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这让我想起一个圣经中的故事。亚当、夏娃被赶出伊甸园之后,人类才出现在地球上,繁衍生息,说同种语言。一天,人类想造一座通天塔(Tower of Babel,巴别塔),再回到天堂上。然后就开始动工了。工程已经开始了一段时间,被上帝知道了。上帝耻笑人类的愚蠢和狂妄:这是不可能的!为避免人类继续愚蠢下去,上帝变换了人类的语言,从此不能互相沟通,也就不能团结一致造通天塔,终止了愚蠢行为。











人生究竟问题的探讨在欧洲已经沉寂了200年,在中国已经沉寂了500年。人类的发展是个循环运动,看似日日在更新,其实,看似新的事物曾经出现过了。这里节选《马克.奥勒留传》(Marcus Aurelius)的作者亨利.德怀特.塞奇威克(Henry Dwight Sedgwick)在导论里的几句话,描述的2000年前人类的样子:“他们四下张望,看见了悲伤、疾病、年老、各种失衡、国家间战争、内乱、邻里间争端、地震和狂风暴雨。这就是那个时候的世界,如今也没有太大的不同。那么,在这样一个世界里,一个人应该做些什么才能使自己相信:这是一个有序而非混乱的世界;在其中,除了虚荣,还有其它;假若人心长有一双灵性的眼睛,那么人心就会声明,什么东西是有意义的,而这种有意义的东西就在这个世界里?” 


The layout and outlook of the World of post pandemic

When the globalization is developed deeply, The COVID-19 suddenly stopped this ambition of human being.

This reminder me of a story, it is The Tower of Babel. After Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden, they went to Earth for living and raising their offspring, and then, human being came into being and speaks same language. 

One day, human wanted to build a tower, which is high enough to reach heaven, by which they can go back to heaven. God knew this. God knew it was impossible for human to achieve this goal, and changed their language into different languages. Because of not understanding each other, they stopped building of Tower.

What is the impact of pandemic on the world? And what is the outlook and layout of the world of post pandemic?

Firstly, Economic development will be de-globalization. Lockdown is the most effective measure to control the wide spread of virus when pandemic comes. Lockdown results in heavy damages to global supply chains, which results in severe subsequences. Realizing the important role of supply chains play amid pandemic, each nation will build their own factories for producing important goods.

Secondly, main political and economic entity will be: American Ally (Japan, Korea, Australia as main members), EU, Russia and China. EU and American Ally will contain China. From future development point of view, the instability of the World comes from conquering between American Ally and China. On the other hand, EU will be a force to keep the stabilization of the world.

Thirdly, more severe conflicts between two ideologies. Human being has two attributes: spirit and flesh. From flesh point of view, it is closer to beasts; and from spirit, it is closer to God. Thus, two ideologies are formed. The conflict human has is that between limited ability of flesh and free spirit. The conflict in human is the power source of invention. Different ideologies pursue different enjoyment of living. Western values heath of spirit and body, on the contrary, China values enjoyment of flesh. The conflict between two ideologies is, in fact, that between spirit and flesh.

来源: https://blog.51cto.com/gooltsing/2869971