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Machine-Learning–Based Column Selection for Column Generation


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01 Column Generation

列生成 (Column Generation) 算法在组合优化领域有着非常广泛的应用,是一种求解大规模问题 (large-scale optimization problems) 的有效算法。在列生成算法中,将大规模线性规划问题分解为主问题 (Master Problem, MP) 和定价子问题 (Pricing Problem, PP)。算法首先将一个MP给restricted到只带少量的columns,得到RMP。求解RMP,得到dual solution,并将其传递给PP,随后求解PP得到相应的column将其加到RMP中。RMP和PP不断迭代求解直到再也找不到检验数为负的column,那么得到的RMP的最优解也是MP的最优解。如下图所示:


02 Column Selection



为了最小化所选择的column,每选择一条column的时候,都会发生一个足够小的惩罚\(\epsilon\)。最终,构建column selection的模型 (MILP) 如下:




03 Graph Neural Networks


在此之前,先介绍一下Graph Neural Networks。图神经网络(GNNs)是通过图节点之间的信息传递来获取图的依赖性的连接模型。与标准神经网络不同,图神经网络可以以任意深度表示来自其邻域的信息。

给定一个网络\(G=(V,E)\),其中\(V\)是顶点集而\(E\)是边集。每一个节点\(v \in V\)有着特征向量\(x_v\)。目的是迭代地aggregate(聚合)相邻节点的信息以更新节点的状态,令:

如下图所示,节点\(v_1\)从相邻节点\(v_2,v_3,v_4\) aggregate信息来更新自己:

在迭代\(k > 0\)中,一个aggregated function,记为\(aggr\),在每个节点\(v \in V\)上首先用于计算一个aggregated information vector \(a^{(k)}_v\):

其中在初始时有\(h^{0}_v=x_v\),\(\phi^{(k)}\)是一个学习函数。\(aggr\)应该和节点顺序无关,例如sum, mean, and min/max functions。

接着,使用另一个函数,记为\(comb\),将aggregated information与节点当前的状态进行结合,更新后的节点representation vectors:

其中\(\psi^{(k)}\)是另一个学习函数。在不断的迭代中,每一个节点都收集来自更远邻居节点的信息,在最后的迭代\(K\)中,节点\(v \in V\)的 representation \(h^{(K)}_v\) 就可以用来预测其标签值\(l_v\)了,使用最后的转换函数(记为\(out\)),最终:

04 A Bipartite Graph for Column Selection

利用上面的GNN来做Column Selection,比较明显的做法是一个节点表示一个column,然后将两个column通过一条边连接如果他们都与某个约束相关联的话。但是这样会导致大量的边,并且对偶值的信息也很难在模型中进行表示。

因此作者使用了bipartite graph with two node types:column nodes \(V\) and constraint
nodes \(C\). An edge \((v, c)\) exists between a node \(v \in V\) and a node \(c \in C\) if column \(v\) contributes to constraint \(c\). 这样做的好处是可以在节点\(c\)上附加特征向量,例如对偶解的信息,如下图(a)所示:

因为有两种类型的节点,每一次迭代时均有两阶段:阶段1更新Constraint节点\(c \in C\)(上图(b)),阶段2更新Column节点\(v \in V\)(上图(c))。最终,column节点的 representations \(h^{(K)}_v, v \in V\)被用来预测节点的labels \(y_v \in \{0, 1\}\)。算法的流程如下:

As described in the previous section, we start by initializing the representation vectors of both the column and constraint nodes by the feature vectors \(x_v\) and \(x_c\), respectively (steps 1 and 2). For each iteration \(k\), we perform the two phases: updating the constraint representations (steps 4 and 5), then the column ones (steps 6 and 7). The sum function is used for the aggr function and the vector concatenation for the comb function.

The functions \(\phi^{(k)}_C, \psi^{(k)}_C, \phi^{(k)}_V\), and \(\psi^{(k)}_V\) are two-layer feed forward neural networks with rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation functions and out is a three-layer feed forward neural network with a sigmoid function for producing the final probabilities (step 9).

A weighted binary cross entropy loss is used to evaluate the performance of the model, where the weights are used to deal with the imbalance between the two classes. Indeed, about 90% of the columns belong to the unselected class, that is, their label \(y_v = 0\).

05 数据采集

数据通过使用前面提到的MILP求解多个算例来采集column的labels。每次的列生成迭代都将构建一个Bipartite Graph并且存储以下的信息:

06 Case Study I: Vehicle and Crew Scheduling Problem


6.1 MILP Performance


使用了MILP收敛速度反而有所下降,This is mainly due to the rejected columns that remain with a negative reduced cost after the RMP reoptimization and keep on being generated in subsequent iterations, even though they do not improve the objective value (degeneracy).


加入了额外的column以后,在进行preliminary的测试,结果如下(the computational time of the algorithm with column selection does not include the time spent solving the MILP at every iteration,因为作者只想了解selection对column generation的影响,反正MILP最后要被更快的GNN模型替代的。):


6.2 Comparison


对比的结果如下,其中The time reduction column compares the GNN-S to the NO-S algorithm.相比平均减少26%的时间。

07 Case Study II: Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows


The last column corresponds to the time reduction when comparing GNN-S with NO-S. One can see that the column selection with the GNN model gives positive results, yielding average reductions ranging from 20%–29%. These reductions could have been larger if the number of CG iterations performed had not increased.


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/dengfaheng/p/15045918.html