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koide3 edited this page on 29 Oct 2019 · 5 revisions

In this example, we correct a map (pose graph) constructed by hdl_graph_slam.

Example bag file: hdl_400_dumped.tar.gz (The example file can be reproduced with hdl_graph_slam)

  1. Start interactive_slam
rosrun interactive_slam interactive_slam

Screenshot_20191016_170941 png

  1. Open graph directory
Menubar -> File -> Open -> New map -> Choose hdl_400_dumped directory

Screenshot_20191016_171424 png

  1. Perform automatic loop closing
Menubar -> Graph -> Automatic loop detection

Configure the loop detection parameters as follows and press "Start" button:

Scan matching

Loop detection


Before loop closing: Screenshot_20191016_172412 png

After loop closing (Accum distance thresh = 25):
(Doubled walls are corrected) Screenshot_20191016_171930 png

After dense loop closing (Accum distance thresh = 0.5): Screenshot_20191016_172153 png

  1. Save corrected graph
Menubar -> File -> Save -> Save map data -> Choose the destination directory
  1. Export point cloud
Menubar -> File -> Save -> Export point cloud -> Choose the destination filename

You can open the exported point cloud with any PCD compliant viewers (e.g., pcl_viewer and CloudCompare)

Screenshot_20191016_175231 png

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/winslam/p/14954044.html