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Shell Lab: Writing Your Own Linux Shell
1 Introduction
The purpose of this assignment is to become more familiar with the concepts of process control and signalling. You’ll do this by writing a simple Linux shell program that supports a simple form of job control
and I/O redirection. Please read the whole writeup before starting.
2 Logistics
This is an individual project. You can do this lab on the ICS Linux machines.
3 Hand Out Instructions
Download the file tshlab-handout.tar from Autolab, and copy it to the protected directory (the lab
directory) in which you plan to do your work. Then do the following on a linux machine: • Type the command tar xvf tshlab-handout.tar to expand the tar-file.
• Type your name and Student ID in the header comment at the top of tsh.c. • Type the command make to compile and link the driver, the trace interpreter, and the test routines.
Looking at the tsh.c (tiny shell) file, you will see that it contains a skeleton of a simple Linux shell. It will
not, of course, function as a shell if you compile and run it now. To help you get started, we have already
implemented the less interesting functions such as the routines that manipulate the job list and the command
line parser. Your assignment is to complete the remaining empty functions listed below. As a sanity check
for you, we’ve listed the approximate number of lines of code for each of these functions in our reference
solution (which includes lots of comments, this is a good thing).
• eval: Main routine that parses and interprets the command line. [400 lines, including some helper
• sigchld handler: Catches SIGCHLD signals. [100 lines]
• sigint handler: Catches SIGINT (ctrl-c) signals. [30 lines]
• sigtstp handler: Catches SIGTSTP (ctrl-z) signals. [30 lines]
When you wish to test your shell, type make to recompile it. To run it, type tsh to the command line:
linux> ./tsh
tsh> [type commands to your shell here]
4 General Overview of Linux Shells
A shell is an interactive command-line interpreter that runs programs on behalf of the user. A shell repeatedly prints a prompt, waits for a command line on stdin, and then carries out some action, as directed by
the contents of the command line.
The command line is a sequence of ASCII text words delimited by whitespace. The first word in the
command line is either the name of a built-in command or the pathname of an executable file. The remaining
words are command-line arguments:
• If the first word is a built-in command, the shell immediately executes the command in the current
• Otherwise, the word is assumed to be the pathname of an executable program. In this case, the shell
forks a child process, then loads and runs the program in the context of the child.
The child processes created as a result of interpreting a single command line are known collectively as a
job. In general, a job can consist of multiple child processes connected by Linux pipes. However, the shell
you write in this lab need not support pipes.
If the command line ends with an ampersand “&”, then the job runs in the background, which means that
the shell does not wait for the job to terminate before printing the prompt and awaiting the next command
line. Otherwise, the job runs in the foreground, which means that the shell waits for the job to terminate
before awaiting the next command line. Thus, at any point in time, at most one job can be running in the
foreground. However, an arbitrary number of jobs can run in the background.
For example, typing the command line
tsh> jobs
causes the shell to execute the built-in jobs command. Typing the command line
tsh> /bin/ls -l -d
runs the ls program in the foreground. By convention, the shell ensures that when the program begins
executing its main routine
int main(int argc, char argv[])
the argc and argv arguments have the following values:
argc == 3
argv[0] == ‘‘/bin/ls’’
argv[1]== ‘‘-l’’
argv[2]== ‘‘-d’’
Alternatively, typing the command line
tsh> /bin/ls -l -d &
runs the ls program in the background.
Linux shells support the notion of job control, which allows users to move jobs back and forth between
background and foreground, and to change the process state (running, stopped, or terminated) of the processes in a job. For example,
• Typing ctrl-c causes a SIGINT signal to be delivered to each process in the foreground job. The
default action for SIGINT is to terminate the process.
• Similarly, typing ctrl-z causes a SIGTSTP signal to be delivered to each process in the foreground
job. The default action for SIGTSTP is to place a process in the stopped state, where it remains until
it is awakened by the receipt of a SIGCONT signal.
Linux shells also provide various built-in commands that support job control. For example:
• jobs: List the running and stopped background jobs.
• bg job: Change a stopped background job into a running background job.
• fg job: Change a stopped or running background job into a running foreground job.
• kill job: Kill a job in the job list.
• nohup [command]: Make the trailing command block any SIGHUP signals.
Linux shells also support the notion of I/O redirection, which allows users to redirect stdin and stdout
to disk files. For example, typing the command line
tsh> /bin/ls > foo
redirects the output of ls to a file called foo. Similarly,
tsh> /bin/cat < foo
displays the contents of file foo on stdout. 3
5 The tsh Specification
Your tsh shell should have the following features:
• The prompt should be the string “tsh> ”.
• The command line typed by the user should consist of a name and zero or more arguments, all separated by one or more spaces. If name is a built-in command, then tsh should handle it immediately
and wait for the next command line. Otherwise, tsh should assume that name is the path of an
executable file, which it loads and runs in the context of an initial child process (In this context, the
term job refers to this initial child process). If you are running system programs like ls, you will
need to enter the full path (in this case /bin/ls) because your shell does not have search paths.
• tsh need not support pipes (|), but MUST support I/O redirection (“<” and “>”), for instance:
tsh> /bin/cat < foo > bar
Your shell must support both input and output redirection in the same command line.
• Typing ctrl-c (ctrl-z) should cause your shell to send a SIGINT (SIGTSTP) signal to the current
foreground job, as well as any descendants of that job (e.g., any child processes that it forked). If there
is no foreground job, then the signal should have no effect.
• If the command line ends with an ampersand &, then tsh should run the job in the background.
Otherwise, it should run the job in the foreground.
• Each job can be identified by either a process ID (PID) or a job ID (JID), which is a positive integer
assigned by tsh. JIDs should be denoted on the command line by the prefix ’%’. For example, “%5”
denotes JID 5, and “5” denotes PID 5. (We have provided you with all of the routines you need for
manipulating the job list.)
• tsh should support the following built-in commands:
– The quit command terminates the shell.
– The jobs command lists all background jobs.
– The bg job command restarts job by sending it a SIGCONT signal, and then runs it in the
background. The job argument can be either a PID or a JID.
– The fg job command restarts job by sending it a SIGCONT signal, and then runs it in the
foreground. The job argument can be either a PID or a JID.
– The kill job command kills a job in the job list by sending it a SIGTERM signal. The
job argument can be either a PID or a JID. If the job does not exist, your shell should print
“%JID: No such job” or “(PID): No such process”, where JID and PID should be replaced by
the command line argument. Play with the reference shell to check the details and gain intuition.
NOTE: The built-in command kill slightly differs from that of the Linux shell in semantics,
since our shell always kills a job rather than a single process.
– The nohup [command] command makes the trailing command ignore any SIGHUP signals.
For simplcity, your shell does not need to support built-in commands following this principle.
Instead, you can assume [command] to be the path of an executable file followed by its arguments.
• Your shell should be able to redirect the output from the jobs built-in command. For example
tsh> jobs > foo
• tsh should reap all of its zombie children. If any job terminates because it receives a signal that
it didn’t catch, then tsh should recognize this event and print a message with the job’s PID and a
description of the offending signal.
6 Checking Your Work
Running your shell. The best way to check your work is to run your shell from the command line. Your
initial testing should be done manually from the command line. Run your shell, type commands to it, and
see if you can break it. Use it to run real programs!
Reference solution. The 64-bit Linux executable tshref is the reference solution for the shell. Run this
program (on a 64-bit machine) to resolve any questions you have about how your shell should behave. Your
shell should emit output that is identical to the reference solution (except for PIDs, of course, which change
from run to run).
Once you are confident that your shell is working, then you can begin to use some tools that we have
provided to help you check your work more thoroughly. (These are the same tools that the autograder will
use when you submit your work for credit.)
Trace interpreter. We have provided a set of trace files (trace
.txt) that validate the correctness of
your shell (the appendix section at the end of this handout describes each trace file briefly). Each trace
file tests one shell feature. For example, does your shell recognize a particular built-in command? Does it
respond correctly to the user typing a ctrl-c?.
The runtrace program (the trace interpreter) interprets a set of shell commands specified by a single trace
linux> ./runtrace -h
Usage: runtrace -f -s [-hV]
-h Print this message
-s Shell program to test (default ./tsh)
-f Trace file
-V Be more verbose
The neat thing about the trace files is that they generate the same output you would have gotten had you run
your shell interactively (except for an initial comment that identifies the trace). For example:
linux> ./runtrace -f trace05.txt -s ./tsh

trace05.txt - Run a background job.

tsh> ./myspin1 &
[1] (15849) ./myspin1 &
tsh> quit
The lower-numbered trace files do very simple tests, and the higher-numbered tests do increasingly more
complicated tests.
Shell driver. After you have used runtrace to test your shell on each trace file individually, then you are
ready to test your shell with the shell driver. The sdriver program uses runtrace to run your shell on
each trace file, compares the output to the output produced by the reference shell, and displays the diff if
they differ.
linux> ./sdriver -h
Usage: sdriver [-hV] [-s -t -i ]
-h Print this message.
-i Run each trace times (default 4)
-s Name of test shell (default ./tsh)
-t Run trace only (default all)
-V Be more verbose.
Running the driver without any arguments tests your shell on all of the trace files. To help detect race
conditions in your code, the driver runs each trace multiple times. You will need to pass each of the tests to
get credit for a particular trace:
linux> ./sdriver
Running 4 iters of trace00.txt

  1. Running trace00.txt…
  2. Running trace00.txt…
  3. Running trace00.txt…
  4. Running trace00.txt…
    Running 4 iters of trace01.txt
  5. Running trace01.txt…
  6. Running trace01.txt…
  7. Running trace01.txt…
  8. Running trace01.txt…
    Running 4 iters of trace02.txt
  9. Running trace02.txt…
  10. Running trace02.txt…
  11. Running trace02.txt…
  12. Running trace02.txt…

    Running 4 iters of trace27.txt
  13. Running trace27.txt…
  14. Running trace27.txt…
  15. Running trace27.txt…
  16. Running trace27.txt…
    Running 4 iters of trace28.txt
  17. Running trace28.txt…
  18. Running trace28.txt…
  19. Running trace28.txt…
  20. Running trace28.txt…
    Score: 116/116
    Use the optional -i argument to control the number of times the driver runs each trace file:
    linux> ./sdriver -i 1
    Running trace00.txt…
    Running trace01.txt…
    Running trace02.txt…
    Running trace03.txt…

    Running trace27.txt…
    Running trace28.txt…
    Score: 116/116
    Use the optional -t argument to test a single trace file:
    linux> ./sdriver -t 06
    Running trace06.txt…
    Success: The test and reference outputs for trace06.txt matched!
    Use the optional -V argument to get more information about the test:
    linux> ./sdriver -t 06 -V
    Running trace06.txt…
    Success: The test and reference outputs for trace06.txt matched!
    Test output:

trace06.txt - Run a foreground job and a background job.

tsh> ./myspin1 &
[1] (10276) ./myspin1 &
tsh> ./myspin2 1
Reference output:

trace06.txt - Run a foreground job and a background job.

tsh> ./myspin1 &
[1] (10285) ./myspin1 &
tsh> ./myspin2 1
Note: The driver program runs the reference shell, which is a 64-bit binary, and thus will not run on a 32-bit
7 Warnings
• Start early! Leave yourself plenty of time to debug your solution, as subtle problems in your shell are
hard to find and fix.
• Be careful about race conditions on the job list. Remember that you cannot make any assumptions
about the order of execution of the parent and child after forking. In particular, you cannot assume
that the child will still be running when the parent returns from the fork. In fact, our driver has code
that purposely introduces non-determinism in the order that the parent and child execute after forking.
Also, remember that signal handlers run concurrently with the program and can interrupt it anywhere,
unless you explicitly block the receipt of the signals.
• Remember that simply passing the tests multiple times does not prove the correctness of your shell.
We will deduct correctness points if there are race conditions in your code, so it is in your best interest
to find them before we do.
• It is forbidden to spin in a tight loop while waiting for a signal (e.g., “while (1);”). Doing so
is extremely wasteful of processor time. Calling sleep inside a tight loop is not appropriate either.
Instead, you should use the sigsuspend function inside any tight loops. See the textbook for
• When children of your shell die, they must be reaped within a bounded amount of time. This means
that you can not wait until the foreground process finishes or a user input is entered before reaping.
• You should not call waitpid in multiple places. This sets you up for a ton of potential race conditions and makes your shell needlessly complicated.
• Don’t use any system calls (e.g., tcsetpgrp) that manipulate terminal groups, which will break the
8 Hints
• Read and understand every word of Chapter 8 (Exceptional Control Flow) and Chapter 10 (Systemlevel I/O) in your textbook.
• Read the code in tsh.c carefully before you start. Understand the high-level control flow, get
familiar with the defined global variables and the helper routines.
• Play with your shell by typing commands to it directly. Don’t make the mistake of running the trace
generator and driver immediately. Develop some familiarity and intuition about how your shell works
before testing it with the automated tools.
• Only after you have tested your shell directly from the command line and are fairly confident that it
is correct should you start testing with the runtrace and driver programs.
• Use the trace files to guide the development of your shell. Starting with trace00.txt, make
sure that your shell produces the identical output as the reference shell. Then move on to trace file
trace01.txt, and so on.
• The waitpid, kill, fork, execve, setpgid, sigprocmask, and sigsuspend functions
will come in very handy. The WUNTRACED and WNOHANG options to waitpid will also be
useful. Use man to check out the details about each function.
• When you implement your signal handlers, be sure to send SIGINT and SIGTSTP signals to the entire foreground process group, using ”-pid” instead of ”pid” in the argument to the kill function.
The driver program specifically tests for this error.
• One of the tricky parts of the assignment is deciding on the allocation of work between the eval and
sigchld handler functions when the shell is waiting for a foreground job to finish.
• In order to avoid deadlock, it is recommended to only invoke async-signal-safe functions in your
handler. Please refer to Section 8.5.5 in your textbook for a full understanding. For your convenience,
we have provided you with a lightweight safe I/O function sio_put which reads a format string
just like printf of C standard, formats it and prints it to the standard output. It supports two kinds
of escaping characters, namely %d (to print an int) and %% (to print %). Its implementation lies
in tsh.c in your handout. You can regard it as a handy and secure substitute for sio_puts and
sio_putl. • In eval, the parent must use sigprocmask to block SIGCHLD, SIGINT, and SIGTSTP signals
before it forks the child, and then unblock these signals, again using sigprocmask after it adds the
child to the job list by calling addjob. Since children inherit the blocked vectors of their parents,
the child must be sure to then unblock these signals before it execs the new program. The child
should also restore the default handlers for the signals that are ignored by the shell.
The parent needs to block signals in this way in order to avoid race conditions (e.g., the child is
reaped by sigchld handler (and thus removed from the job list) before the parent calls addjob).
Section 8.5.6 has details about the race conditions and how to block signals explicitly.
• Programs such as top, less, vi, and emacs do strange things with the terminal settings. Don’t
run these programs from your shell. Stick with simple text-based programs such as /bin/cat,
/bin/ls, /bin/ps, and /bin/echo. • When you run your shell from the standard Linux shell, your shell is running in the foreground process
group. If your shell then creates a child process, by default that child will also be a member of the
foreground process group. Since typing ctrl-c sends a SIGINT to every process in the foreground
group, typing ctrl-c will send a SIGINT to your shell, as well as to every process that your shell
created, which obviously isn’t correct.
Here is the workaround: After the fork, but before the execve, the child process should call
setpgid(0, 0), which puts the child in a new process group whose group ID is identical to the
child’s PID. This ensures that there will be only one process, your shell, in the foreground process
group. When you type ctrl-c, the shell should catch the resulting SIGINT and then forward it
to the appropriate foreground job (or more precisely, the process group that contains the foreground
job). 1
9 Evaluation
Your score will be computed out of a maximum of 126 points based on the following distribution:
116 Correctness: 29 trace files at 4 pts each. In addition, if your solution passes the traces but is not actually
correct (you hacked a way to get it to pass the traces), we will deduct correctness points during our
read through of your code.
The most common thing we will be looking for is race conditions that you have simply plastered over,
often using the sleep call. In general you code should not have races even if we remove all sleep
10 Style points. We expect you to follow the style guidelines at
For example, we expect you to have good comments and to check the return value of EVERY system
call. We also expect you to break up large functions such as eval into smaller helper functions, to
enhance readability and avoid duplicating code. Some advice about commenting:
• Do begin your program file with a descriptive block comment that describes your shell.
• Do begin each routine with a block comment describing its role at a high level.
• Do preface related lines of code with a block comment.
• Do keep your lines within 80 characters.
• Don’t simply comment each line.
You should also follow other guidelines of good style, such as using a consistent indenting style (don’t
mix spaces and tabs!), using descriptive variable names, and grouping logically related blocks of code
with whitespace.
1Note that this is a simplification of the way that real shells work. With real shells, the kernel responds to ctrl-c (ctrl-z)
by sending SIGINT (SIGTSTP) directly to each child process in the terminal foreground process group. The shell manages the
membership of this group using the tcsetpgrp function, and manages the attributes of the terminal using the tcsetattr
function, both of which are outside the scope of this class and would break our current autograding scheme.
Your solution shell will be tested for correctness on a 64-bit ubuntu machine (the Autolab server), using the
same driver and trace files that were included in your handout directory. Your shell should produce identical
output on these traces as the reference shell, with only two exceptions:
• The PIDs can (and will) be different.
• The output of the /bin/ps commands in trace19.txt, trace20.txt, and trace21.txt
will be different from run to run. However, the running states of any mysplit processes in the
output of the /bin/ps command should be identical.
The driver deals with all of these subtleties when it checks for correctness.
10 Hand In Instructions
• Make sure you have included your name and Student ID in the header comment of tsh.c. • Hand in your tsh.c file for credit by uploading it to Autolab. You may hand in as often as you like.
You will be graded on the last version you hand in.
• After you hand in, it takes a minute or two for the driver to run through multiple iterations of each
trace file.
• We’ll be using a sophisticated cheat checker that compares handins from this year and previous years.
Please don’t copy another student’s code. Start early, and if you get stuck, come see your instructors
for help.
Good luck!
Appendix: Trace Files
The trace driver runs an instance of your shell in a child process and communicates with the shell interactively in a way that mimics the behavior of a user. To test the behavior of your shell, the trace driver reads
in trace files that specify shell line commands (that are actually sent to the shell) as well as a few special
synchronization commands (that are interpreted by the driver when handling the shell process). The trace
files may also reference a number of shell test programs to perform various functions, and you may refer to
the code and comments of these test programs for more information.
The format of the trace files is as follows:
• The comment character is #. Everything to the right of it on a line is ignored.
• Each trace file is written so that the output from the shell shows exactly what the user typed. We do
this by using the /bin/echo program, which not only tests the shell’s ability to run programs, but
also shows what the user typed. For example:
/bin/echo -e tsh\076 ./myspin1 \046
Note: octal \076 is > and octal \046 is &. These are special shell metacharacters that need to be
escaped. This line represents tsh> ./myspin1 &, that is, a user trying to run ./myspin1 in the
• There are also a few special commands for synchronization between the job (your shell) and the parent
process (the driver) and to send Linux signals from the parent to the job.
WAIT Wait for a sync signal from the job over its synchronizing domain socket.
SIGNAL Send a sync signal to the job over its synchronizing domain socket.
Read and print all responses from the shell until you see the next shell prompt.
This command is essential for synchronizing with the shell and mimics the way
people wait until they see the shell prompt until they type the next string.
SIGINT Send a SIGINT signal to the job.
SIGTSTP Send a SIGTSTP signal to the job.
The following table describes what each trace file tests on your shell against the reference solution.
NOTE: this table is provided so that you can quickly get a high level picture about the testing traces. The
explanation here is over-simplified. To understand what exactly each trace file does, you need to read the
trace files.
trace00.txt Properly terminate on EOF.
trace01.txt Process built-in quit command.
trace02.txt Run a foreground job that prints an environment variable.
trace03.txt Run a synchronizing foreground job without any arguments.
trace04.txt Run a foreground job with arguments.
trace05.txt Run a background job.
trace06.txt Run a foreground job and a background job.
trace07.txt Use the jobs built-in command.
trace08.txt Send fatal SIGINT to foreground job.
trace09.txt Send SIGTSTP to foreground job.
trace10.txt Send fatal SIGTERM (15) to a background job.
trace11.txt Child sends SIGINT to itself.
trace12.txt Child sends SIGTSTP to itself.
trace13.txt Forward SIGINT to foreground job only.
trace14.txt Forward SIGTSTP to foreground job only.
trace15.txt Process bg built-in command (one job).
trace16.txt Process bg built-in command (two jobs).
trace17.txt Process fg built-in command (one job).
trace18.txt Process fg built-in command (two jobs).
trace19.txt Forward SIGINT to every process in foreground process group.
trace20.txt Forward SIGTSTP to every process in foreground process group.
trace21.txt Restart every stopped process in process group.
trace22.txt I/O redirection (input).
trace23.txt I/O redirection (input and output).
trace24.txt I/O redirection (input and output, but different order).
trace25.txt Nohup (send SIGHUP to normal and nohup command).
trace26.txt Kill (kill a job that is not in job list).
trace27.txt Kill (kill a job by JID).
trace28.txt Invoke SIGTERM handler by processing kill built-in command.

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/xxzhaoming/article/details/111604164