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2021-01-29 10:01:36  阅读:601  来源: 互联网

标签:name collection centos7 client #----------------------+-------------------------

  • 参考链接

  • 新启一个虚拟机,配置yum源

  • 安装docker,因为milvus是通过docker安装的

  • 安装docker

    yum -y install docker
  • 启动 Docker 后台服务

    service docker start
  • 执行如下命令,确认docker可用

    docker image ls
  • 下载 Milvus Docker 镜像文件

    docker pull milvusdb/milvus:0.11.0-cpu-d101620-4c44c0
  • 下载配置文件

    mkdir -p /home/$USER/milvus/conf
    cd /home/$USER/milvus/conf
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/milvus-io/milvus/0.11.0/core/conf/demo/milvus.yaml
  • 如果wget失败,可以在/home/$USER/milvus/conf目录下手动创建milvus.yaml文件

  • 在milvus.yaml文件中写入如下内容(vi milvus.yaml)

    # Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Zilliz. All rights reserved.
    # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
    # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
    # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
    # is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
    # or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
    version: 0.6
    # Cluster Config       | Description                                                | Type       | Default         |
    # enable               | If running with Mishards, set true, otherwise false.       | Boolean    | false           |
    # role                 | Milvus deployment role: rw / ro                            | Role       | rw              |
      enable: false
      role: rw
    # General Config       | Description                                                | Type       | Default         |
    # timezone             | Use UTC-x or UTC+x to specify a time zone.                 | Timezone   | UTC+8           |
    # meta_uri             | URI for metadata storage, using SQLite (for single server  | URI        | sqlite://:@:/   |
    #                      | Milvus) or MySQL (for distributed cluster Milvus).         |            |                 |
    #                      | Format: dialect://username:password@host:port/database     |            |                 |
    #                      | Keep 'dialect://:@:/', 'dialect' can be either 'sqlite' or |            |                 |
    #                      | 'mysql', replace other texts with real values.             |            |                 |
      timezone: UTC+8
      meta_uri: sqlite://:@:/
    # Network Config       | Description                                                | Type       | Default         |
    # bind.address         | IP address that Milvus server monitors.                    | IP         |         |
    # bind.port            | Port that Milvus server monitors. Port range (1024, 65535) | Integer    | 19530           |
    # http.enable          | Enable HTTP server or not.                                 | Boolean    | true            |
    # http.port            | Port that Milvus HTTP server monitors.                     | Integer    | 19121           |
    #                      | Port range (1024, 65535)                                   |            |                 |
      bind.port: 19530
      http.enable: true
      http.port: 19121
    # Storage Config       | Description                                                | Type       | Default         |
    # path                 | Path used to save meta data, vector data and index data.   | Path       | /var/lib/milvus |
    # auto_flush_interval  | The interval, in seconds, at which Milvus automatically    | Integer    | 1 (s)           |
    #                      | flushes data to disk.                                      |            |                 |
    #                      | 0 means disable the regular flush.                         |            |                 |
      path: /var/lib/milvus
      auto_flush_interval: 1
    # WAL Config           | Description                                                | Type       | Default         |
    # enable               | Whether to enable write-ahead logging (WAL) in Milvus.     | Boolean    | true            |
    #                      | If WAL is enabled, Milvus writes all data changes to log   |            |                 |
    #                      | files in advance before implementing data changes. WAL     |            |                 |
    #                      | ensures the atomicity and durability for Milvus operations.|            |                 |
    # path                 | Location of WAL log files.                                 | String     |                 |
      enable: true
      path: /var/lib/milvus/wal
    # Cache Config         | Description                                                | Type       | Default         |
    # cache_size           | The size of CPU memory used for caching data for faster    | String     | 4GB             |
    #                      | query. The sum of 'cache_size' and 'insert_buffer_size'    |            |                 |
    #                      | must be less than system memory size.                      |            |                 |
    # insert_buffer_size   | Buffer size used for data insertion.                       | String     | 1GB             |
    #                      | The sum of 'insert_buffer_size' and 'cache_size'           |            |                 |
    #                      | must be less than system memory size.                      |            |                 |
    # preload_collection   | A comma-separated list of collection names that need to    | StringList |                 |
    #                      | be pre-loaded when Milvus server starts up.                |            |                 |
    #                      | '*' means preload all existing tables (single-quote or     |            |                 |
    #                      | double-quote required).                                    |            |                 |
    # max_concurrent_insert_request_size |                                              |            |                 |
    #                      | A size limit on the concurrent insert requests to process. | String     | 2GB             |
    #                      | Milvus can process insert requests from multiple clients   |            |                 |
    #                      | concurrently. This setting puts a cap on the memory        |            |                 |
    #                      | consumption during this process.                           |            |                 |
      cache_size: 4GB
      insert_buffer_size: 1GB
      max_concurrent_insert_request_size: 2GB
    # GPU Config           | Description                                                | Type       | Default         |
    # enable               | Use GPU devices or not.                                    | Boolean    | false           |
    # cache_size           | The size of GPU memory per card used for cache.            | String     | 1GB             |
    # gpu_search_threshold | A Milvus performance tuning parameter. This value will be  | Integer    | 1000            |
    #                      | compared with 'nq' to decide if the search computation will|            |                 |
    #                      | be executed on GPUs only.                                  |            |                 |
    #                      | If nq >= gpu_search_threshold, the search computation will |            |                 |
    #                      | be executed on GPUs only;                                  |            |                 |
    #                      | if nq < gpu_search_threshold, the search computation will  |            |                 |
    #                      | be executed on both CPUs and GPUs.                         |            |                 |
    # search_devices       | The list of GPU devices used for search computation.       | DeviceList | gpu0            |
    #                      | Must be in format gpux.                                    |            |                 |
    # build_index_devices  | The list of GPU devices used for index building.           | DeviceList | gpu0            |
    #                      | Must be in format gpux.                                    |            |                 |
      enable: false
      cache_size: 1GB
      gpu_search_threshold: 1000
        - gpu0
        - gpu0
    # Logs Config          | Description                                                | Type       | Default         |
    # level                | Log level in Milvus. Must be one of debug, info, warning,  | String     | debug           |
    #                      | error, fatal                                               |            |                 |
    # trace.enable         | Whether to enable trace level logging in Milvus.           | Boolean    | true            |
    # path                 | Absolute path to the folder holding the log files.         | String     |                 |
    # max_log_file_size    | The maximum size of each log file, size range              | String     | 1024MB          |
    #                      | [512MB, 4096MB].                                           |            |                 |
    # log_rotate_num       | The maximum number of log files that Milvus keeps for each | Integer    | 0               |
    #                      | logging level, num range [0, 1024], 0 means unlimited.     |            |                 |
    # log_to_stdout        | Whether logging to standard output.                        | Boolean    | false           |
    # log_to_file          | Whether logging to log files.                              | Boolean    | true            |
      level: debug
      trace.enable: true
      path: /var/lib/milvus/logs
      max_log_file_size: 1024MB
      log_rotate_num: 0
      log_to_stdout: false
      log_to_file: true
    # Metric Config        | Description                                                | Type       | Default         |
    # enable               | Enable monitoring function or not.                         | Boolean    | false           |
    # address              | Pushgateway address                                        | IP         |       +
    # port                 | Pushgateway port, port range (1024, 65535)                 | Integer    | 9091            |
      enable: false
      port: 9091
  • 启动 Docker 容器,将本地的文件路径映射到容器中

    docker run -d --name milvus_cpu_0.11.0 \
    -p 19530:19530 \
    -p 19121:19121 \
    -v /home/$USER/milvus/db:/var/lib/milvus/db \
    -v /home/$USER/milvus/conf:/var/lib/milvus/conf \
    -v /home/$USER/milvus/logs:/var/lib/milvus/logs \
    -v /home/$USER/milvus/wal:/var/lib/milvus/wal \
  • 发现报错如下

    /usr/bin/docker-current: Error response from daemon: oci runtime error: container_linux.go:235: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:258: applying cgroup configuration for process caused \"Cannot set property TasksAccounting, or unknown property.\"".
  • 执行如下命令,更新rpm包版本,该操作需要一些时间

    yum -y update
  • 重新创建容器

    docker run -d --name milvus_cpu_0.11.0 \
    -p 19530:19530 \
    -p 19121:19121 \
    -v /home/$USER/milvus/db:/var/lib/milvus/db \
    -v /home/$USER/milvus/conf:/var/lib/milvus/conf \
    -v /home/$USER/milvus/logs:/var/lib/milvus/logs \
    -v /home/$USER/milvus/wal:/var/lib/milvus/wal \
  • 创建成功,用代码简单使用下

  • 安装下python

    yum install -y python36
    yum install -y python36-pip
    yum install -y python36-devel
    pip install pymilvus
  • 测试代码内容如下:

    import random
    from pprint import pprint
    from milvus import Milvus, DataType
    _HOST = ''
    _PORT = '19530'
    client = Milvus(_HOST, _PORT)
    collection_name = 'demo_films'
    if collection_name in client.list_collections():
    collection_param = {
        "fields": [
            {"name": "duration", "type": DataType.INT32, "params": {"unit": "minute"}},
            {"name": "release_year", "type": DataType.INT32},
            {"name": "embedding", "type": DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR, "params": {"dim": 8}},
        "segment_row_limit": 4096,
        "auto_id": False
    client.create_collection(collection_name, collection_param)
    client.create_partition(collection_name, "American")
    print("--------get collection info--------")
    collection = client.get_collection_info(collection_name)
    partitions = client.list_partitions(collection_name)
    print("\n----------list partitions----------")
    The_Lord_of_the_Rings = [
            "title": "The_Fellowship_of_the_Ring",
            "id": 1,
            "duration": 208,
            "release_year": 2001,
            "embedding": [random.random() for _ in range(8)]
            "title": "The_Two_Towers",
            "id": 2,
            "duration": 226,
            "release_year": 2002,
            "embedding": [random.random() for _ in range(8)]
            "title": "The_Return_of_the_King",
            "id": 3,
            "duration": 252,
            "release_year": 2003,
            "embedding": [random.random() for _ in range(8)]
    ids = [k.get("id") for k in The_Lord_of_the_Rings]
    durations = [k.get("duration") for k in The_Lord_of_the_Rings]
    release_years = [k.get("release_year") for k in The_Lord_of_the_Rings]
    embeddings = [k.get("embedding") for k in The_Lord_of_the_Rings]
    hybrid_entities = [
        {"name": "duration", "values": durations, "type": DataType.INT32},
        {"name": "release_year", "values": release_years, "type": DataType.INT32},
        {"name": "embedding", "values": embeddings, "type": DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR},
    ids = client.insert(collection_name, hybrid_entities, ids, partition_tag="American")
    print("Films are inserted and the ids are: {}".format(ids))
    before_flush_counts = client.count_entities(collection_name)
    after_flush_counts = client.count_entities(collection_name)
    print("There are {} films in collection `{}` before flush".format(before_flush_counts, collection_name))
    print("There are {} films in collection `{}` after flush".format(after_flush_counts, collection_name))
    info = client.get_collection_stats(collection_name)
    print("\n----------get collection stats----------")
    films = client.get_entity_by_id(collection_name, ids=[1, 200])
    print("\n----------get entity by id = 1, id = 200----------")
    for film in films:
        if film is not None:
            print(" > id: {},\n > duration: {}m,\n > release_years: {},\n > embedding: {}"
                  .format(film.id, film.duration, film.release_year, film.embedding))
    query_embedding = [random.random() for _ in range(8)]
    query_hybrid = {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                    "term": {"release_year": [2002, 2003]}
                    "range": {"duration": {"GT": 250}}
                    "vector": {
                        "embedding": {"topk": 3, "query": [query_embedding], "metric_type": "L2"}
    results = client.search(collection_name, query_hybrid, fields=["duration", "release_year", "embedding"])
    for entities in results:
        for topk_film in entities:
            current_entity = topk_film.entity
            print("- id: {}".format(topk_film.id))
            print("- distance: {}".format(topk_film.distance))
            print("- release_year: {}".format(current_entity.release_year))
            print("- duration: {}".format(current_entity.duration))
            print("- embedding: {}".format(current_entity.embedding))
    client.delete_entity_by_id(collection_name, ids=[1, 2])
    client.flush()  # flush is important
    result = client.get_entity_by_id(collection_name, ids=[1, 2])
    counts_delete = sum([1 for entity in result if entity is not None])
    counts_in_collection = client.count_entities(collection_name)
    print("\n----------delete id = 1, id = 2----------")
    print("Get {} entities by id 1, 2".format(counts_delete))
    print("There are {} entities after delete films with 1, 2".format(counts_in_collection))
    client.drop_partition(collection_name, partition_tag='American')
    if collection_name in client.list_collections():

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_34648165/article/details/113365615

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