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1 值类型或者指针类型都可以互相调用值接受者或者指针接受者

2 是否改变原来的值 取决于接受者是值类型还是指针类型

// Sample program to show how to declare methods and how the Go
// compiler supports them.
package main

import (

// user defines a user in the program.
type user struct {
	name  string
	email string

// notify implements a method with a value receiver.
func (u user) notify() {
	fmt.Printf("Sending User Email To %s<%s>\n",

// changeEmail implements a method with a pointer receiver.
func (u *user) changeEmail(email string) {
	u.email = email

// main is the entry point for the application.
func main() {
	// Values of type user can be used to call methods
	// declared with a value receiver.
	bill := user{"Bill", "bill@email.com"}

	// Pointers of type user can also be used to call methods
	// declared with a value receiver.
	lisa := &user{"Lisa", "lisa@email.com"}

	// Values of type user can be used to call methods
	// declared with a pointer receiver.

	// Pointers of type user can be used to call methods
	// declared with a pointer receiver.
// Sample program to show how to declare methods against
// a named type.
package main

import (

// duration is a named type that represents a duration
// of time in Nanosecond.
type duration int64

const (
	nanosecond  duration = 1
	microsecond          = 1000 * nanosecond
	millisecond          = 1000 * microsecond
	second               = 1000 * millisecond
	minute               = 60 * second
	hour                 = 60 * minute

// setHours sets the specified number of hours.
func (d *duration) setHours(h float64) {
	*d = duration(h) * hour

// hours returns the duration as a floating point number of hours.
func (d duration) hours() float64 {
	hour := d / hour
	nsec := d % hour
	return float64(hour) + float64(nsec)*(1e-9/60/60)

// main is the entry point for the application.
func main() {
	// Declare a variable of type duration set to
	// its zero value.
	var dur duration

	// Change the value of dur to equal
	// five seconds.

	// Display the new value of dur.
	fmt.Println("Hours:", dur.hours())
// Sample program to show how to declare function variables.
package main

import "fmt"

// data is a struct to bind methods to.
type data struct {
	name string
	age  int

// displayName provides a pretty print view of the name.
func (d data) displayName() {
	fmt.Println("My Name Is: ", d.name)

// setAge sets the age and displays the value.
func (d *data) setAge(age int) {
	d.age = age
	fmt.Println("Set Age: ", d.age)

// main is the entry point for the application.
func main() {
	// Declare a variable of type data.
	d := data{
		name: "Bill",

	// Declare a function variable for the method
	// bound to the d variable.
	f1 := d.displayName

	// Call the method via the variable.

	// Declare a function variable for the function
	// bound to the package.
	f2 := data.displayName

	// Call the function passing the receiver.

	// Declare a function variable for the method
	// bound to the d variable.
	f3 := d.setAge

	// Call the method via the variable passing the parameter.

	// Declare a function variable for the function
	// bound to the package. The receiver is a pointer.
	f4 := (*data).setAge

	// Call the function passing the receiver and the parameter.
	f4(&d, 55)

函数类型(function types)


如下这一行代码,定义了一个名叫 Greeting 的函数类型

type Greeting func(name string) string


  1. 只接收一个参数 ,并且该参数的类型为 string

  2. 返回值也只有一个参数,其类型为 string

一个函数只要满足这些特征,那么它就可以通过如下方式将该函数转换成 Greeting 类型的函数对象(也即 greet)

func english(name string) string {
    return "Hello, " + name

// 转换成 Greeting 类型的函数对象
greet := Greeting(english)
// 或者
var greet Greeting = english

greet 做为 Greeting 类型的对象,也拥有 Greeting 类型的所有方法,比如下面的 say 方法

func (g Greeting) say(n string) {




package main

import "fmt"

// Greeting function types
type Greeting func(name string) string

func (g Greeting) say(n string) {

func english(name string) string {
    return "Hello, " + name

func main() {
    greet := Greeting(english)
// output: Hello, World

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/jianlee1991/article/details/120304578