首页 > 系统相关> > ubuntu默认创建的用户的含义



User Name User ID Description
root 0 Superuser account
daemon 1 Umbrella system daemon associated with routine system tasks
bin 2 Administrative daemon associated with running system binaries to perform some routine system task
sys 3 Administrative daemon associated with system logging or updating files in temporary directories
adm 4 Administrative daemon associated with system logging
lp 71 Line printer daemon
uucp 5 Daemon associated with uucp functions
nuucp 6 Another daemon associated with uucp functions
smmsp 25 Sendmail message submission program daemon
webservd 80 Account reserved for WebServer access
gdm 50 GNOME Display Manager daemon
listen 37 Network listener daemon
nobody 60001 Account reserved for anonymous NFS access
noaccess 60002 Assigned to a user or a process that needs access to a system through some application but without actually logging in
nobody4 65534 SunOS 4.0 or 4.1 version of the nobody user account

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/liangdiaonumberone/p/14258072.html