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FLINK基础(140):DS流与表转换(6) Handling of Changelog Streams(1)简介


Internally, Flink’s table runtime is a changelog processor. The concepts page describes how dynamic tables and streams relate to each other.

StreamTableEnvironment offers the following methods to expose these change data capture (CDC) functionalities:

From a Table API’s perspective, converting from and to DataStream API is similar to reading from or writing to a virtual table connector that has been defined using a CREATE TABLE DDL in SQL.

Because fromChangelogStream behaves similar to fromDataStream, we recommend reading the previous section before continuing here.

This virtual connector also supports reading and writing the rowtime metadata of the stream record.

The virtual table source implements SupportsSourceWatermark.


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/qiu-hua/p/15204226.html