首页 > 其他分享> > 【玩转PointPillars】点云特征提取结构PFE(PillarFeatureNet)



        PointPillars整体网络结构有三个部分构成,他们分别是PFN(Pillar Feature Net),Backbone(2D CNN)和Detection Head(SSD)。其中PFN是PointPillars中最重要也是最具创新性的部分。




示这一点。基于以上论序,对于PointPillars而言,我们应该有以下几点认识:(1).同一帧点云数据中不同Pillar的点云数量是非固定的;(2).不同帧点云数据中非空Pillar的数量也是动态变化的。PointPillars对于非空Pillar会设定一个采样阈值(默认是100)。当Pillar中的点云数量超过阈值则会采样到该阈值,而点云数量小于该阈值的Pillar则使用0进行填充。说了这么多,PointPillars中的点云特征提取具体是怎么做的呢?​​​​​​​原始的点云数据有4个维度 (x,y,z,r), r代表反射率,论文中将其扩展为9个维度 (x,y,z,r,x_c,y_c,z_c,x_p, y_p),带 c下标的是Pillar中的点相对于Pillar内左右点算术中心的偏移量,带 p下标的是点相对于Pillar网格中心(x,y center)的偏移量。于是就形成了维度为为(D,P,N)的张量,其中D=9, N为每个 Pillar的采样点数, P为非空的 Pillar数目。

然后就是学习点云特征,具体来说就是用一个简化的 PointNet从 D维中学出 C个channel来得到一个(C,P,N)的张量。然后在这个维度上做max operation,得到 (C,P)的张量.最后得到 (C,H,W) 的伪图像。

class PFNLayer(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,
        Pillar Feature Net Layer.
        The Pillar Feature Net could be composed of a series of these layers, but the PointPillars paper results only
        used a single PFNLayer. This layer performs a similar role as second.pytorch.voxelnet.VFELayer.
        :param in_channels: <int>. Number of input channels.
        :param out_channels: <int>. Number of output channels.
        :param use_norm: <bool>. Whether to include BatchNorm.
        :param last_layer: <bool>. If last_layer, there is no concatenation of features.
        self.name = 'PFNLayer'
        self.last_vfe = last_layer
        if not self.last_vfe:
            out_channels = out_channels // 2
        self.units = out_channels
        self.in_channels = in_channels
        # if use_norm:
        #     BatchNorm1d = change_default_args(eps=1e-3, momentum=0.01)(nn.BatchNorm1d)
        #     Linear = change_default_args(bias=False)(nn.Linear)
        # else:
        #     BatchNorm1d = Empty
        #     Linear = change_default_args(bias=True)(nn.Linear)

        self.linear= nn.Linear(self.in_channels, self.units, bias = False)
        self.norm = nn.BatchNorm2d(self.units, eps=1e-3, momentum=0.01)
        # kernel=>1x1x9x64
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=self.in_channels, out_channels=self.units, kernel_size=1, stride=1)
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=100, out_channels=1, kernel_size=1, stride=1)
        self.t_conv = nn.ConvTranspose2d(100, 1, (1,8), stride=(1,7))
        这个操作nb,这里不是用的max pooling,而是用的带孔卷积,
        34 + 33*2 = 100
        用了一个w方向kernel size为34,w方向dilation为3的带孔卷及
        self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, kernel_size=(1, 34), stride=(1, 1), dilation=(1,3))

    def forward(self, input):
        (Pdb) masked_features.shape
        torch.Size([1, 9, 6815, 100])
        (Pdb) input.shape
        torch.Size([1, 9, 6815, 100])
        x = self.conv1(input) #kernel=>1x1x9x64?
        x = self.norm(x) #=>shape[1,64,6815,100]
        x = F.relu(x) #
        x = self.conv3(x) #=>shape[1,64,6815,1]
        return x

class PillarFeatureNet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,
                 voxel_size=(0.2, 0.2, 4),
                 pc_range=(0, -40, -3, 70.4, 40, 1)):
        Pillar Feature Net.
        The network prepares the pillar features and performs forward pass through PFNLayers. This net performs a
        similar role to SECOND's second.pytorch.voxelnet.VoxelFeatureExtractor.
        :param num_input_features: <int>. Number of input features, either x, y, z or x, y, z, r.
        :param use_norm: <bool>. Whether to include BatchNorm.
        :param num_filters: (<int>: N). Number of features in each of the N PFNLayers.
        :param with_distance: <bool>. Whether to include Euclidean distance to points.
        :param voxel_size: (<float>: 3). Size of voxels, only utilize x and y size.
        :param pc_range: (<float>: 6). Point cloud range, only utilize x and y min.

        self.name = 'PillarFeatureNet'
        assert len(num_filters) > 0
        num_input_features += 5
        if with_distance:
            num_input_features += 1
        self._with_distance = with_distance

        # Create PillarFeatureNet layers
        num_filters = [num_input_features] + list(num_filters) #[9,64]
        pfn_layers = []
        for i in range(len(num_filters) - 1): 
            in_filters = num_filters[i]  #输入通道,9
            out_filters = num_filters[i + 1]  #输出通道,64
            if i < len(num_filters) - 2:
                last_layer = False
                last_layer = True
            pfn_layers.append(PFNLayer(in_filters, out_filters, use_norm, last_layer=last_layer))
        self.pfn_layers = nn.ModuleList(pfn_layers)

        # Need pillar (voxel) size and x/y offset in order to calculate pillar offset
        self.vx = voxel_size[0]
        self.vy = voxel_size[1]
        self.x_offset = self.vx / 2 + pc_range[0]
        self.y_offset = self.vy / 2 + pc_range[1]

    def forward(self, pillar_x, pillar_y, pillar_z, pillar_i, 
          num_voxels, #num_points,名字为啥总是在变呢??
          x_sub_shaped, y_sub_shaped, 
        # Find distance of x, y, and z from cluster center
        # pillar_xyz =  torch.cat((pillar_x, pillar_y, pillar_z), 3)

        pillar_xyz =  torch.cat((pillar_x, pillar_y, pillar_z), 1)

        # points_mean = pillar_xyz.sum(dim=2, keepdim=True) / num_voxels.view(1,-1, 1, 1)

        points_mean = pillar_xyz.sum(dim=3, keepdim=True) / num_voxels.view(1, 1, -1, 1)
        f_cluster = pillar_xyz - points_mean
        # Find distance of x, y, and z from pillar center

        f_center_offset_0 = pillar_x - x_sub_shaped
        f_center_offset_1 = pillar_y - y_sub_shaped
        (Pdb) f_center_concat.shape
        torch.Size([1, 2, 6815, 100])
        f_center_concat = torch.cat((f_center_offset_0, f_center_offset_1), 1)

        pillar_xyzi = torch.cat((pillar_x, pillar_y, pillar_z, pillar_i), 1)
        features_list = [pillar_xyzi, f_cluster, f_center_concat]

        features = torch.cat(features_list, dim=1)
        masked_features = features * mask

        pillar_feature = self.pfn_layers[0](masked_features)
        return pillar_feature

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/ChuiGeDaQiQiu/article/details/118675912