首页 > 其他分享> > kubadm运行逻辑——init-certs证书的生成与创建















 74 func newCertSubPhases() []workflow.Phase {
 75     subPhases := []workflow.Phase{}
 77     // All subphase
 78     allPhase := workflow.Phase{
 79         Name:           "all",
 80         Short:          "Generate all certificates",
 81         InheritFlags:   getCertPhaseFlags("all"),
 82         RunAllSiblings: true,
 83     }
 85     subPhases = append(subPhases, allPhase)
 87     // This loop assumes that GetDefaultCertList() always returns a list of
 88     // certificate that is preceded by the CAs that sign them.
 89     var lastCACert *certsphase.KubeadmCert
 90     for _, cert := range certsphase.GetDefaultCertList() {
 91         var phase workflow.Phase
 92         if cert.CAName == "" {
 93             phase = newCertSubPhase(cert, runCAPhase(cert))
 94             lastCACert = cert
 95         } else {
 96             phase = newCertSubPhase(cert, runCertPhase(cert, lastCACert))
 97             phase.LocalFlags = localFlags()
 98         }
 99         subPhases = append(subPhases, phase)
100     }
102     // SA creates the private/public key pair, which doesn't use x509 at all
103     saPhase := workflow.Phase{
104         Name:         "sa",
105         Short:        "Generate a private key for signing service account tokens along with its public key",
106         Long:         saKeyLongDesc,
107         Run:          runCertsSa,
108         InheritFlags: []string{options.CertificatesDir},
109     }
111     subPhases = append(subPhases, saPhase)
113     return subPhases
114 }


208 func GetDefaultCertList() Certificates {
209     return Certificates{
210         &KubeadmCertRootCA,   //根证书
211         &KubeadmCertAPIServer,  // apiserver的认证证书
212         &KubeadmCertKubeletClient, // kublete clietn的证书
213         // Front Proxy certs 
214         &KubeadmCertFrontProxyCA,   //前置proxy的证书
215         &KubeadmCertFrontProxyClient, //前置proxy client的证书
216         // etcd certs
217         &KubeadmCertEtcdCA,      // etcd 的认证文件
218         &KubeadmCertEtcdServer,  // etcd服务的认证文件
219         &KubeadmCertEtcdPeer,    // etcd之间交互的认证文件
220         &KubeadmCertEtcdHealthcheck, //etcd 健康监测的认证文件
221         &KubeadmCertEtcdAPIClient,  //etcd提供给api 的客户端认证文件
222     }
223 }


2.1 KubeadmCertRootCA


239     KubeadmCertRootCA = KubeadmCert{
240         Name:     "ca",
241         LongName: "self-signed Kubernetes CA to provision identities for other Kubernetes components",
242         BaseName: kubeadmconstants.CACertAndKeyBaseName,
243         config: pkiutil.CertConfig{
244             Config: certutil.Config{
245                 CommonName: "kubernetes",
246             },
247         },
248     }

2.2 KubeadmCertAPIServer

249     // KubeadmCertAPIServer is the definition of the cert used to serve the Kubernetes API.
250     KubeadmCertAPIServer = KubeadmCert{
251         Name:     "apiserver",
252         LongName: "certificate for serving the Kubernetes API",
253         BaseName: kubeadmconstants.APIServerCertAndKeyBaseName,
254         CAName:   "ca",
255         config: pkiutil.CertConfig{
256             Config: certutil.Config{
257                 CommonName: kubeadmconstants.APIServerCertCommonName,
258                 Usages:     []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth},
259             },
260         },
261         configMutators: []configMutatorsFunc{
262             makeAltNamesMutator(pkiutil.GetAPIServerAltNames),
263         },
264     }

2.3 KubeadmCertKubeletClient

265     // KubeadmCertKubeletClient is the definition of the cert used by the API server to access the kubelet.
266     KubeadmCertKubeletClient = KubeadmCert{
267         Name:     "apiserver-kubelet-client",
268         LongName: "certificate for the API server to connect to kubelet",
269         BaseName: kubeadmconstants.APIServerKubeletClientCertAndKeyBaseName,
270         CAName:   "ca",
271         config: pkiutil.CertConfig{
272             Config: certutil.Config{
273                 CommonName:   kubeadmconstants.APIServerKubeletClientCertCommonName,
274                 Organization: []string{kubeadmconstants.SystemPrivilegedGroup},
275                 Usages:       []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth},
276             },
277         },
278     }

2.4 KubeadmCertFrontProxyCA

280     // KubeadmCertFrontProxyCA is the definition of the CA used for the front end proxy.
281     KubeadmCertFrontProxyCA = KubeadmCert{
282         Name:     "front-proxy-ca",
283         LongName: "self-signed CA to provision identities for front proxy",
284         BaseName: kubeadmconstants.FrontProxyCACertAndKeyBaseName,
285         config: pkiutil.CertConfig{
286             Config: certutil.Config{
287                 CommonName: "front-proxy-ca",
288             },
289         },
290     }

2.5 KubeadmCertFrontProxyClient

293     KubeadmCertFrontProxyClient = KubeadmCert{
294         Name:     "front-proxy-client",
295         BaseName: kubeadmconstants.FrontProxyClientCertAndKeyBaseName,
296         LongName: "certificate for the front proxy client",
297         CAName:   "front-proxy-ca",
298         config: pkiutil.CertConfig{
299             Config: certutil.Config{
300                 CommonName: kubeadmconstants.FrontProxyClientCertCommonName,
301                 Usages:     []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth},
302             },
303         },
304     }

2.6 KubeadmCertEtcdCA

06     // KubeadmCertEtcdCA is the definition of the root CA used by the hosted etcd server.
307     KubeadmCertEtcdCA = KubeadmCert{
308         Name:     "etcd-ca",
309         LongName: "self-signed CA to provision identities for etcd",
310         BaseName: kubeadmconstants.EtcdCACertAndKeyBaseName,
311         config: pkiutil.CertConfig{
312             Config: certutil.Config{
313                 CommonName: "etcd-ca",
314             },
315         },
316     }

2.7 KubeadmCertEtcdServer

317     // KubeadmCertEtcdServer is the definition of the cert used to serve etcd to clients.
318     KubeadmCertEtcdServer = KubeadmCert{
319         Name:     "etcd-server",
320         LongName: "certificate for serving etcd",
321         BaseName: kubeadmconstants.EtcdServerCertAndKeyBaseName,
322         CAName:   "etcd-ca",
323         config: pkiutil.CertConfig{
324             Config: certutil.Config{
325                 // TODO: etcd 3.2 introduced an undocumented requirement for ClientAuth usage on the
326                 // server cert: https://github.com/coreos/etcd/issues/9785#issuecomment-396715692
327                 // Once the upstream issue is resolved, this should be returned to only allowing
328                 // ServerAuth usage.
329                 Usages: []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth, x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth},
330             },
331         },
332         configMutators: []configMutatorsFunc{
333             makeAltNamesMutator(pkiutil.GetEtcdAltNames),
334             setCommonNameToNodeName(),
335         },
336     }

2.8 KubeadmCertEtcdPeer

337     // KubeadmCertEtcdPeer is the definition of the cert used by etcd peers to access each other.
338     KubeadmCertEtcdPeer = KubeadmCert{
339         Name:     "etcd-peer",
340         LongName: "certificate for etcd nodes to communicate with each other",
341         BaseName: kubeadmconstants.EtcdPeerCertAndKeyBaseName,
342         CAName:   "etcd-ca",
343         config: pkiutil.CertConfig{
344             Config: certutil.Config{
345                 Usages: []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth, x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth},
346             },
347         },
348         configMutators: []configMutatorsFunc{
349             makeAltNamesMutator(pkiutil.GetEtcdPeerAltNames),
350             setCommonNameToNodeName(),
351         },
352     }

2.9 KubeadmCertEtcdHealthcheck

353     // KubeadmCertEtcdHealthcheck is the definition of the cert used by Kubernetes to check the health of the etcd server.
354     KubeadmCertEtcdHealthcheck = KubeadmCert{
355         Name:     "etcd-healthcheck-client",
356         LongName: "certificate for liveness probes to healthcheck etcd",
357         BaseName: kubeadmconstants.EtcdHealthcheckClientCertAndKeyBaseName,
358         CAName:   "etcd-ca",
359         config: pkiutil.CertConfig{
360             Config: certutil.Config{
361                 CommonName:   kubeadmconstants.EtcdHealthcheckClientCertCommonName,
362                 Organization: []string{kubeadmconstants.SystemPrivilegedGroup},
363                 Usages:       []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth},
364             },
365         },
366     }

2.10 KubeadmCertEtcdAPIClient

367     // KubeadmCertEtcdAPIClient is the definition of the cert used by the API server to access etcd.
368     KubeadmCertEtcdAPIClient = KubeadmCert{
369         Name:     "apiserver-etcd-client",
370         LongName: "certificate the apiserver uses to access etcd",
371         BaseName: kubeadmconstants.APIServerEtcdClientCertAndKeyBaseName,
372         CAName:   "etcd-ca",
373         config: pkiutil.CertConfig{
374             Config: certutil.Config{
375                 CommonName:   kubeadmconstants.APIServerEtcdClientCertCommonName,
376                 Organization: []string{kubeadmconstants.SystemPrivilegedGroup},
377                 Usages:       []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth},
378             },
379         },
380     }


3.1 runCAPhase 生成CA证书

216 func runCAPhase(ca *certsphase.KubeadmCert) func(c workflow.RunData) error {
217     return func(c workflow.RunData) error {
218         data, ok := c.(InitData)
219         if !ok {
220             return errors.New("certs phase invoked with an invalid data struct")
221         }
223         // if using external etcd, skips etcd certificate authority generation
224         if data.Cfg().Etcd.External != nil && ca.Name == "etcd-ca" {
225             fmt.Printf("[certs] External etcd mode: Skipping %s certificate authority generation\n", ca.BaseName)
226             return nil
227         }
229         if _, err := pkiutil.TryLoadCertFromDisk(data.CertificateDir(), ca.BaseName); err == nil {
230             if _, err := pkiutil.TryLoadKeyFromDisk(data.CertificateDir(), ca.BaseName); err == nil {
231                 fmt.Printf("[certs] Using existing %s certificate authority\n", ca.BaseName)
232                 return nil
233             }
234             fmt.Printf("[certs] Using existing %s keyless certificate authority\n", ca.BaseName)
235             return nil
236         }
238         // if dryrunning, write certificates authority to a temporary folder (and defer restore to the path originally specified by the user)
239         cfg := data.Cfg()
240         cfg.CertificatesDir = data.CertificateWriteDir()
241         defer func() { cfg.CertificatesDir = data.CertificateDir() }()
243         // create the new certificate authority (or use existing)
244         return certsphase.CreateCACertAndKeyFiles(ca, cfg)
245     }
246 }

3.2 runCertPhase 生成其他证书

248 func runCertPhase(cert *certsphase.KubeadmCert, caCert *certsphase.KubeadmCert) func(c workflow.RunData) error {
249     return func(c workflow.RunData) error {
250         data, ok := c.(InitData)
251         if !ok {
252             return errors.New("certs phase invoked with an invalid data struct")
253         }
255         // if using external etcd, skips etcd certificates generation
256         if data.Cfg().Etcd.External != nil && cert.CAName == "etcd-ca" {
257             fmt.Printf("[certs] External etcd mode: Skipping %s certificate generation\n", cert.BaseName)
258             return nil
259         }
261         if certData, _, err := pkiutil.TryLoadCertAndKeyFromDisk(data.CertificateDir(), cert.BaseName); err == nil {
262             caCertData, err := pkiutil.TryLoadCertFromDisk(data.CertificateDir(), caCert.BaseName)
263             if err != nil {
264                 return errors.Wrapf(err, "couldn't load CA certificate %s", caCert.Name)
265             }
267             if err := certData.CheckSignatureFrom(caCertData); err != nil {
268                 return errors.Wrapf(err, "[certs] certificate %s not signed by CA certificate %s", cert.BaseName, caCert.BaseName)
269             }
271             fmt.Printf("[certs] Using existing %s certificate and key on disk\n", cert.BaseName)
272             return nil
273         }
275         if csrOnly {
276             fmt.Printf("[certs] Generating CSR for %s instead of certificate\n", cert.BaseName)
277             if csrDir == "" {
278                 csrDir = data.CertificateWriteDir()
279             }
281             return certsphase.CreateCSR(cert, data.Cfg(), csrDir)
282         }
284         // if dryrunning, write certificates to a temporary folder (and defer restore to the path originally specified by the user)
285         cfg := data.Cfg()
286         cfg.CertificatesDir = data.CertificateWriteDir()
287         defer func() { cfg.CertificatesDir = data.CertificateDir() }()
289         // create the new certificate (or use existing)
290         return certsphase.CreateCertAndKeyFilesWithCA(cert, caCert, cfg)
291     }
292 }

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/baiyvwuxia/article/details/117280604