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  "ImageBase": "**(此处返回的是图片base代理,篇幅有限,已省略:q:2479836386)**", 
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  "lanFrom": "en", 
  "lanTo": "zh-CHS", 
  "lines": [
      "context": "BBC News with Nick Kelly", 
      "tranContent": "Nick Kelly为您播报BBC新闻"
      "context": "President Obama has announced his support for India's bid for a permanent place on the United Nations Security Council. He was addressing the Indian parliament.", 
      "tranContent": "奥巴马总统宣布支持印度争取联合国安理会常任理事国席位。他正在向印度议会发表讲话。"
      "context": "\"The just and sustainable international or der that America seeks includes a United Nations that is efficient.", 
      "tranContent": "“美国所寻求的公正和可持续的国际秩序包括一个有效率的联合国。"
      "context": "effective, credible and legitimate. That is why I can say today in the years ahead, Ilook forward to a reformeo United Nations Security Council that includes India as a permanent member.\"", 
      "tranContent": "有效、可信、合法。这就是为什么我今天可以说,在未来几年里,我期待着联合国安理会的改革,让印度成为常任理事国。”"
      "context": "The proposal has been strongly criticised by Pakistan which said India's conduct towards its neighbours ano its actions concerning the disputed reqion of Kashmir discredited the bid. Correspondents say the US gesture of support will delight india which has been lobbying for a permanent seat for years.", 
      "tranContent": "该提议受到巴基斯坦的强烈批评,称印度对其邻国的行为和其在克什米尔争议地区的行为败坏了该提议。记者表示,美国的支持姿态将让印度感到高兴,印度多年来一直在游说获得常任理事国席位。"
      "context": "Doctors in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince say an outbreak of cholera has reached the city although there has been no official confirmation. The Haitian government says more than 540 people have died of cholera.", 
      "tranContent": "海地首都太子港的医生说,虽然没有得到官方证实,但霍乱疫情已经蔓延到这个城市。海地政府称已有540多人死于霍乱。"
      "context": "and around 8,000 people have been treated in hospital. This report from our correspondent in Haiti, Laura Trevelyan.", 
      "tranContent": "大约有8000人在医院接受治疗。请听本台驻海地记者劳拉·特里维廉的报道。"
      "context": "Cholera may not officially have arrived in Port-au-Prince, but we've been told by one leading specialist", 
      "tranContent": "霍乱可能还没有正式抵达太子港,但我们已经从一位权威专家那里得知"
      "context": "me dical agency that clinically the disease is here. That agency has seen 30 to 50 suspected cases in their hospitals in the city. And in a crowded slum of Cite Soleil, a doctor working there has told the BBC she, too, is seeing patients with all the symptoms of cholera. Cholera is transmitted by infected faeces and contaminated water. In the slums and in the earthquake survivor camps of Port-au-Prince, people live in crowded insanitary conditions where the disease can spread quickly.", 
      "tranContent": "我的医疗机构,临床疾病在这里。该机构已经在该市的医院里发现了30到50例疑似病例。在拥挤的太阳城贫民窟,一名在那里工作的医生告诉BBC,她也看到了一些有霍乱症状的病人。霍乱通过受感染的粪便和受污染的水传播。在贫民窟和太子港地震幸存者营地,人们生活在拥挤不卫生的环境中,疾病可以迅速传播。"
  "orientation": "Up", 
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来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_52751465/article/details/118252324