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earn                           挣,赚

earning                        收入

contempt                      鄙视

contemptible                   卑鄙的

earn the respect   of....          赢的....的尊敬

earn the contempt  of....         受到...的鄙视

online culture                  互联网文化

note                          注释;注解;



noteworthy                    值得注意的

notion                        理念;观念

flow                          流

cash  flow                    现金流

float                         漂浮

specific                      明确的;具体的

concrete                     混凝土;具体的


request                   请求;求助

letter of requet           求助信

the   Industrial and Commercial Bank of China    中国工商银行    ICBC

fill                            填充

pure                          纯净的,纯的


purist                         纯粹主义者         

cotton                         棉花,棉


corn                       玉米

pop     corn               爆米花

英 [pɒp kɔːn]

rice                       大米

downside                   不好的一面

upside                     好的一面

It is hardly inevitable that   可以避免

inevitable                     不可避免的

resort  to                       求助于;诉诸

turn    to                       求助于

resort  to   the  court          诉诸法院

resort  to   the  arms           诉诸武力

court                             法院

arms                              武器

pioneer                           先锋,先行者


mix                               混合,掺和

the right mix of___,____and ___  把什么什么什么有机的结合起来

interactive                      互动的

hospital                         医院

hospitality                      好客,殷勤


security                         安全

national  security               国家安全

attract                          吸引  

enterprise                         企业

company=== firm==== corporation   公司         

shopkeeper                        店主

set up shop in silicon            在网上开店

silicon                           硅

silicon  chips                    集成电路板

chip                              片,块,条

chop                              剁,砍,劈        n.排骨

take the online plunge            投身互联网


take the home plunge              投身房地产

home  buyers                      买房人

home  prices                      房价    

quiz                              小测验

strive to do sth                  努力做某事

strive to be the best             努力做到最好

have been doing        

has  been doing                     一直做某事

Had  been doing

follow  a ____ fashion             遵循时尚

intend  to  do sth                 想要做某事

intention                          目的

in vain                            徒劳,白费

vanish                             突然消失  

英 [ˈvænɪʃ]     

imply                              暗含    

be popular with sb                 受到某人的欢迎  

have faith in...                   对....有信心

redical change                     巨变,重大的改变

have access  to                    能访问,可以进入,可以利用

is accessible to                   能访问,可以进入,可以利用


TV set                             电视机

TV                                 电视机

television set                     电视机

essential                          必须的,根本的

indispensable                      不可或缺的

英 [ˌɪndɪˈspensəbl]

leading companies                  领先的公司,一流的公司

is independent of                  独立于

institution                        机构

英 [ˌɪnstɪˈtjuːʃn]

M & A                              合并;并购

mergers and acquisitions

英 [ˈmɜːdʒəz ənd ˌækwɪˈzɪʃ(ə)nz]

merge                               合并;并购

acquire                             合并;并购

combine                             合并;并购

business  concentration             商业并购

consolidation                       巩固;并购

英 [kənˌsɒlɪˈdeɪʃn]

megamerger                          超大并购


Master of Business Administration     工商管理硕士

n硕士              行政管理;政府


wave                       波,浪

storm                  风暴

a storm of protests                  抗议风暴


snowstorm    暴风雪

rainstorm    暴风雨

go through                            经历

experience                            经历,经验

undergo                               经历

ever witnessed                        史上

witness                               目击,见证

sweep                                 席卷,横扫;拖

the emerging countries                新兴国家

the emerging economies        新兴经济体

emerge                                 出现;问世

the rich  countries                    发达国家

the rich  economies            发达经济体

active                                 活跃的;积极的

hyperactive                            高度活跃的

with unsurpassed might   以无与伦比的力量

surpass 超越,超过

surpass many rivals 超越很多对手


river                                  河流

surpassing lane                        超车道

might                                  n力量,可能

force                                   力量;军队           逼迫,迫使

a driving force                         推动的力量

an anti-competitive force               反竞争的力量

anti-competitive forces                 反竞争的力量

There’s no  question that              毋庸置疑

become=get/turn                         变

this phenomenon has created serious concerns over  


role                                    角色,作用

play an important     role              起重要作用

play  a   key         role              起重要作用

play an indispensable role              不可或缺的作用

play a dominating     role              起主导作用

national    businessmen                 民族企业家

what is national=the national            一个国家的

what is beautiful=the beautiful          美的

what is important=the important          重要的

stable                                  adj. 稳定的

stability                               n. 稳定

ultimate                                 最终的

multimedia                               多媒体

multinational                            多国的

multiply                                 乘

state owned enterprises                  国有企业; 国企


multinational  corporations              跨国公司

account for                              占

international trade                      国际贸易

figure                                   数字                      

grow rapidly/sharply/dramatically        猛增;激增



branch                                    树枝,分支

affiliate                                 附属

,for instance,                            例如

reform                                    改革

... go from _xxx__ to almost_xxx__        什么从多少上涨到多少

fund                                      资金,基金

trade                                     贸易

underlie                                  v. 构成…的基础       

barrier                                   障碍      

operation                                 操作;运作;手术

cooperation                               合作  

meet one’s demand                        满足某人的需要

demand                                    需求

supply                                    供应

surplus                                   过剩

harmful                                   有害的

detrimental     有害的

abundant                                   大量的

scanty                                     少量的,不足的

rare                                       稀少的; 稀罕的

current                                     当前的,现在的

present                                     当前的,现在的

the benefits or costs of_____________        ...的利弊

re-create                                    再现,重新创造

break up                                     解体;分解;分手

trust                                        信任;垄断企业

gene                                         基因,遗传因子

might  have   _ed                          对过去发生的事的推测;委婉

must   have   _ed                          对过去发生的事的推测;肯定

must   have   _ed                          对过去发生的事的责备;应该

climate                                    气候

epidemic                                   n.瘟疫,流行病

telecom                                       电信

worldcom                                      世通

China Unicom                                 中国联通

the pace of technical progress               技术进步的步伐


is certain to                                肯定

is likely  to                                可能

serves as   === is                           充当

MuLan serves as a good example of the point


cost                                         花费,支出,代价

norm                                         标准

enormous   potential                         巨大潜力

warn  against...                             提醒人们警惕...

monopoly    英 [məˈnɒpəli]                   垄断

state monopoly                               国有垄断企业

supervise                                    监管,监督

regulate                                     规范

regular                                      规范的

lend                                         借给

borrow                                       向...借

lender                                       储户

resort                                       度假胜地; 诉诸; 求助;

lord                                         大人,法官

gigantic                                     巨大的

英 [dʒaɪˈɡæntɪk]

titantic                                      巨大的

shift                                         改变,转换,档

downshifiting                           减速; 放慢节奏(以减轻压力)                     

infringement                                   侵权

英 [ɪnˈfrɪndʒmənt]

infringement  to fair  competition             侵犯公平竞争

XX  take upon itself the role  of__xxx____   XX应该承担起...的角色

check and balance                              牵制和平衡

case                                           案子,案件

biased                                         有偏见的

prejudiced                                     有偏见的

bias                                            偏见

prejudice                                       偏见

subjective                                      主观的

opt                                             选择

option                                          选择

optional                                        可任选的,非强制性的

optional   courses                               选修课

object                                           物体

objective                                        客观的

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/lushizhuo9655/article/details/118309872