/g894442165/article/details/116447507