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Android9.0 power键功能定义配置方法


Android9.0 power键提供了方便的功能配置修改方法,具体如下:


  <!-- Control the behavior when the user short presses the power button.
            0 - Nothing
            1 - Go to sleep (doze)
            2 - Really go to sleep (don't doze)
            3 - Really go to sleep and go home (don't doze)
            4 - Go to home
            5 - Dismiss IME if shown. Otherwise go to home
            change from 1 to 0 for no panel project@CHENHUO20210909
    <integer name="config_shortPressOnPowerBehavior">0</integer>



<!-- Control the behavior when the user double presses the power button.
            0 - Nothing
            1 - Toggle theater mode setting
            2 - Brightness boost

<integer name="config_doublePressOnPowerBehavior">0</integer>


  <!-- Control the behavior when the user long presses the power button.
            0 - Nothing
            1 - Global actions menu
            2 - Power off (with confirmation)
            3 - Power off (without confirmation)
            4 - Go to voice assist
    <integer name="config_longPressOnPowerBehavior">1</integer>   


<!-- Control the behavior when the user long presses the power button for a long time.
            0 - Nothing
            1 - Global actions menu
    <integer name="config_veryLongPressOnPowerBehavior">1</integer>

    <!-- Control the behavior when the user long presses the back button.  Non-zero values are only
         valid for watches as part of CDD/CTS.
            0 - Nothing
            1 - Go to voice assist

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/zhiru20/article/details/120209701