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  1. troop

    • n. 军队;组;群;多数

      • They announced the withdrawal of 12 000 troops from the area. 他们宣布从这个地区撤军12 000人。
    • vi. 群集;成群而行;结队

      • After lunch we all trooped down to the beach.午餐后我们都成群结队走向海滩。
  2. tomb

    n. 坟墓;死亡

    vt. 埋葬

    n. (Tomb)人名;(英)图姆

  3. verge

    n. 边缘;绿地;极限;山墙突瓦;权杖(作为职位标志)

    v. 濒临,接近;趋向;处在边缘

    1. verge on sth
      to be very close to an extreme state or condition 极接近;濒于
      SYN border on sth
      Some of his suggestions verged on the outrageous. 他的一些建议都快到了荒唐的地步。

    2. on/to the verge of sth/of doing sth

      very near to the moment when sb does sth or sth happens 濒于;接近于;行将

      He was on the verge of tears. 他差点儿哭了出来。

  4. junction

    n. 连接,接合;交叉点;接合点

    • It was near the junction of City Road and Old Street. 那是在城市路与老街的交叉路口附近。
  5. refuge

    n. 避难;避难所;庇护

    vt. 给予…庇护;接纳…避难

    vi. 避难;逃避

    • A further 300 people have taken refuge in the US embassy. 又有300人在美国大使馆避难。

    • He regarded the room as a refuge from the outside world. 他把这个屋子当作是逃避外界的避难所。

  6. rumour

    n. 谣言

    vt. 传闻

    • There are widespread rumours of job losses. 到处谣传要裁员
  7. breach

    n. 违背,违反;缺口

    vt. 违反,破坏;打破

    • breach of the peace (= the crime of behaving in a noisy or violent way in public) 扰乱治安

    • a breach of confidence/trust 泄密;背信

    • a breach in Franco-German relations 法德关系的破裂

    • They escaped through a breach in the wire fence. 他们从铁丝网上的一个缺口逃走了。

  8. pension

    n. 退休金,抚恤金;津贴;膳宿费

    vt. 发给养老金或抚恤金

    • pension sb ˈoff


      • He was pensioned off and his job given to a younger man.


  9. momentary

    adj. 瞬间的;短暂的;随时会发生的

    • a momentary lapse of concentration 走神儿

    • momentary confusion 一时糊涂

  10. thrust

    v. 插;插入;推挤;插入;用向某人刺去;猛然或用力推;伸展;强使接受;竖起,挺出

    n. 推力;刺;要旨,重点;强攻;冲断层,逆断层;苛评

    • He thrust the baby into my arms and ran off. 他把婴儿往我怀里一塞就跑了。

    • He thrust at me with a knife. 他拿刀向我刺来。


    1.ˌthrust sth←→aˈside

    • to refuse to listen to sb's complaints, comments, etc. 置之一旁;置之不理
      • All our objections were thrust aside. 我们所有的异议都被置之不理。

    2.ˈthrust sth/sb on/upon sb

    • to force sb to accept or deal with sth/sb that they do not want 把…强加于;强迫…接受;强人所难

      • She was annoyed at having three extra guests suddenly thrust on her. 突然又来了三位不速之客要她接待,她感到很恼火。

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/ahrismile/p/15086821.html