首页 > 其他分享> > 【勘误】《编译、链接与库》 5.5 大家都有符号表

【勘误】《编译、链接与库》 5.5 大家都有符号表


​ 在输出结果的最左列是符号的编号,也是符号在符号表中的下标。接着是符号的大小,即符号所表示的对象所占用的空间。第三列是符号所在的位置,……


int printf(const char *format, ...);

int global_init_var = 84;
int global_uninit_var;

void func1(int i)
    printf("%d\n", i);

int main(void)
    static int static_var = 85;
    static int static_var2;

    int a = 1;
    int b;

    func1(static_var + static_var2 + a + b);
    return a;


cl /c /Za .\SimpleSection.c
dumpbin /ALL .\SimpleSection.obj > .\SimpleSection.txt


000 01047558 ABS    notype       Static       | @comp.id
001 80010190 ABS    notype       Static       | @feat.00
002 00000001 ABS    notype       Static       | @vol.md
003 00000000 SECT1  notype       Static       | .drectve
    Section length   18, #relocs    0, #linenums    0, checksum        0
005 00000000 SECT2  notype       Static       | .debug$S
    Section length   94, #relocs    0, #linenums    0, checksum        0
007 00000000 SECT3  notype       Static       | .data
    Section length    C, #relocs    0, #linenums    0, checksum AC5AB941
009 00000000 SECT3  notype       External     | global_init_var
00A 00000004 UNDEF  notype       External     | global_uninit_var
00B 00000000 SECT4  notype       Static       | .text$mn
    Section length   64, #relocs    5, #linenums    0, checksum  D696A53
00D 00000000 UNDEF  notype ()    External     | printf
00E 00000000 SECT4  notype ()    External     | func1
00F 00000030 SECT4  notype ()    External     | main
010 00000000 SECT4  notype       Label        | $LN3
011 00000030 SECT4  notype       Label        | $LN3
012 00000000 SECT5  notype       Static       | .xdata
    Section length   10, #relocs    0, #linenums    0, checksum 434E1581
014 00000000 SECT5  notype       Static       | $unwind$func1
015 00000000 SECT6  notype       Static       | .pdata
    Section length   18, #relocs    6, #linenums    0, checksum 5710F00F
017 00000000 SECT6  notype       Static       | $pdata$func1
018 00000008 SECT5  notype       Static       | $unwind$main
019 0000000C SECT6  notype       Static       | $pdata$main
01A 00000004 SECT3  notype       Static       | $SG6143
01B 00000008 SECT3  notype       Static       | ?static_var@?1??main@@9@9 (`main'::`2'::static_var)
01C 00000000 SECT7  notype       Static       | .bss
    Section length    4, #relocs    0, #linenums    0, checksum        0
01E 00000000 SECT7  notype       Static       | ?static_var2@?1??main@@9@9 (`main'::`2'::static_var2)
01F 00000000 SECT8  notype       Static       | .chks64
    Section length   40, #relocs    0, #linenums    0, checksum        0

String Table Size = 0x8F bytes


           4 .bss
          40 .chks64
           C .data
          94 .debug$S
          18 .drectve
          18 .pdata
          64 .text$mn
          10 .xdata



   .data name
       0 physical address
       0 virtual address
       C size of raw data
     200 file pointer to raw data (00000200 to 0000020B)
       0 file pointer to relocation table
       0 file pointer to line numbers
       0 number of relocations
       0 number of line numbers
C0300040 flags
         Initialized Data
         4 byte align
         Read Write

  00000000: 54 00 00 00 25 64 0A 00 55 00 00 00              T...%d..U...

54 00 00 00的十进制是84,那么这个是变量global_init_var,而25 64 0A 00这个显然是字符串"%d\n"了,55 00 00 00是变量static_var




.text$mn name
       0 physical address
       0 virtual address
      64 size of raw data
     20C file pointer to raw data (0000020C to 0000026F)
     270 file pointer to relocation table
       0 file pointer to line numbers
       5 number of relocations
       0 number of line numbers
60500020 flags
         16 byte align
         Execute Read

  00000000: 89 4C 24 08 48 83 EC 28 8B 54 24 30 48 8D 0D 00  .L$.H.?.T$0H...
  00000010: 00 00 00 E8 00 00 00 00 48 83 C4 28 C3 CC CC CC  ...?...H.?锰烫
  00000020: CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC  烫烫烫烫烫烫烫烫
  00000030: 48 83 EC 38 C7 44 24 20 01 00 00 00 8B 05 00 00  H.?荄$ ........
  00000040: 00 00 8B 0D 00 00 00 00 03 C8 8B C1 03 44 24 20  .........??D$ 
  00000050: 03 44 24 24 8B C8 E8 00 00 00 00 8B 44 24 20 48  .D$$.辱.....D$ H
  00000060: 83 C4 38 C3                                      .??

                                                Symbol    Symbol
 Offset    Type              Applied To         Index     Name
 --------  ----------------  -----------------  --------  ------
 0000000F  REL32                      00000000        1A  $SG6143
 00000014  REL32                      00000000         D  printf
 0000003E  REL32                      00000000        1E  ?static_var2@?1??main@@9@9 (`main'::`2'::static_var2)
 00000044  REL32                      00000000        1B  ?static_var@?1??main@@9@9 (`main'::`2'::static_var)
 00000057  REL32                      00000000         E  func1


dumpbin /disasm .\SimpleSection.obj > .\SimpleSection.asm


Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.29.30040.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file .\SimpleSection.obj


  0000000000000000: 89 4C 24 08        mov         dword ptr [rsp+8],ecx
  0000000000000004: 48 83 EC 28        sub         rsp,28h
  0000000000000008: 8B 54 24 30        mov         edx,dword ptr [rsp+30h]
  000000000000000C: 48 8D 0D 00 00 00  lea         rcx,[$SG6143]
  0000000000000013: E8 00 00 00 00     call        printf
  0000000000000018: 48 83 C4 28        add         rsp,28h
  000000000000001C: C3                 ret
  000000000000001D: CC                 int         3
  000000000000001E: CC                 int         3
  000000000000001F: CC                 int         3
  0000000000000020: CC                 int         3
  0000000000000021: CC                 int         3
  0000000000000022: CC                 int         3
  0000000000000023: CC                 int         3
  0000000000000024: CC                 int         3
  0000000000000025: CC                 int         3
  0000000000000026: CC                 int         3
  0000000000000027: CC                 int         3
  0000000000000028: CC                 int         3
  0000000000000029: CC                 int         3
  000000000000002A: CC                 int         3
  000000000000002B: CC                 int         3
  000000000000002C: CC                 int         3
  000000000000002D: CC                 int         3
  000000000000002E: CC                 int         3
  000000000000002F: CC                 int         3
  0000000000000030: 48 83 EC 38        sub         rsp,38h
  0000000000000034: C7 44 24 20 01 00  mov         dword ptr [rsp+20h],1
                    00 00
  000000000000003C: 8B 05 00 00 00 00  mov         eax,dword ptr [?static_var2@?1??main@@9@9]
  0000000000000042: 8B 0D 00 00 00 00  mov         ecx,dword ptr [?static_var@?1??main@@9@9]
  0000000000000048: 03 C8              add         ecx,eax
  000000000000004A: 8B C1              mov         eax,ecx
  000000000000004C: 03 44 24 20        add         eax,dword ptr [rsp+20h]
  0000000000000050: 03 44 24 24        add         eax,dword ptr [rsp+24h]
  0000000000000054: 8B C8              mov         ecx,eax
  0000000000000056: E8 00 00 00 00     call        func1
  000000000000005B: 8B 44 24 20        mov         eax,dword ptr [rsp+20h]
  000000000000005F: 48 83 C4 38        add         rsp,38h
  0000000000000063: C3                 ret


           4 .bss
          40 .chks64
           C .data
          94 .debug$S
          18 .drectve
          18 .pdata
          64 .text$mn
          10 .xdata


// ...
long long global_uninit_var;
int global_uninit_var2;
// ...
int main()
	// ...
00A 00000008 UNDEF  notype       External     | global_uninit_var
00B 00000004 UNDEF  notype       External     | global_uninit_var2

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/juzaizai/p/15173066.html