首页 > 系统相关> > 完整部署CentOS7.2+OpenStack+kvm 云平台环境(4)--用OZ工具制作openstack镜像

完整部署CentOS7.2+OpenStack+kvm 云平台环境(4)--用OZ工具制作openstack镜像





[root@openstack-server src]# yum install qemu-kvm libvirt libvirt-python libguestfs-tools virt-install  
[root@openstack-server src]# systemctl enable libvirtd && systemctl start libvirtd

[root@openstack-server src]#yum install -y oz libguestfs-tools

[root@openstack-server src]# pwd
[root@openstack-server src]# ll CentOS-6.5-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso            #下载的iso镜像
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 4467982336 Nov 29  2013 CentOS-6.5-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso
[root@openstack-server src]# cat CentOS6u5-x86_64.tdl                     #创建tdl 文件
<description>CentOS6u5-x86_64 template</description>
<rootpw>PASSWORD</rootpw>             #这个是虚拟机创建好后,root的登陆密码,密码是在这个镜像里定义的!
<install type='iso'>
<commands>                  #centos7系统里没有/boot/grub/grub.conf文件,这块可以不用写,但写了也无妨。这里我是centos7,也写了
<command name='console'>
sed -i 's/ rhgb//g' /boot/grub/grub.conf
sed -i 's/ quiet//g' /boot/grub/grub.conf
sed -i 's/ console=tty0 / serial=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 /g' /boot/grub/grub.conf

[root@openstack-server src]# oz-install -u -d3 CentOS6u5-x86_64.tdl       #报错如下:
raise oz.OzException.OzException("Could not find a libvirt bridge.  Please run 'virsh net-start default' to start the default libvirt network, or see http://github.com/clalancette/oz/wiki/Oz-Network-Configuration for more information")
oz.OzException.OzException: Could not find a libvirt bridge.  Please run 'virsh net-start default' to start the default libvirt network, or see http://github.com/clalancette/oz/wiki/Oz-Network-Configuration for more information

[root@openstack-server src]# virsh net-start default
error: failed to get network 'default'
error: Network not found: no network with matching name 'default'

查阅资料,说是因为 default 网络不存在
回想了一下,我开始在捣鼓openstack 的时候,可能用命令删除了default,也或许没有启动default网络
因为在不同的环境下,default.xml 的存放路径不同,这里笔者以自己的 centos7 为例

[root@openstack-server src]# find / -name "default.xml"
[root@openstack-server src]#  virsh net-define /usr/share/libvirt/networks/default.xml
Network default defined from /usr/share/libvirt/networks/default.xml

[root@openstack-server src]# virsh net-start default
Network default started

[root@openstack-server src]# virsh net-list
Name                 State      Autostart     Persistent
default              active     no            yes

[root@openstack-server src]#

[root@openstack-server src]# oz-install -u -d3 CentOS6u5-x86_64.tdl
libvirt bridge name is virbr0
Libvirt type is kvm
Name: CentOS6u5-x86_64, UUID: 0a9b1d18-f517-40ae-9de9-1fd6101878e2
MAC: 52:54:00:fb:0b:c9, distro: CentOS-6
update: 5, arch: x86_64, diskimage: /var/lib/libvirt/images/CentOS6u5-x86_64.dsk
nicmodel: virtio, clockoffset: utc
mousetype: ps2, disk_bus: virtio, disk_dev: vda
icicletmp: /var/lib/oz/icicletmp/CentOS6u5-x86_64, listen_port: 36050
Original ISO path: /var/lib/oz/isos/CentOS-65x86_64-iso.iso
Modified ISO cache: /var/lib/oz/isos/CentOS-65x86_64-iso-oz.iso
Output ISO path: /var/lib/libvirt/images/CentOS6u5-x86_64-iso-oz.iso
ISO content path: /var/lib/oz/isocontent/CentOS6u5-x86_64-iso
Checking for guest conflicts with CentOS6u5-x86_64
Generating install media
Attempting to get the lock for /var/lib/oz/isos/CentOS-65x86_64-iso.iso
Got the lock for /var/lib/oz/isos/CentOS-65x86_64-iso.iso
Fetching the original media
Fetching the original install media from file:///usr/local/src/CentOS-6.5-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso
15kB of 4363264kB
10255kB of 4363264kB
20494kB of 4363264kB
30734kB of 4363264kB
40973kB of 4363264kB
51212kB of 4363264kB
Cleaning up guestfs handle for CentOS6u5-x86_64
Unmounting all
Libvirt XML was written to CentOS6u5-x86_64Aug_30_2016-13:47:18

镜像制作完默认会存放到/var/lib/libvirt/images/ 目录下,可以在/etc/oz/oz.cfg 配置文件中进行修改路径。

[root@openstack-server src]# cd /var/lib/libvirt/images/
[root@openstack-server images]# pwd
[root@openstack-server images]# ll
total 1087336
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 root root 10737418240 Aug 30 13:47 CentOS6u5-x86_64.dsk
[root@openstack-server images]# virt-sysprep --add CentOS6u5-x86_64.dsk
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[   5.0] Performing "abrt-data" ...
[   5.0] Setting a random seed
[   5.0] Performing "lvm-uuids" ...


[root@openstack-server images]# qemu-img info CentOS6u5-x86_64.dsk
image: CentOS6u5-x86_64.dsk
file format: raw
virtual size: 10G (10737418240 bytes)
disk size: 1.0G

上传镜像到 Glance
[root@openstack-server images]# glance image-create --name "CentOS-6.5" --file /var/lib/libvirt/images/CentOS6u5-x86_64.dsk --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --visibility public --progress
[=============================>] 100%

| Property         | Value                                |
| checksum         | 2d16e5ef687fead34fa801aafe37f058     |
| container_format | bare                                 |
| created_at       | 2016-08-30T06:03:22Z                 |
| disk_format      | qcow2                                |
| id               | 508db9d4-6c9f-459d-8782-065ee8b6f2c2 |
| min_disk         | 0                                    |
| min_ram          | 0                                    |
| name             | CentOS-6.5                           |
| owner            | 65a0c00638c247a0a274837aa6eb165f     |
| protected        | False                                |
| size             | 10737418240                          |
| status           | active                               |
| tags             | []                                   |
| updated_at       | 2016-08-30T06:04:26Z                 |
| virtual_size     | None                                 |
| visibility       | public                               |

[root@openstack-server images]# glance image-list
| ID                                   | Name       |
| 508db9d4-6c9f-459d-8782-065ee8b6f2c2 | CentOS-6.5 |








下载地址:http://cloud.centos.org/centos    【有centos6/7的镜像】

#wget http://cloud.centos.org/centos/7/images/CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2

上传到 galnce
#glance image-create --name "CentOS-7-x86_64" --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --file
CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2 --visibility public --progress



[root@openstack-server src]# pwd
[root@openstack-server src]# ls CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1511.iso
[root@openstack-server src]# ls CentOS-7-x86_64.tdl
[root@openstack-server src]# cat CentOS-7-x86_64.tdl
<description>CentOS-7-x86_64 template</description>
<install type='iso'>
<command name='console'>
sed -i 's/ rhgb//g' /boot/grub/grub.conf
sed -i 's/ quiet//g' /boot/grub/grub.conf
sed -i 's/ console=tty0 / serial=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 /g' /boot/grub/grub.conf


[root@openstack-server src]# oz-install -u -d3 CentOS-7-x86_64.tdl




[root@openstack-server src]# pwd
[root@openstack-server src]# ls CentOS-6.8-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso

[root@openstack-server src]# cat CentOS6u8-x86_64.tdl
<description>CentOS6u8-x86_64 template</description>
<install type='iso'>
<command name='console'>
sed -i 's/ rhgb//g' /boot/grub/grub.conf
sed -i 's/ quiet//g' /boot/grub/grub.conf
sed -i 's/ console=tty0 / serial=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 /g' /boot/grub/grub.conf

[root@openstack-server src]# oz-install -u -d3 CentOS6u8-x86_64.tdl





[root@openstack-server src]# pwd
[root@openstack-server src]# ls ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso

[root@openstack-server src]# cat ubuntu-12.04_x86_64.tdl 
<description>Ubuntu 12.04 15GB template</description>
  <size>15</size>                                                  #镜像大小为15G
 <rootpw>ROOT-PW_CHANGE-ME!!!</rootpw>                  #root账号登录密码
 <install type='iso'>
  <command name='console'>
sed -i 's/splash//g' /etc/default/grub
sed -i 's/quiet/console=ttyS0/g' /etc/default/grub
  <command name='update'>
apt-get update
apt-get -y upgrade
echo "cloud-init cloud-init/datasources string NoCloud, OVF, Ec2" > /tmp/debconf-selections        
/usr/bin/debconf-set-selections /tmp/debconf-selections
rm -f /tmp/debconf-selections
apt-get -y install cloud-init
apt-get clean
/usr/sbin/useradd -m stack
echo "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
sed -i 's/^user: ubuntu/user: stack/g' /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg
echo -n > /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
echo -n > /lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules

[root@openstack-server src]# oz-install -u -d3 ubuntu-12.04_x86_64.tdl

Waiting for ubuntu-12.04_x86_64 to finish installing, 1200/1200
Waiting for ubuntu-12.04_x86_64 to finish installing, 1190/1200
Waiting for ubuntu-12.04_x86_64 to finish installing, 1180/1200
Waiting for ubuntu-12.04_x86_64 to finish installing, 1170/1200

Unmounting all
Libvirt XML was written to ubuntu-12.04_x86_64Oct_31_2016-23:01:36

[root@openstack-server src]# cd /var/lib/oz/isos/
[root@openstack-server isos]# pwd
[root@openstack-server isos]# ls                    #发现oz下已经有了ubuntu12.04镜像                  

[root@openstack-server src]#  cd /var/lib/libvirt/images/
[root@openstack-server images]# ls
[root@openstack-server images]# virt-sysprep --add ubuntu-12.04_x86_64.dsk 
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[   5.0] Performing "lvm-uuids" .

[root@openstack-server images]# qemu-img info ubuntu-12.04_x86_64.dsk 
image: ubuntu-12.04_x86_64.dsk
file format: raw
virtual size: 15G (16106127360 bytes)
disk size: 1.3G

[root@openstack-server images]# glance image-create --name "ubuntu-12.04" --file /var/lib/libvirt/images/ubuntu-12.04_x86_64.dsk --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --visibility public --progress
[=============================>] 100%
| Property         | Value                                |
| checksum         | 15d25f4da354d8fbd5a248fc01894ceb     |
| container_format | bare                                 |
| created_at       | 2016-10-31T15:25:29Z                 |
| disk_format      | qcow2                                |
| id               | 042073da-e6cb-4b0b-97dd-1d5ef5be236a |
| min_disk         | 0                                    |
| min_ram          | 0                                    |
| name             | ubuntu-12.04                         |
| owner            | 0cd3632df93d48d6b2c24c67f70e56b8     |
| protected        | False                                |
| size             | 64424509440                          |
| status           | active                               |
| tags             | []                                   |
| updated_at       | 2016-10-31T15:38:09Z                 |
| virtual_size     | None                                 |
| visibility       | public                               |

[root@linux-node2 images]# glance image-list
| ID                                   | Name         |
| 042073da-e6cb-4b0b-97dd-1d5ef5be236a | ubuntu-12.04 |




来源: https://blog.51cto.com/u_10272167/2697246