linux high availability articles
Linux-HA wiki
Providing Open Source High-Availability Software for Linux and other Platforms.Getting Started with Linux-HA (heartbeat)
Let me preface this document by saying most of this is not original work. My purpose for writing this document is just trying to contribute in some way to possibly help those who REALLY get things done. The “work” I am contributing is mostly compiling bits and pieces from other HA documents (such as Volker Wiegand’s Hardware Installation Guide) into a document that can help novices get started on HA without pestering Alan (like I did!) and to cut down on repeat questions on the mailing list.-
Linux 高可用(HA)集群之Heartbeat详解
Heartbeat 项目是 Linux-HA 工程的一个组成部分,也是目前开源HA项目中最成功的一个例子,Linux-HA的全称是High-Availability Linux,这个开源项目的目标是:通过社区开发者的共同努力,提供一个增强linux可靠性(reliability)、可用性(availability)和可服务性(serviceability)(RAS)的群集解决方案,它实现了一个高可用集群系统。心跳服务和集群通信是高可用集群的两个关键组件,在 Heartbeat 项目里,由 heartbeat 模块实现了这两个功能。 -
越来越多的开发者在基于Linux系统构造嵌入式实时应用,他们迫切地需要一份基于Linux系统构造嵌入式实时系统的指南性的文章。考虑到这种需求,本文在介绍了几种基本的实时进程调度算法的基础上,研究了普通的Linux操作系统的进程调度,并十分全面地调查了各种实时Linux系统为了支持实时特性对普通Linux系统所做的改进。文章分析了将Linux操作系统应用于实时领域中时所出现的一些问题,并总结了各种实时Linux是如何解决这些问题的,最后对于如何将这些已有的研究成果应用与实际的研究和开发工作中作了很好的建议。 -
N-th% Latency:TP99, TP999
稳定性:低延时的稳定性标准为TP99/TP999是隐含的必要条件;系统的稳定性标准:高+可用;用户标准 -
Real Time Vs Mission Critical
Many programming texts (written by folks who ought to know better) confuse the concepts of real-time software with mission-critical.
I see hard and soft realtime confused all the time, but haven’t seen them confused with mission-critical. Where do you see this confusion? I’ve never seen them confused either, but perhaps I just thought the author was talking nonsense, which substituting one term for the other would have transformed into sense…?
They are not in any sense the same.
标签:articles,系统,confused,实时,high,other,Linux,HA,availability 来源: