首页 > 系统相关> > 在Windows CE的托管C#代码中将本机DLL加载为调试模块

在Windows CE的托管C#代码中将本机DLL加载为调试模块


我正在使用以下方法在C#中编写一个引用本机C DLL(我也在编码)的Windows CE应用程序:

   public static unsafe extern void doBlur(byte* imgData, int sigma);


环顾四周后,似乎LoadLibrary()函数可能会起作用,但是我找不到在C#Windows CE应用程序中使用此功能的任何示例.我该怎么做,或者有更好的方法来确保DLL加载进行调试?





No, you can’t step from managed code through a P/Invoke call into native
code in the Smart Device debugger. You might be able to use Attach to
Process to do the native debugging (with the native DLL project loaded into
that instance of VS2005), or simply write debug information from the native
DLL to a serial port or something. This really doesn’t come up very often,
though, where you actually need to step from one to the other.


A quick test shows that the easiest way to handle this is to ‘run’ your DLL.
That is, set the debugging options to start the managed code EXE that will
use your DLL and set your breakpoints in the DLL (all from the DLL project,
of course). Naturally, when the EXE starts, your DLL won’t be loaded, so
you’ll see the breakpoints as hollow circles with ! on them, but, when you
call any of the native functions in your DLL, the DLL will be loaded (it’s
not loaded on startup), and the breakpoints will be set.


来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20191024/1920717.html