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linux – 安全补丁上的自动内核重新编译?


我正在使用Ubuntu 14.04并且非常喜欢我获得自动内核安全更新的事实.修补内核安全问题后,新版本将附带一个新软件包.我的计算机配置为每半小时扫描一次新的安全更新并自动安装它们.我不必看邮件列表或CVE,我得到补丁.这是一个很好的系统.







# Automated Kernel Recompilation By Avinash Shankar 
# Note: This was done under RH-7.3 so plz verify the paths
# Warning: Please run the Script under Xwindows

#going to kernel sources directory:
echo Entering Kernel Source Directory................
cd /usr/src/linux-2.4/

#Cleaning dep files and objs:
echo Cleaning up Junk files..................
make clean

#Configuring your New Kernel:
echo Entering Graphical kernel config.....................
make xconfig

#Making the dependencies files:
echo Making the dependecies ..................
make dep

#Backing up old module files
echo All your module files and system.map files backed up ................ 
mv /lib/modules/2.4.18-3/modules.dep modules.dep.old
mv /usr/src/linux-2.4/System.map System.map.old

#Make a compressed kernel:
echo Compressing the kernel image ..............................................
make bzImage

#Copy the Image to /boot directory
echo Copying the bzImage to /boot Directory......................................................
cp /usr/src/linux-2.4/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot

#Make the modules :
echo Compiling the Modules ...............................
make modules

#Make the Installable modules used by the new kernel
echo Making the modules executable ...................................
make modules_install

#copy the System.map file to /boot
echo Copying System.map file to /boot ....................................
cp /usr/src/linux-2.4/System.map /boot

echo Thats it you are finished ! Cool now edit the lilo.conf or your grub.conf file
echo located in the /boot directory. Copy the kernel entries and replace kernel with
echo the bzImage file and the initrd entry with System.map


这些日子Live Kernel Patching也会让你的生活更轻松.不幸的是它仅适用于Ubuntu 16.04

Since the release of the Linux 4.0 kernel about 18 months ago, users
have been able to patch and update their kernel packages without

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190815/1662099.html