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opecv cuda加速官方教程2:Using a cv::cuda::GpuMat with thrust




推力( thrust)是一个非常强大的库各种cuda加速算法。然而,推力设计用于矢量而不是倾斜矩阵。下面的教程将讨论如何将cv::cuda::GpuMat包装到可用于推力算法的推力迭代器中。

Wrapping a GpuMat into a thrust iterator


    @Brief GpuMatBeginItr returns a thrust compatible iterator to the beginning of a GPU mat's memory.
    @Param mat is the input matrix
    @Param channel is the channel of the matrix that the iterator is accessing.  If set to -1, the iterator will access every element in sequential order
template<typename T>
thrust::permutation_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<T>, thrust::transform_iterator<step_functor<T>, thrust::counting_iterator<int>>>  GpuMatBeginItr(cv::cuda::GpuMat mat, int channel = 0)
    if (channel == -1)
        mat = mat.reshape(1);
        channel = 0;
    CV_Assert(mat.depth() == cv::DataType<T>::depth);
    CV_Assert(channel < mat.channels());
    return thrust::make_permutation_iterator(thrust::device_pointer_cast(mat.ptr<T>(0) + channel),
        thrust::make_transform_iterator(thrust::make_counting_iterator(0), step_functor<T>(mat.cols, mat.step / sizeof(T), mat.channels())));
@Brief GpuMatEndItr returns a thrust compatible iterator to the end of a GPU mat's memory.
@Param mat is the input matrix
@Param channel is the channel of the matrix that the iterator is accessing.  If set to -1, the iterator will access every element in sequential order
template<typename T>
thrust::permutation_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<T>, thrust::transform_iterator<step_functor<T>, thrust::counting_iterator<int>>>  GpuMatEndItr(cv::cuda::GpuMat mat, int channel = 0)
    if (channel == -1)
        mat = mat.reshape(1);
        channel = 0;
    CV_Assert(mat.depth() == cv::DataType<T>::depth);
    CV_Assert(channel < mat.channels());
    return thrust::make_permutation_iterator(thrust::device_pointer_cast(mat.ptr<T>(0) + channel),
        thrust::make_transform_iterator(thrust::make_counting_iterator(mat.rows*mat.cols), step_functor<T>(mat.cols, mat.step / sizeof(T), mat.channels())));


template<typename T> struct step_functor : public thrust::unary_function<int, int>
    int columns;
    int step;
    int channels;
    __host__ __device__ step_functor(int columns_, int step_, int channels_ = 1) : columns(columns_), step(step_), channels(channels_)  {   };
    __host__ step_functor(cv::cuda::GpuMat& mat)
        CV_Assert(mat.depth() == cv::DataType<T>::depth);
        columns = mat.cols;
        step = mat.step / sizeof(T);
        channels = mat.channels();
    __host__ __device__
        int operator()(int x) const
        int row = x / columns;
        int idx = (row * step) + (x % columns)*channels;
        return idx;

step functor 接受一个索引值并返回从矩阵开始的适当偏移量。计数迭代器只是在像素元素的范围内递增。结合到transform_迭代器中,我们有一个迭代器,它从0到M*N计数,并正确地递增以说明GpuMat的倾斜内存。不幸的是,这不包括任何内存位置信息,为此我们需要一个 thrust::device_ptr。通过将设备指针与转换迭代器相结合,我们可以将推力指向矩阵的第一个元素,并相应地进行步进。

Fill a GpuMat with random numbers


struct prg
  float a, b;
  __host__ __device__
    prg(float _a = 0.f, float _b = 1.f) : a(_a), b(_b) {};
  __host__ __device__
    float operator()(const unsigned int n) const
    thrust::default_random_engine rng;
    thrust::uniform_real_distribution<float> dist(a, b);
    return dist(rng);


    cv::cuda::GpuMat d_value(1, 100, CV_32F);
    auto valueBegin = GpuMatBeginItr<float>(d_value);
    auto valueEnd = GpuMatEndItr<float>(d_value);
    thrust::transform(thrust::make_counting_iterator(0), thrust::make_counting_iterator(d_value.cols), valueBegin, prg(-1, 1));
    cv::Mat h_value(d_value);

Sort a column of a GpuMat in place


    cv::cuda::GpuMat d_data(1, 100, CV_32SC2);
    // Thrust compatible begin and end iterators to channel 1 of this matrix
    auto keyBegin = GpuMatBeginItr<int>(d_data, 1);
    auto keyEnd = GpuMatEndItr<int>(d_data, 1);
    // Thrust compatible begin and end iterators to channel 0 of this matrix
    auto idxBegin = GpuMatBeginItr<int>(d_data, 0);
    auto idxEnd = GpuMatEndItr<int>(d_data, 0);
    // Fill the index channel with a sequence of numbers from 0 to 100
    thrust::sequence(idxBegin, idxEnd);
    // Fill the key channel with random numbers between 0 and 10.  A counting iterator is used here to give an integer value for each location as an input to prg::operator()
    thrust::transform(thrust::make_counting_iterator(0), thrust::make_counting_iterator(d_data.cols), keyBegin, prg(0, 10));
    // Sort the key channel and index channel such that the keys and indecies stay together
    thrust::sort_by_key(keyBegin, keyEnd, idxBegin);
    cv::Mat h_idx(d_data);

Copy values greater than 0 to a new gpu matrix while using streams


    cv::cuda::GpuMat d_value(1, 100, CV_32F);
    auto valueBegin = GpuMatBeginItr<float>(d_value);
    auto valueEnd = GpuMatEndItr<float>(d_value);
    cv::cuda::Stream stream;
    //! [random_gen_stream]
    // Same as the random generation code from before except now the transformation is being performed on a stream
    thrust::transform(thrust::system::cuda::par.on(cv::cuda::StreamAccessor::getStream(stream)), thrust::make_counting_iterator(0), thrust::make_counting_iterator(d_value.cols), valueBegin, prg(-1, 1));
    //! [random_gen_stream]
    // Count the number of values we are going to copy
    int count = thrust::count_if(thrust::system::cuda::par.on(cv::cuda::StreamAccessor::getStream(stream)), valueBegin, valueEnd, pred_greater<float>(0.0));
    // Allocate a destination for copied values
    cv::cuda::GpuMat d_valueGreater(1, count, CV_32F);
    // Copy values that satisfy the predicate.
    thrust::copy_if(thrust::system::cuda::par.on(cv::cuda::StreamAccessor::getStream(stream)), valueBegin, valueEnd, GpuMatBeginItr<float>(d_valueGreater), pred_greater<float>(0.0));
    cv::Mat h_greater(d_valueGreater);

首先,我们将用流上-1和1之间随机生成的数据填充GPU mat。

// Same as the random generation code from before except now the transformation is being performed on a stream
    thrust::transform(thrust::system::cuda::par.on(cv::cuda::StreamAccessor::getStream(stream)), thrust::make_counting_iterator(0), thrust::make_counting_iterator(d_value.cols), valueBegin, prg(-1, 1));

注意使用推力:: system :: cuda :: par.on(…),这会创建一个执行策略,用于在流上执行推力代码。 由于版本7.5,与CUDA Toolkit一起分发的推力版本中存在一个错误,这尚未修复。 此错误会导致代码无法在流上执行。 但是,可以通过使用从Git存储库的最新版本的推力来修复该错误。 (http://github.com/thrusththust.git)接下来我们将通过使用以下谓词使用 thrust::count_if来确定多于0的值大于0:

template<typename T> struct pred_greater
  T value;
  __host__ __device__ pred_greater(T value_) : value(value_){}
  __host__ __device__ bool operator()(const T& val) const
    return val > value;

我们将使用这些结果创建一个输出缓冲区来存储复制的值,然后使用具有相同谓词的copy_if来填充输出缓冲区。最后,我们将把这些值下载到CPU mat中以供查看。

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/cai1493105270/article/details/117592038